Tuesday, February 24, 2009



Anonymous said...

Whoo-hoo! Has anyone investigated Bolton's alleged sudden onset of diabetes? Bolton is hiding in Dallas, drop a couple of investigators in quietly and see what's Bolton's medical status truly is. Bolton has made too many mistakes to rake the county through the mud.....

Anonymous said...

So, how long before Tip Green has to answer for hiding those seized cars? I'm curious, but as always, that's Just Me.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a Dekalb Police Officer. But I am a Dekalb resident and one of my closest buddies is a Dekalb Police officer. So I guess that gives me the right to vent. Lol! Personally, I never liked Bolton. I thought something wasnt right about him from day 1 and I tiold my friend whom is a dekalb Officer the same thing. At 1st, he thought Bolton was a good fit for Dekalb. But as time went by, his feelings started to change. Bolton is full of sh--! I knew he was crooked when I heard about what happend when he was policing in Dallas. And despite his rocky past, Vernon jones still brought him on here to Dekalb. Probably because his ass was fowl too.They both where they belong....Out of Dekalb! bolton need to take his Gary Coleman looking ass on back to Dallas with his bullsh--t. Cause we not trying to hear it up here in Dekalb. Its messed up though. How do you explain to your future grandchildren that you got fired from 2 towns as a police chief? LOL!

Anonymous said...

if he's so innocent then why hasn't Vernon Jones come to his aid. Im sure Bolton has his phone number. Something tells me Vernon doesn't want to be dragged into this that is why he hasn't. Bolton should just give up. Your lawyer lost the fight on the Neal Street shooting do you actually think your going to win this one in the public eye.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dude...you can't blame Tip for the hidden cars. He was doing what he was told, besides the last time I checked he is just an MPO...when the hell does an MPO tell the Chief or anyone higher rank than himself..."I know you told me to do that but I don't think so", the next time your supervisor gives you an order I want you to tell him to go and stick it!!! I'm sure that would go over like a turd in a punch bowl....I'm curious are you just an idiot...or are you just a douche bag...probably both, but that's just me.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Ellis Bolton is off the Dekalb County Police website....

Anonymous said...

Now Now brown cow, cant we all just get along.
This is truly a sad day for Dekalb, for who will I talk about now that Tebo and VJ are gone. I think im going to need therapy. Just how many free visits do I get oh yea 13. Then im going to start my FMLA paper work and take a vacation maybe to Dallas.
Cant help but wonder what ol Flimsiter and Graham are thinking right now, I bet there drunk asses are sitting back laughing. Well I guess I will have to focus my attetion on all the lame ducks that came from Atlanta. You guys should probably start packing up you offices as well, and yes I do blame you as well. You had to have known or as a judge would say "should have known" that you were dealing with a criminal your cops for gods sake. You should be ashamed to call yourselves officers for you are supposed to stand up for what is wrong but instead you just collected a big ol fat paycheck.
Rock on Chief O'Brien!

Anonymous said...

You know...I hate to keep harping about the procedure for FMLA - but, it's pretty complicated. AND - if your employer disagrees with the individual's doctor about the diagnosis - the employer has the right to send the individual to a doctor of the employer's choice to confirm the diagnosis. Imagine sending TeBo to our county doctor. FMLA sounds like it protects the employee - but, it has a ton of loopholes in order to protect the employer's interest...or, as someone noted earlier...all rotten employees would be screaming "FMLA". TeBo evidently likes being embarrassed in public.

Anonymous said...

To the previous poster using, ALL CAPS on the internet is the same as SHOUTING or SCREAMING in public, you have a valid point of opinion, but you don't have to SCREAM it! Intimidation by all caps does not work on the internet and you look juvenile for using it.
It doesn't take a genius to understand what Bolton has done and Ellis strikes me as someone who knows how to handle legal BS from Bolton and his attorney.
Go Ellis! Hire O'Brien!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I think we all need to type in caps where Bolton is concerned. He's done so much damage in DeKalb and continues his madness. Whaa-whaa, I'm a victim. I'm still the police chief. CRAZY!

Anonymous said...

I've heard grumbling since Bolton was terminated over the cost of fighting legal battles - even from people who are glad to have him gone.

However, I think that is being really short sited. Above and beyond Bolton's $160K+ salary he cost us dearly in comp time, loss of good officers (and above), damaged our county's image...who wants to move to DeKalb now with all the negative press? Or what person going into law enforcement wants to come to DeKalb? He also cost us a lot of money traveling back and forth between Texas and DeKalb on the taxpayer dime for meetings. AND...let's not forget he was probably the main person behind the many $49,999 contracts with his buddy Lee P. Brown.

As a citizen I think we are going to save huge sums of money now that Bolton isn't in our wallets all the time.

Anonymous said...

O'Brien chief and Tom Whittington asst.Chief. The enforcer
.( Hey buddy come to my office asap)

Anonymous said...

As a law abiding citizen, I surely hope this improves officer's morale - because I've come across some darn hostile DeKalb police officers in the last year or so. I understand that you hated your boss and your jobs - but to take it out by acting "tough" to the very folks you supposedly protect is not right. Maybe you can use some group therapy to find your respect for ordinary citizens and treat us nicely. We don't all carry concealed weapons or are secretly drug lords. Heck - I go to my local grocery store and the off duty officer there can never seem to put down his cell phone long enough to even acknowledge people who come in the store.

Gwinnett cops can show you how - they are pretty gracious.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Don Frank should do a lot of the answering for this. Tip was just a pawn, but to address your puerile attempt at insulting me....

I must confess that I am both an idiot and a douche bag who has read the employee manual. I guess it's too much for me to expect of an officer to have the moral fortitude to at least make known to someone that the Chief is ordering him to do something that stinks to high heaven??? Read your employee manual about unlawful orders. In this instance, whomever was involved could have hid the cars and then done the right thing.

I would like to think that I (and hopefully you, too)would have the balls to stand up to anyone in this department that is doing wrong. But, that is Just Me.

Also, a lot of us around here have this little sensor in our gut that goes off when something isn't right. When that happens, a person with moral convictions will typically alert someone to the problem or maybe research the legality of the order (if time permits)to see what the next step should be. If, in fact, the order is illegal then that person who is doing the right thing makes it known to those who can fix the problem. Retribution by the people you are telling on is illegal.

Unfortunately, your common sense gut sensor has yet to develop or maybe you were born without one. It happens and, unfortunately, doctors have yet to develop a procedure to give you one (although I did hear that a team of Swiss scientists are quite close to a breakthrough, so there is still hope for you). When you dry off behind the ears and some of that green wears off you might understand. But, yet again, that is Just Me.

P.S. I love the anonymous name calling. Are you 12? Seriously.

P.S.S. I am perturbed that you tried to steal my tag line. I am Just Me. You can be Just You. I would change my name to the Great Compromiser, but it's already taken.

Anonymous said...

Frankly, the name calling is beneath you both.

I would just like to address the poster who is "the real Just Me". I take from the start of this blog that officers, even with good morals and judgements did not feel that they could act without retribution, illeagal or not. My point is it seems like there's enough blame to go around about "coulda, woulda, shoulda". Quit the infighting, get behind the acting (hopefully only for a short time) Chief O'Brien and get your arses in gear to do what it is you signed on to do.

Us citizens are out there supporting you. Help us help you.

Anonymous said...

YES I AM SCREAMING ABOUT THE STUPIDITY OF BOLTON AND YES I AM TIRED OF IT........IT IS VERY FUSTRATING TO WITNESS SUCH A CLASSLESS IDIOT DO THE THINGS HE HAS DONE....YES I AM SCREAMING..........I HAVE WORKED HARD MY WHOLE CAREER TO PROJECT A POSITIVE AND PROFESSIONAL IMAGE OF A POLICE OFFICER in Dekalb AND WE HAVE IDITS LIKE TEBO RUIN OUR YEARS OF PROGRESS. To the poster that stated that we hated our jobs..u are wrong we never hated our jobs we disliked the political crap that was taking place. Also while I am here maybe someone needs to provide that AJC writer with the information of how TEBO moved committed hard working people to A/C and Crossing Guard.Lets see how he spins those facts. But I have had a few sessions with our county psch so I promise to stop screaming............lollllllllllllll

Anonymous said...

Man - are you the one who pulled me over? You just proved my point for me.

I get the fact that all you cops are angry and frustrated, but I'm just saying that you're not treating the people like you should. Hopefully that will get better if you get a working environment that supports you more. I'm just sayin' it's like when some dads get frustrated at work and come home and take it out on the wife and kids. You all have been doing that to the people.

Time to rise above it.