Thursday, March 4, 2010

Since When Is It The Police Role To Conduct A Census Count?

Is DeKalb County a police state?

In times of layoffs and furloughs, we are being forced to participate in counting illegal aliens. We should be rounding them up and shipping them back to where they illegally came from.

Click here for AJC article


Anonymous said...

This should sit well with the anonymous poster who was complaining about not seeing PD in his/her neighborhood.

We're not patrolling your neighborhood because officers are busy writing tickets, escorting census caravans, and providing security for the the Maloof building and the BOC meetings.

Anonymous said...

Anyone wanna bet that North Pct is the main focus of the 3 sweeps?

Anonymous said...

When the politicians need money, that's when.

You guys must be pretty dense. I figured given the recent history of the dept you guys would have figured this out.

If a politician needs to be driven around (or have his kids watched, or gas up his wife's car) then it's your job.

After all you're here to protect and serve (those in power), right?

JimmyD said...

"Stokes said she is trying to let undocumented residents know they can participate in the census without fear of being arrested or deported. "

By having police lead a caravan of government workers through the neighborhood????
Those folk's will think it's a roundup, and you won't see them for six months....

Given that the end result is more money for a cash strapped county, I don't see helping out as a problem, but it can't be a primary responsibility.

Anonymous said...

Why do they need police escort in low end neighborhoods? Fear of being some type victim of a crime.

When we are talking budget money,the police have to support a census count.

Anonymous said...

Want to save money cut the CEO staff to what it was before Vernon was in place. Turn in the SUV's and learn to drive yourself to work.

Hire a civilian driver put that officer back on the street.

Budget cuts Budget cuts all we hear.

He needs to start with own office.

Anonymous said...

This article states we (POLICE) are simply escorting 3 caravans into neighborhoods. They will be doing the counting not us. Lets not twist the truth besides, if we gonna complain about not having money this census count can bring millions to the county. There is 400 billion dollars available from the feds. I don't see anything wrong with bringing free money to the county. It helps us all. Must be a slow news week for you blog master.

Slamin Ethel said...

You know I spoke with Ol Ethel this morning on this subject.
Now according to an old senile post menopasual woman this is never a good idea.
If for instance you want an accurate count of illegal immigrants just go down to your local jail.
Or I would suggests for example just drive down Buford Hwy.
Personnaly this is a waste of police officers time baby sitting cenus personel.
Why not just ask the local police officer he can tell you who lives in the neighborhood.
Now I would like to continue my rant but Ethel awaits her morning smack down!

DKPDWhippingboy said...

Why is it that we're the first ones they look at when it's time for a funding cut, but when they need something done that they feel they cannot do themselves, again we're the first ones they come to. Sorry, we can't help you count all the illegal immigrants that you failed to deport from our jail and allow to be a drain on our society and our pockets, we're too busy running call to call because you've retired all our veterans, and replaced them with....oh wait you haven't replaced them. It may help you budget right now, but you've basically put a band-aid on a bullet wound. You continue to cut our funding and force more people out the door (either retirement or other departments) yet you expect us to jump at your every call. You can only beat a dog so long until it fights back!!

Anonymous said...

It's a shame that I.C.E. won't be there.

Anonymous said...

you know what this is a great idea if they force us to be apart of this I say we babysit them while in the hood and once they leave pull in ICE buses and start rounding them up. cause we can't just pass up law breakers can we now we would not be doing our job

Anonymous said...

But who is going to pick the strawberries?

Anonymous said...

We have done this fot over 20 years.

Anonymous said...

O'brien what have you done for us lately????????

Anonymous said...

Good LORD. I really really try to be positive, but it's getting more and more impossible. Just when I think our BOC can't be more clueless, the NEXT story comes out. Ms. Stokes, do you REALLY think you're going to get the illegals to come out when they see POLICE CARS ???? Honestly? Taking cop cars into the areas where illegals live will only make them scatter. Wouldn't YOU?? And because YOU and the other BOC members couldn't accomplish this task successfully any other way, you're now going to take much needed patrols off the road (just so you can feel protected)?? You're all so ridiculously ignorant about what the citizens want and need, I can't even tell you how anxious I am to get to that voting booth. I don't even give a rat's behind who is running against you any more. Can't get any worse.
And btw, anything happening with Sutton???????????????????
Slamin' Ethel - please call me. I want to go on a smack down with you girlfriend.
Ima Citizen

The White House said...

Connie, you need to get Denise Majette as your campaign manager !!

She needs a job and we need the laughs...Or Sharon Barnes Sutton...Or maybe, just maybe....SHEILA EDWARDS, she communicates so well with..Oh you know what I mean !

Burrell would probably thank you

Anonymous said...

where the hell are there strawberries to be picked in dekalb county my point exactly load them up and ship them home

Anonymous said...

We wouldn't need to worry about counting them in order to get federal funding that is desired to help pay for them if we got rid of them the first moment we came across them.

Now, we it appears the BOC wants to just use them to obtain federal funding.

Selfish and conceited.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Sutton don't you realize that the Federal funding you want Dekalb to receive is our tax money. So why the hell do I want my tax dollars going to Dekalb to pay for all the goverment hand outs to the illegals? They are ILLEGAL, stop giving them our tax money through goverment programs...Let them go back to the HOMELAND to have there babies, and any other medical problems they have...Or maybe you guys should find another way to line your pockets with money, besides FEDERAL MONIES in way of grants...