Friday, July 27, 2012

And The Cover Up Begins

Looks like Stan Watson, Burrell Ellis and of course our fearless leader, "Take a Wiz" Miller are hunkered down to get their stories straight. This could get interesting.

About as interesting as the week incident.


Anonymous said...

As Decatur turns.... the soap opera continues and good officers are the one's who are usually called on to pay the price.... all accountability and responsibility lies with the sergeants and below.... white shirts are not accountable for anything.


Anonymous said...

Don't blame the white shirts for this one, that's what the politicians want. Mark my words, the ceo and/or director will come out and say the officer failed to act. Then they'll probably make it Obriens fault somehow. Wouldn't suprise me if they make this the reason he will be fired/forced to retire after the election. All the while we all know the real truth.

If you have an ounce of integrity who in the hell would ever want the chief's job. Obrien didn't even want it but it was forced on him after the TeBo fiasco. DeKalb, you deserve better then these POS politicians you've been voting for!

Anonymous said...

This "white shirt" says, mr Watson would have been 10-15 and would have notified the command staff while he was enroute. There is no policy saying I need to clear an arrest of a politician through my chain.

Anonymous said...

Come on people.... this is DEKALB.... by next week, this story will be old news and a non-issue.

It will follow the path of least resistance and go away... see the freeing of a code 4 commish for the coming story line.

Slamin Ethel said...

Listen you pathetic morons, it's real simple I have read the report and it clearly says that OB turned on his recorder.
So be patient and rest assured there is video of this incident, that will come out.
The truth shall set us free!!!!!, and as the late great Rodney said "Cant we all just get along"
Well Rodney the answer is no, no we cannot.Ohh and lets not forget Whitney" Crack is whack, don't smoke crack.
But fail not to remember that Ol Stan himself wants to be our CEO, and has fought for our pay raises so he says.
Perhaps he is worthy of letting go and given a free ride in order to fill my pockets with riches, ahh what am I talking about I must be sick in the head.
I believe all the blood has rushed from one head to another, I cant seem to collect my thoughts on this matter.
Stan the fat man Watson will most certainly have some explaining to do when the video comes out".

Anonymous said...

If I did have any audio/video documentation of the incident rest assured before I handed it over I would have several copies distributed to trusted parties.

Anonymous said...

It's really pathetic given the inherent risks we face naturally in this job field that we now must be on the defensive against our own department and personnel. This is no way to live and work and takes a terrible toll on you over time whether you realize it or not.

Anonymous said...

'DUE TO CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND MY CONTROL' Enough said. Is there anyone who wouldn't understand what that means. Yes news media, Watson was given the same special treatment every thug in DeKalb is afforded at the cost of the officers dignity and other law abiding citizens who mean nothing more than a vote. You kick your officers enough and they finally give up and leave, like they have been doing for YEARS. The final stages of a once great county are now happening with cities forming to flee DeKalb as fast as they can. I will say it again, Parker IS a good officer and should not be treated this way. Watson, a real leader admits his mistakes and takes his medicine, Loser.

I'm Retired said...

Every wannabe CEO has promised raises and better conditions. None have done it. He should be held accountable for his actions.

Anonymous said...

NERVE TO try and pass ordiances
AND to tell others what needs to
be corrected. Please leave quietly
when your term is up...

Andy Norris said...

As a former DKPD Officer I can honestly say "This is not the Police Department and County Officials I worked for 1987-1995" It would be a wise investment for Officers to purchase a Body Camera and Mic for their own protection.

Anonymous said...

To all DeKalb County (worthless) Commissioners:

Try to pull your shit in Henry County and you’re en route to jail. I.E. If you’re wanted, en route to jail. Your drunk (and especially) taking shit, en route to jail. If you say "I’m a DeKalb County (worthless) Commissioner"! That just might be P.C. for you to be enroute to jail.... Just saying...... "You advised if I didn't like it here, to leave, so I did". “M Gone and Happy".

Anonymous said...

News media better be asking for a copy of the video under Open Records. With Asst.Chief Holmes over Uniform Division maybe he made the call not to arrest Stan Watson. By the way - they are best friends.

Anonymous said...

Imagine being a supervisor in this shithole when at any moment your phone can ring with some dipshit on the other end expecting you to fall on the sword for them and their stupidity. It just isn't worth it folks. Freeze your pension so it becomes federally protected and GET THE FU^% OUT while you can.

Anonymous said...

To: M Gone and Happy. I don't know who you are but I like your style.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if he was dancing?

Anonymous said...

To 4:11 pm go back to working the door in front of your billards hall.

Anonymous said...

4:26pm, worry about your own precinct and stop spreading false information.

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows "circumstances beyond my control" is someone higher up (maybe Holmes) stopping the arrest and further investigation just like the weed incident. It's not the officers who stop this, it's Holmes, Wiz and Ellis. Next time, just arrest the son of a bitch and let Holmes figure out then.

Anonymous said...

Many moons ago when we were real police, the high sheriff Pat Jarvis was found driving drunk and was promptly arrested. Nothing happened to the officer. Ah the good old days when DKPD was respected and feared.

Anonymous said...

If you think the brass is going to stop you from performing your lawful duty...Don't call them and ask them what to do..J-1 that ass, transport that ass, and watch the cell close. Then and only then you call a supervisor and advise him of your actions...enough said, job done, perp where he or she belongs...

Anonymous said...

It appears that this all stemmed from some illegal dancing at the club that night. If only DeKalb would enforce the no dancing permits this would all have been avoided. I hear that there is a certain Sgt. at Tucker precinct that can handle all of the illegal dancing complaints in the county. He really is the best Officer that has ever walked amongst us and he deserves the respect of all. The Chief needs to let him head up an undercover operation codenamed "Operation FootLoose".

He is a his own eyes at least.