Tuesday, September 11, 2012
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This blog page was established so DeKalb County Police Officers including their family and friends may have a place to hold discussions, post news and vent without fear of retribution.
Pray for the families and friends of those who were lost that day, as they still suffer today.
There are still people suffering physically and there are people that are dying as a result of the exposure to toxins in the aftermath of the attacks that we need to keep in our thoughts and prayers as well.
I'm proud to be an American and I DO NOT APOLOGIZE for being an American or for being a proud American . God Bless us all....and God Bless the USA.
-Anon 1118
Check out this link
Its about the bus drivers in this county unifying before the DeKalb School Board on pay and benefits
Bus Drivers are unifying more than we are. Thought posting this article may help motivate the police to start doing the same
Pearl Harbor day and every news cast mentions the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor, but Americans can't mention the Muslim attack on this Country that occurred on 9/11/2011. Guess the Muslims are more sensitive than the Japanese.
I agree that the statement sounds like you are trying to blame all Muslims for the attack. While that may not be the case, it is still nonetheless disturbing, considering you claim to be a police officer.
2:43 - wish I had your badge number, cuz you SCARE me, and I want to avoid you, even though i'm a white female.
I'm with 6:20. I did 8 tours to the ME so I dealt with a few Muslims here and there... I agree, Muslims attacked. It is a perfect use of a generalization.
To Dj:
I agree people shouldn't be painted with a broad brush, however, you don't see us Americans protesting in the streets and burning cars just because someone, somewhere, drew a cartoon of God. I don't think most of those that protested about the cartoon were extremists. There is a measure before the UN now to make blasphemy against the prophet an international crime with severe penalties. I don't recall there being a similar crime in place for blasphemy against God.
I think most muslims overseas do not care to be our friends, nor are all of them extremists. But, you hear very few muslims pubicly condemning the attacks on Americans.
8:43 et al.:
Can you guys help me figure out how many of the groups mentioned in this link are Muslim? TIA!!!
I guess the Christians and Timothy McVeigh attacked the federal building in Oklahoma too!
Ok, maybe the title sounds too all inclusive, but lets analyze some facts here.
In case you haven't noticed, we are at war with many muslims right now.
-Our embassy was taken over by a group of Muslims on 9/11/2012. A day that 11 short years ago was the day that over 3000 AMERICANS WERE SLAUGHTERED. Coincidence? I think not. Americans were killed and an Al Queda flag was raised in place of ours after it was burned. The news said it was because of a movie trailer on youtube, a movie trailer that did not just appear on 9/11/2012. Its been out on the internet. The first thing our government did was apologize for any perceived religious intolerance that may have been depicted against muslims. Condemnation of the violent actions by the attackers was mentioned last. Not a shock considering that our President went on an apology tour in the middle east the second he came into office. Iran's president is going to be permitted to go to NYC to go to the UN in NYC. This man has expressed desires to start wars with nuclear weapons against Israel and its allies. Too bad Giuliani is not the NYC mayor right now. He told Arafat that he would not be permitted into NYC at all when he wanted to go to the UN. Giuliani was someone not afraid to be politically incorrect.
Political correctness made Major Nadal Hassan's attack of Ft Hood possible. All the warning signs were there for a while but our govt did not want to do anything because of a possible perceived bias against Muslims. The attack was domestic terrorism by a muslim extremist but our govt and president refused and still refuse to call it just exactly what it was.
Watch the videos from 11 years ago of Americans being killed or having to dive out of an 85th floor window of the twin towers. Look at France a couple of years ago when there were riots in Paris for a month. The French showed more than enough tolerance to the large illegal population of muslims in their country and city. Look what it got em. The Holy Book of Islam calls for violence against all non believers AKA INFIDELS amd we have been seeing for decades just how seriously to heart this message is taken.
Not all muslims are terrorists. Maybe the title goes to far...Those that are so offended, ask yourself this question. When these muslim extremist attacks have occurred over the past years and decades throughout the world, how many muslims did your hear jumping up and down about condemning the violent actions committed by muslim extremists ? The answer. HARDLY ANY ! So why should you be so offended?
10:56pm, nope, Americans don't burn cars when someone draws God. They do that when they're the college football team loses, or they're favorite NBA team.
Religion is not parallel to race. There are Muslims of many races, while one race can follow any religions. Muslims do share a common book of doctrine which entails killing infadels, lying to progress the faith, and world domination. Christians have a sordid past which we are not proud of and our factions of nutjobs, but our Book says thou shalt not kill, and thou shalt not bear false witness. Clearly if many don't seem to want to trust Christian leaders who are supposed to promote life and honesty (and fail miserably), how can you trust a religious group who promotes lying and killing?
This world cannot stand anylonger, there is so much racial divide and hatred among us it is sickining.
The end is near prepare yourselves for another Civil War.
This will be our demise, I am preparing accordingly, even this county is so divided that just being around each other here is more than I can stomach.
THANK YOU !!!! DJ !!!
The OBVIOUS race-bating post is NOT necessary. It does nothing but perpetuate hatred amongst the various types of people who make up America!
This has NOTHING to do with apologizing for being American! The obvious ARROGANCE is what keeps this country divided and a target for hostile nations.
Considering that the demographics of this country is changing EVERYDAY...you might want to start treating people who are different from you....more kindly, as you will soon be the minority!
LISTEN... We gave peace a chance and these people continue to harbor these thugs within their own ranks. Birds of a feather flock together. If US soldiers sacrifice their lives for YOUR democracy and the thanks we get is your citizens raping then killing our diplomats then guess what, time to wipe the slate clean and start anew with a decent society and culture. Get it together and clean your own house or suffer the consequences. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH...
If I were President I would have launched missiles faster than Jesse Jackson disarms the spell check on his phone.
HAHAHA Jesse Jackson... How many extramarital illegitimate kids is he up to now?
14I have to say that this is a bit too much..I am a muslim and a DKPD officer. I hate terrorists just as much as anyone but I hate even more when someone calls me a terrorist. I have and always will put my life on the line for any officer regardless of race or religion. Next time you call for back up just remember that there might be a muslim wearing the same patch as you going 10-18 risking his/her life coming to you so that we can all go home tohether to our families. Just saying.
913pm...I'm a smart assed white boy and I agree with you and others do also. Lumping all people in on catagory is not right.
I tought this site was where we could talk about the problems we are having in the department. When did we start taking cheap shots at each other. WE are Police Officer and we took an oath to protect and serve. Enough with the racist crap and calling all muslims terrorists. I know that when I get a call or when I need backup, the last thing on my mind is, is the person I am helping or the person coming to help me white, black or muslim. We face terrorist everyday on the streets who wouldnt think twice about killing us just to get out of a ticket and if we dont stop this crap between us we don't stand a chance.
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