Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Well, This Should Be Interesting

We don't enforce land use? Well what about the Vice and Permits Unit, what do they do? See how many stripper permits they can issue in a day? It's called PERMITS. Pick up a county code book every now and then would you? Wiz Miller is exhausting.


Anonymous said...

Nothing new. Before Chamblee annexed the area along Savoy Drive / 285, there would be DeKalb officers, in uniform pulling security at Club Mist.

Totally illegal club that did not even have a pouring permit and stayed open until 5:30. It was shut down by Chamblee when they took jurisdiction.

Point is that most of the officers that I have observed care more about the money than the oath that they took or the badge that they wear. Willing to look the other way for $$$$$.velogG

Anonymous said...

This has already been brought to the attention of the former Chief of Police, Vice, Zoning, Fire Department, and Business Licensing. The problem is you have these Pool Halls that are not licensed properly and are operating as night clubs. EL Ocho, LuLu Billiards should be two of the first to go. However payoffs and bribes continue to get in the way of these places being thoroughly investigated. It will be very interesting to see what is done now as this issue comes up once again. Hopefully now that we have a new Interim Chief something will be done.

Anonymous said...

I'm curious to know who is the department contact/coordinator for these part times.

Anonymous said...

What's really going on is that ur picking on clubs that cater to Hispanics and trying to push them out. Go to south side it's the same way but your not doing anything about that and putting it on the news. If your doing a story then maybe u need to digg a little deeper say south side and center precinct and those other clubs that cater to hip hop industry. But of course I haven't seen the news update yet so my other comments are reserved for now.

Anonymous said...

This is such a joke. I have bigger things to worry about than whether or not some Mexicans are dancing next to a pool table.

Anonymous said...

TO Annon: NOV.6 4:00PM***

I'm in Atlanta PD, we tried to co-ordinate several extra jobs together with ATL/DKPD that were on the line where the race entered and left each jurisdiction. We were told after talking to Gale Karabacha in Special Operations that she was the county cordinator for all extra jobs in Dekalb. She was very specific about that when talking to my Lt. We thought there were others but we also see she does all the road races over in Dekalb. She is the one that gets all the brass on those jobs according to my contacts and what I see when I get caught in the road closures.

I talked to a few of my buds and they say if you piss her off.... you're not invited to work anymore of those jobs....at all. In Atlanta we have a seperate office that handles the extrajobs with a Lt. , two Sgt.'s & a few officers that actually serve as investigators to make sure it is done by the numbers on the paper work and loctions....I guess she handles it over there. My Lt. sent her a few e-mails about using her county lap top for extra job notifications and citied state law about the conflicts.

Get in touch with her.....we were told she was the one in charge of ALL extra's in Dekalb.

Anonymous said...

Hell, leave the bars and pool halls alone. That's the majority of the business tax base that is left in Dekalb Co after our BOC lost Dunwoody and Brookhaven. God bless the BOC and all Democrats in our new third world gimme, gimme, gimme population. Socialism rules now.

Anonymous said...

If I see a Mexican dancing in a pool hall, what code section do I cite them with?? If I see a bar that doesn't have a kitchen, what code section do I cite them with??

Anonymous said...

To 0159 you cite them out of the county ordinances. Maybe some training is in order on the county ordinances. Yes we are sworn to enforce all state and LOCAL codes when we take our oath. It is clear that the money form these jobs interferes with the ability to enforce the rules. No one monitors payments or time. What about the Sgt. who posts units in the parking lot at Lu Lu while 10-8 so that they can provide services to the two clubs there. Everyone knows that these owners feel that they have PD in their pockets when they provide cash jobs, free meals, and catered Christmas parties to entire units. Permits and vice know and have known all about these clubs for years but chose to look the other way. When county officials come to inspect a club and the officer at the doors runs interference there is definitely a conflict. To the question of them providing revenue you are correct but they pay much less tax as a restaurant than a night club. This was all over the blog before and no one working J2 bothered to walk in and look at the permits where they were working? They only came on here and yelled that these places were legit and it was someone disgruntled whining.

Anonymous said...

APD Dude,
Gail Karabaika (sp) only does the part time requests that come into Special Operations. Since she has been there for like a million years, the powers that be gave it to her. Besides, giving the cream of the part times to the Brass has kept her in a cush spot and off the street for those million years. Most officers hunt up and arrange their own extra jobs...they don't go through Special Ops.

Anonymous said...

10:07 am, cite them with a county ordinance? Thank you Sgt Obvious! Why don't you fill us all in on what ordinances those might be?! If we see people dancing, what do we cite for?

Anonymous said...

To the commenter crying foul that they are targeting Hispanic clubs, I haven't seen many Hispanics in The Mansion or Mint. Looks pretty even to me. You are probably the same one whom defends these Hispanic clubs on your part time and then wears out the Hispanics on Buford Hwy and Shallowford Rd. each day to make your numbers. Yes, you are correct that these unpermitted clubs or incorrectly permitted clubs are all over DeKalb County.

Anonymous said...

@anon 10:07 Has any of this been proved? You sure seem to know a lot. It seem's as if you have a personal vendetta against a business owner. Would he not let you work a part time job for him? If not shut the hell up and move on. Im tired of hearing you wine about lulu billiards. We have much bigger problems in the county to deal with then dancing at lulu!

Anonymous said...

Wiz is right. PD doesn't enforce land use permits.

Anonymous said...

The commission should clean up the ordinances. They are confusing and to open to interpretation. The police department has been pointing out the problems for years, the north precinct has continually cited the clubs but the commissioners and the executive branch have done little enhance the pd’s enforcement measures. It's the police who call out the fire marshal. A call after midnight we might get a fire marshal by 4am after the clubs close, code enforcement after hours; never. Go back to training up the pd on code enforcement and empower the fire captain to write their tickets.
@ November 6, 2012 2:34 PM ….The club on Savoy Dr had an expired state license-expired Dec 31 and they were not required to renew til April. Chamblee accompanied the state tax officer before the renewal date while the state seized their expired state license. The club chose not to renew after annexation; place has been vacant since. BTW, who used to work that extra job? Instead of most officers NOT caring I think it's a much smaller group of officers who have looked the other way!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @10:07 I agree with you whole heartedly! This dance of the devil has to stop! Have you seen what they look like when they dance? It's appalling, they look like a flock (or whatever its called) of penguins swaying to and fro! Sometimes they even take their cowboy hats off and throw them up in the air and scream, it's like some sort of sick mating ritual happening right there in front of your very eyes! Playing pool and dancing inside the same establishment, it's madness I tell you!!!! What will happen next? When you combine billiards, dancing, and booze, it may lead to fornication! They might not even wait until they get home before they start touching each other in ways that would make you want to vomit your free meal onto their over sized cowboy boots! The streets of DeKalb County will be flooded with the unwanted offspring of these people that have come to a new land with the sole purpose of violating every single county ordinance they can!

Anonymous said...

I heard the person complaining about these clubs blocked officers at the door and tried to stop them from inspecting the club he works at. Any truth to that? It came from a pretty reliable source.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah your so right about meI defend Hispanics working the night clus and make my stats off Buford and shallowford. For your info I don't work bars and night clubs or work on north I was making a comment off the first video I didn't see the second one I'm intitled to make my opinion just like everybody else. But it's sad that things are only done when it makes the news.

Anonymous said...

Face it guys, residents that live around the clubs don't like the late night noise. Many of you are upset because you fear losing that cash. I would also assume most of you have never checked their permits because it didn't cross your minds. I know I wouldn't have. Now we know the issues, so fix the problem. All I see is bitching because of the complaint about the north side club. The only reason attention has been brought there because a citizen had to reach out to the media because this pathetic county wouldn't do anything about it. The county wants to raise money, have those code enforcement people working eves and nights when restaurants and clubs are running. They think violations happen only from 9-5? Off the subject since the county wants to generate income, how about charging $50 a month to all residents where we respond to alarm calls. If they don't pay, we don't respond. That could be done through the alarm companies.

Anonymous said...

More annexations coming, cities will expand or new ones will continue to form and actually do some police work and clean up their streets.

Keep humping calls and working off duty jobs at clubs owned by cartel money launderers and dope dealers!

Anonymous said...

Its true, Sgt Shover who has been the driving force behind this issue attempted to stop North side officers from entering "el Tenapa" where he was working his part time to handle a narcotics complaint. He only moved aside after Lt Covington ordered him to do so or he would take administrative action towards him. Sgt Shover also was the one who went to the county and pulled the permits and licenses for rival clubs, don't believe me.. Go pull the Internal Affairs packet on him its open records and is in black and white

Anonymous said...

@ anon 12:01 the news said in the video the complaint come from FED UP OFFICERS not neighbors of these late night establishments.

Anonymous said...

Well that puts things in a different light now doesn't it!

"Investigate those clubs! They're dancing in there! Oh my God! But you stay away from my club, where they are dealing drugs, and no you can't come in here to investigate it, I won't let you!"

Did he really think people wouldn't figure out what he was up to?

Anonymous said...

Blog master you should be careful about allowing posts on here with false information slandering Officers. A Sergeant mentioned here has received threats towards his family and himself. I know he wouldnt bring that up but I feel I need too. The intent of the news report to show that there are several businesses in the County that are operating outside the guidelines of their license.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the yearly tax dollar amount that Jones and Ellis and the BOC lost for Dekalb co when they lost Dunwoody (Perimeter Mall et al) and Brookhaven due to refusing to govern the entire county fairly? I know an old retired North pct morning watch Lt that would have knocked that Sgt on his ass if he blocked the door of a bar the MW was trying to expect.

Anonymous said...

What part of the allegations against him were false? Before you go saying people are making false allegations, you should make sure you're not doing it yourself.

Anonymous said...

@anon 6:49 am I highley doubt he has received threats from a pool hall because they can't dance there! Is there any prof to this? I would like to see it!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to laugh when FBI nabs one of these stupid corrupt DKPD supervisors who are protecting night clubs owned by money launderers and drug dealers.

Anonymous said...

Anon 838.....I may have misread, but does it truly matter where the complaints came from? Wiz got caught without a good answer which is another example of the incompetence in the daily government's operations.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of slander, two of the officers shown in this news story don't work for any of the clubs in question.

Anonymous said...

Hey can anyone explain to me why we have not seen anything on this blog about the "acting" Police Chief? I would have thought that would have been top news somewhere....

Anonymous said...

Channel 2 should have done more digging into the person making this complaint to see what his true motivation was for bringing it up. Why would someone who works in Tucker Precinct care so much about what goes on in North Precinct? Are we supposed to believe he just cares that much about the whole county? There isn't enough in Tucker to keep him busy, he has to keep tabs on what is going on in another precinct? He's the knight riding in on a white horse exposing wrong doing in the county, like pool halls letting people dance! What did he do at his part time job in North Precinct when morning watch showed up to investigate a drug complaint? He blocked the door! Look at what those clubs are doing with their "illegal dancing" but don't come in here and check for drug dealers! Is he really trying to expose wrong doing, or is he trying to make things difficult for the competition of his part time employer?

Anonymous said...

Officers working the clubs does benefit the police department. Officers are required to handle calls for service that occur out or inside the club. This allows the patrol units to handle 911 calls for service. All precincts are usually busy on weekend nights and going to take a report for thefts, drunkeness, assaults, or disorderly behavior at these clubs takes us away from patrol activity for serious crimes such as robbery, burglaries, and major assaults. Code enforcement should change their hours and work weekends to address the issues regarding permit violations. You have no way of knowing if dancing in the club is allowed by examining the business license or alcohol permit. A light night establishment permit only tells you that they can stay open past 12:30 am. Only Decatur has access to these files. Police dept. is too busy to worry about dancing in the clubs.

Anonymous said...

Whats sad is somebody has no idea what they are talking about. I have been to some of these so called catered Christmas party's with my unit. WE HAVE ALWAYS PAID! ASK ANY MEMBER OF THE SWAT TEAM!In ten years of service I have eaten at the restaurants that gives so called free meals twice. I never got one! We always paid! Over half the part time jobs in Dekalb are cash money if not most people would not work them. We get screwed by the BOC enough!

Anonymous said...

SO you're saying you cheat on your taxes via "cash jobs"? How honorable...

Anonymous said...

Why not cheat on taxes..I'm sick and tired of paying for mama's baby. I didn't screw her why should I pay for it.

Anonymous said...

So if an IRS Agent pulled your extra job requests via an audit it would all add up? Remember the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. You must OBEY the law before you can enforce it. There's nothing more pathetic than a loud mouth hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts exactly news did not enough digging. Dekalb police is not responsible for their incompetent actions when they issues permits most likely to be violated. On another thought I hear a news anchor got arrested for DUI. Wonder how that will turn out most like she will get off since no test was done.

Anonymous said...

1209am, shitty source. It was a shitty source, not shitty sources. This is all coming from one disgruntled person trying to get rid of the competition for his part time employer.

Anonymous said...

To the SWAT member, if you always pay then maybe you should inform the management to quit bragging that they only hire Strike Force for part time and that they don't have to worry with DKPD. Your own employer may be your greatest enemy unknowingly! That might be why you guys guard the part time request for this particular company so close.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

FYI SWAT/STRIKE FORCE do not work at lulu billiards or Noa Noa so what are you talking about! You should do some research before you try and make people look bad! What can strike force do to help them anyways? Every restaurant I eat at I pay for my food. As far as I know no member of strik force works for any Hispanic clubs! Now that I look back it seems you do have a personal vendetta against a business owner. Is he the real problem or is it YOU!

Anonymous said...

I'm not on swat. I don't care if someone only hires swat. If it bothers you that much, try out of for swat. Everyone who has a good part time job is protective of it. That's just the way it is. Please get a life.