Sunday, March 3, 2013

Open Comments


Lamar said...

Divide and conquer. That's the agenda here in the Dekalb Co Police Dept.... did you hear me!!!

Divide & CONQUER!!!!

It's absolutely ridiculous at the back stabbing approach that's taking place among officer's. Why are we trying to beat up on each other when the problem is not your fellow officer but the politicians in Decatur....listen up guys & gals...we are to each other strength if we can become united. It's gotten completely out of hand all the name calling and bitching about who has what and whose doing what...this crap is like a bunch of kindergartener's out on the playground pointing fingers and calling for the teacher...I thought that we were all adults here.

We all have a job function here and they're all different. Quite naturally most officer's think that their particular job function is most important. Well listen up, they're all equally important and thank you for doing what you're doing. Instead of cutting each other down how about pulling each other together and let's do what we can to improve the real problems around this place.....There is no way in hell that we are ever going to get another pay increase if we don't start showing up in numbers at these BOC meetings now that's a fact. So if you're happy sitting behind that computer typing anonymously making what you're making and putting down fellow officer's who are busting their asses trying to survive and support a family then go right have become part of the problem. All I can say to you is GROW UP!! You're being so juvenile.

Honestly do you really think that all your name calling and finger pointing is productive...I never thought that I'd see the once Top Rated Police Dept in the Nation become this...its depressing.

Anonymous said...

just want to state again how much i love this job! by my friday i cant wait to be off, but by my monday i cant wait to get back to work. putting on this uniform is an honor, as is working with all of you. does the department have problems? yes. can they be fixed, hell yes. it starts with each and every one of us re-committing ourselves to doing our best, every time we step out of the door. we are the department, and we control our own destiny. want this department to be the best? than we need to committ to ourselves and eachother to be the very best. it starts and ends with us. i will say it again, i will split the doors of hell to come to your side, should it be needed. we are officers, we are brothers and sisters. do great work!

Anonymous said...

Granted, what the very first blogger said is basically true to a degree.

Looking at these blogs is a way of letting off steam from within. This might save one from getting ulcers.

The subject of pay raises is on everyone's mind, and the future will be having a raise or two coming down the pike. An employer has to give raises (no matter how small) in order to at the very least, keep employees. Forget those assholes at the top who are being investigated or indicted, as their working relationship with the county will end soon.

One must have hope in either staying on or looking elsewhere. Either way, you (the employee) are in control.

Expressing one's self isn't about complaining or cutting down a fellow worker, it is keeping the feeling working. No ONE PLACE IS UTOPIA. Bad apples are everywhere.

Keep your mind, your work ethics, your strength, your common sense, and most important, your integrity up to the highest standards and you will alright.

Class of '99 said...

For the record it is called a difference of opinion. People in the same religion, political party and race argue with each other. So I say that to say. asking people to stop arguing with each other is a mute request. You are better off asking for peace in the middle east. Personally i like the difference of opinion. It shows we are not a bunch of robots.

Anonymous said...

*Clap*Clap* @ 3/3/12 @ 11:56pm.
Google what NYPD when their higher up tried that divide and conquer method..........Uniform mysteriously all got sick and getting what they wanted was the cure. Ha!

Lamar said...

Class of 99,
You obviously haven't been reading the comments directed at SWAT, TAC, CID, Major White, etc, etc. Those comments are in no way a difference of opinion, but rather down right malicious in nature.

I am definitely one who believes in the philosophy that we can agree to disagree but personally making judgmental attacks that are out of line and unnecessary is dividing this dept and what is the productivity in doing that. It's childish at best like I said earlier.

I can't imagine how in any way that garbage being spewed can be confused as a difference of opinion...maybe we can do lunch and I'll explain..

Vice President-DKPD-Anti Fecal Matter Campaign said...

Can we just get some freakin soap to wash our hands in the bathrooms at 34? Honestly thats all Im asking for. Its been weeks now! Oh and who ever clogged up the "Superior Officer" bathroom at old 34, you are disgusting and fowl! WTF did you eat, the entire middle east? Also the toilet seat on the second floor next to records room needs to be replaced due to some fat ass breaking it in half. That is all, thank you.

Anonymous said...

March 4 9:40 must be a rookie .... I remember those days... I was having so much fun, I looked forward to work. Now, my Monday begins the countdown of days until I'm off again.

With all the second guessing and the white shirts covering their asses instead of standing with their officers and detectives, the fun gone. The calling and honor is it's a shrinking paycheck.... we've been reduced to clock watchers who punch the clock, do their jobs and try to steer clear of the white shirts an IA detectives who don't remember what policing is at the street level.

LoFlyer said...

Thanks Lamar! Well said and thought out.
Best regards,

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:39

I have no problems with SWAT, TAC or CID. I don't think White or Yarbrough belong in CID because neither of them have ever worked in CID and they know nothing about it.At least White is not crazy as hell. I will give you that. I guess that is only an opinion and I hope I did not hurt your feelings.

Anon 7:35

Dude, you made me laugh! One of the reasons I read this blog is for funny post like yours. When times are tough a little humor is a good thing. I may have to go by "Old 34" and check out that bathroom for myself. I need to make sure that what you said is fact rather than just your opinion.

Anonymous said...

i love how every time i post something positive, the immediate response is "you must be a rookie!" i will repeat my earlier response, i am new (3 years) at this job, but i am no rookie at life. i will never be ashamed of being new, everyone was new, at some point. also, new blood is the future of the department, its the future of any organization. in my 40 years on this earth, the hardest lesson ive learned is that we control ourselves, we are responsible for our attitudes, not outside circumstances and other people. as ive said, is the department going through hard times and being somewhat dysfunctional? yes. does it mean it will always be that way? no. most importantly, will i let that get me down? hell no, not now, not ever. i am the captain of my ship, i decide what winds will fill my sails and which course i will follow! so again, i challenge each and every one of you, to do your best, be your best, each and every day. be safe an do good work!

Anonymous said...

The new Chief is a member of NOBLE if you get a chance read the By Laws on there web site things that make you go hummm ?

Class of '99 said...

Yes, I agree personal attacks are not productive. Also, I have been reading the blog since it was created. I have many of friends who work in all the different areas of the department. As you have stated Lamar, "we can become united". The problem then as well as now is good old intimidation. When the "union" was in the process or forming many officers were concern. Most officers don't want or need trouble in there careers. Most just want to do their job and blend into the paint. The few that do want to stand up were crucified for it. Like the days of slavery, punish the strongest to keep the others in line. In addition, times have changed. Money is scarce and stress is all around us. From the brass wanting to keep their jobs, to Sargents concerned about rocking the boat. So officers are just adapting to what they see around them. Rookies taking over, supervisors allowing this to happen, veterans stepping out of the way because they see the writing on the wall. Newer is better. Now as far as going to meetings and having a show of force, you can forget that. As long as Georgia remains a right to work state and the appeals process for write ups remain flawed, stepping up means you better be ready to step out. Most officers dont have anything to fall back on, policing is all they have. No degrees or other skills to get another job if the fire gets too hot. Therefore, until the Brass stops stabbing the supervisors and supervisors stabbing the sgts and sgts stabbing the officers, nothing will get accomplished.

Anonymous said...

NOBLE...? Just what we need here, another separatist with an agenda to advance a particular minority (majority in Dekalb) group.

Anonymous said...

Let's talk about the Pink Elephant in the room.....

NOBLE - keep hearing that thrown around about the new chief...

IMHO....Being a member and making a big deal about your being a member of such an organization begs the question???

Are you chief for all of us or are you partial to race? Will we all be given a fair shake? Will your decisions have a race component?

He deserves a chance but, this does give officer outside the black community cause to pause and wonder.

Anonymous said...

I agree Yarbrough and White do not belong in CID and they need to go. white is just a bully and has rode every coat tail he can to get where he is and kissed every ass or stabbed anyone he had to to get promoted I can say this because I have worked beside him with him and for him. Yarbrough was hand picked by fancier and is smarter than Einstein just ask him. I agree with Lamar we need to come together but when you have supervisors who are in place who try to run this department by intimidation and having favoritism with certain officers or certain divisions then that is counter productive. The military is not perfect but at least everything is uniform you go from one base or unit to another and it is run the same way not 100 different ways or certain rules for certain people. If the requirement to be in a unit is the same for everyone then we all know what is required of us. You lead by example and by showing your troops that you are willing to stand by them and back them even if that means standing up to someone who might outrank you.

Anonymous said...

First off, NOBLE is a joke! Ask them what they did for Derwin Brown's family when they got robbed of $$ and benefits by the County on a BS technicality? That would have NEVER happened other places! Ask them what monies they raised or appropriated from one of their slush funds to help his family?

Next issue. I'm not trying to be funny or anything here but the first commenter stated that there was a time when DKPD was "top rated in the nation". When or around what year was that?

The key comment here was made via this statement:
"Anonymous said...

*Clap*Clap* @ 3/3/12 @ 11:56pm.
Google what NYPD when their higher up tried that divide and conquer method..........Uniform mysteriously all got sick and getting what they wanted was the cure. Ha!" March 4, 2013 at 2:57 PM

The "blue flu" comes about when there's a strong union in place to facilitate ORGANIZATION and a cohesion in addressing major and even minor issues that need taking care of.

Please take a moment to peruse the NYPD PBA website and become enlightened and energized in the kinds of strides we need to make and the BENEFITS that can be derived by sticking together as ONE.

Here's the NYPD's Sgt's PBA association website

Even the Lt's site is high speed

Anonymous said...

I will be very surprised if this gets posted. I have a question and I am not trying to start anything with anyone or any race of people. Why is it that we can have the UNICEF or the NBPA, or NOBLE or any other group or organization that is for black people only. What would happen if we had these same groups and it was for only white people or for only Hispanic people etc...we all want to be treated equal and looked at as equals but yet a group still wants to hold themselves out as being different or should have special rights how is this fair for everyone if some of us still have the mindset that we should be treated differently because of what our grandparents did or had to go through isn't it time to accomplish things on your own merits and not because your great grandfather lived in a different time.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:58
Based on the fact that the new Chief was seen greeting black officers and white officers differently, I don't think there's much hope of being treated equally; unfortunately, he has already made race an issue.
Is it too much to wish we could have a leader that could see past race and realize that at this point in history, continuing this divisiveness is nothing but polarizing?
I thought MLK was fighting for equal treatment for all - rather than one race being considered superior... I don't think this was what he had in mind. I hate being discriminated against simply based on the color of my skin. It's wrong- any way you pose it.

Anonymous said...

To anon 9:27 and 9:47,


How did the new chief treat people differently? This is the first I've heard of it.

Anonymous said...

Expound on different greetings from the chief.

Anonymous said...

That's weierd 9:47. Define "different"

Anonymous said...

To answer the question of when DKPD was a nationally top rated dept was during the 70's, 80's and into the mid 90's. The downward spiral started when Vernon Jones & Co forced out Chief Eddie Moody and it's been circling down the toilet ever since..

The lose of Chief Moody is when this dept changed for the worse and it has never recovered and probably never will. I'm just glad that I'm on the backside slide.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:58, can you elaborate on the below....

"Based on the fact that the new Chief was seen greeting black officers and white officers differently,"

Anonymous said...

To Poster March 6, 2013 at 9:27 AM

With regards to the question about race specific organizations and what if there were all White and Latino ones, here's your answer.

The Black ones that you speak of are very much needed and were originally born out of overt and covert discriminatory practices against them. Everything from outlandish practices in testing/study groups for supervisory exams, unfair discipline to giving officers clear and concise counsel on how to deal with illegal employment practices, retaliation etc.. against the predominant law enforcement entity that was primarily responsible for the discriminatory conduct. Just like a "union", it was (and still is) a vehicle and an outlet for officers to communicate some of the plethora of issues and ways to deal with those issues that they were made to face. It is (supposed to be but don't get started on NOBLE) a severe support function and outlet for "minority officers". For instance; Vogue, Cosmopolitan magazines etc.. featured and for the most part, still do only feature European models. With most articles from a Eurocentric point of view.

Where as Minorities are still struggling to break into those markets where they may be featured as headliners as well. So, Black people created Essence & Ebony magazines. So that others would have a chance and an equal outlet of fashion expression etc.. Years ago, and in many places to this day, Minority hiring, promotion and retention is dismal at best. So it would be nonsensical, to then have an organization representing the majority because the majority IS IN FACT damn near the entire department. They enjoy the benefits of that majority, culturally and otherwise that sometimes others can not equally enjoy.

Now, here's the caveat. There are "White" LEO organizations based more specifically on national origin. Because Just like Blacks and Latinos, all Whites are absolutely not the same.

For instance; Here's a link to the NYPD EMERALD SOCIETY

Youtube NYPD St. patricks day parade where it's their day to shine like no other. Emerald and ancient order of Hibernian societies from the entire east coast attend. It's a tradition in a "White organization" that represents a de Facto "we love the Police parade". And I can tell you first hand, It's a great time for everyone. And I do mean everyone.

There's also a Columbus association for Italians, A Viking, an Asian Jade, Jewish, Latino officer association and several others. So in essence, there are in fact "White Only" organizations that just like the "minority ones" were often born out of discrimination. You'd be shocked to see how Irish immigrants were treated back in the day. You just don't see it down here because the great migrations from Europe to America (when it was OK to welcome everyone equally), happened mainly in places like NY, Bah-ston, Chicago etc..

Where I can assure you, many of them caught hell upon coming here initially. Ironically, it is from this concept of mistreatment that led to the formulation of not only Police organizations within the PD's but it created the need for Illegal Gangs as a way to "cope" with all of the mess that they were unfairly subjected to once getting off of the boat. Which takes us to another lecture on another day :)

So to answer your question.. there are in fact White organizations designed for the advancement of subsets regarding nationalities. Including White people and Latinos.

Anonymous said...

Obviously our CEO thinks playing this card will rally him support by the current Washington administration. He couldn't be more wrong as they are interested in seeing the RIGHT thing done and NOT the race thing done.

Joker said...

Anon 8:29
Not to be funny either but DKPD was at one time the place to be in law enforcement. Dekalb had the pick of the very best from all over. There would be 300-400 applicants taking the initial exam for police officer. Hell now we're lucky if they can find 30 or 40. ...those who have been here know all to well at how selective it use to be. No one with any credible intelligence wants to come here, we get all the left overs that other departments don't want and that my funny friend is a fact.

So run tell that joke if you know how...hehehehe

Anonymous said...

The real downfall of the Dekalb County Police Department started January 2000. Period.

Anonymous said...

no matter how positive 1 speaks about the department there are still those haters who's going to continuously try to conquer/divide you 3 year veteran keep doing what you do and maybe someone will catch up to you. Good job.

Anonymous said...

Nice meeting you today Gilley - thank you for your service!

Anonymous said...

So our new chief came by for a short visit during SWAT training on Wednesday. My first impressions are positive. Very straight forward guy. I like him. That is all.

Anonymous said...

The new chief needs to clean house. He should start with that douche lieutenant in IA and those who violate the law in TAC.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone confirm the story going around about a female officer illegally running someone on NCIC, then giving that person's address to a friend who used that information to go to that person's house and severely beat them, but the female officer lied to IA and said she never ran that person, even though there is proof she did? How does she still have a job if this true? Oh, she's a female! I answered my own question. Is it true?

Anonymous said...

GBI and POST need to start doing their job and enforce these NCIC violations.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of TAC is there any truth to the rumor about a scandal involving a TAC unit on J2 and a civilian female. Take home doesn't mean you can take her home.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:01pm

We get it already, you don't like Major White. Get a life, or a hobby, or whatever, anything that will get you off his nuts.

Anonymous said...

Yes a female TAC officer did run someone and provided that information to someone who then comitted a crime with the information provided to them. Not only was sop violated but state and federal laws were violated and this tac officer is still riding around and still has the same kiss my ass attitude. she thinks she is untouchable and she is because of her friends in the ceo office. this place is so corrupt. if a white officer had done this they would have been fired and prosecuted.

Anonymous said...


Post a name or be quiet. You're already posting as anonymous. You have no credibility.

old war horse said...


Anonymous said...


Please stop drunk posting.

Anonymous said...

1:19AM. You just have not been caught.

Anonymous said...

Blogmaster, any way you would consider removing 3:18pm's post? This person used all caps like a 4th grader and attacked one race/gender group unreasonably. I am personally insulted because I am a BF who worked hard to be a cop, and have never ever committed any crimes, always worked hard and earned everything I ever got. I could go off on here about WMs or WFs who got a position over me, but I won't because they were more qualified or simply better suited than I was. Please just consider, I know a lot of comments on here are inflammatory, but I have not seen one so clearly denigrating and attacking a race/gender as this person's post. Thanks for considering...

Anonymous said...

The first thing any defense attorney worth their salt does is pull an investigating officer's I.A. file and look for any untruthfulness incident. Once acquired they simply show the jury this officer clearly can't be trusted to tell the truth and win the case. This has been so effective many agencies no fire officers for any incident of untruthfulness because they know they will become useless as a police officer. We need to adopt this same policy to regain any credibility.

Anonymous said...

That's probably because you don't have to go on bad calls by yourself. Besides , it's not your badge . Sounds like you are the one who is miserable and needs to quit.

Anonymous said...

Old War Horse has a point unfortunately... look around some of the people around here have pretty much been shown the path to success and not necesarilly walked it. TRUE some are black women..TRUE some are not. Of the black women that have been so ordained to be in "specialized" positions they came with many fellow officers seemingly questioning the merit of the appoitments and promotions. Now thats not to say that every black female officer who got promoted were promoted based on every bed they climbed in and out of because it would be reckless and plain ignorant, but there are some instances where some people have outright been "granted" access to more opportunities throughtout our department than others, both white and black. It is shameful when you cant think of your favorite Capt or Lt. or whomever and the first thing that comes to mind is ....."Who'd they @#% to get that position?" or "They did "that" and I only did "this" how they still get there?" It is an ugly question but DKPD it is the way of the world now. No one really gets anywhere in America based on merit,they get there based on who they network with ala Nepotism. And of those black female officers, ALL of them are excellent networkers and are apart of a system they did not create, but came into during the days Dekalb County was a shade lighter. I personally don't agree with it, but that's the moster AMERICA has created. To the dkpd EMPLOYEES (not just that black females)however you got to your position won't matter when the entire world sees the incompetence you have. You (white or black) will NEVER have the respect you truly couldve had if you had worked hard and attempted to be a detective and learned their job before wanting to supervise one or whether you just drive this Chief around just to get the heads up for the promotional exam. You'll be a fraud and be treated as such. People Nepotism will get your rank, but HARD GODDAMN WORK will earn you RESPECT.

black male author.....

Anonymous said...

To 4:17 AM....

I would rather have....

the love and respect of my officers 1st,

and the love and respect of my supervisors 2nd,

and then the love and respect of the public 3rd,

than I would retire as a fraud captain, major or chief....

And I did! I retired as a SERGEANT knowing I did the absolute best that I could with what I had. I got where I was by hard work and respecting others and taking care of other officers even when I didnt have too or even want too. I always tried to lead by example, even though I know I was a very poor example sometimes. I wanted the officers that worked under me to know that I had thier back and the most important thing is to come home at the end of your shift uninjured or dead. I retired sooner than what I wanted too because I refused to be part of a system that did not value the hard work and dangers that my officers encountered every night and instead, promoted BAD officers (criminals in uniform) to positions of authourity over them and me. My code of honor would not allow me to be part of this, and I can sleep well at night.

What happend to DKPD is just part of a larger disaster that happend to all of metro Atlanta. Until the much larger issues are addressed then things will never change for the better.


old warhorse said...

Love and respect ? If you expected that here, you should have been a fireman ! Nice to have hopes and dreams ,though . BLESS YOUR HEART !

Anonymous said...

Why is this blog accessible by the public ? The initial purpose was F.U.B.U. (for us/by us).It was a vehicle to vent about this dept and this job, w/o any reprisals. Who cares what the citizens think about "our" issues. They have the news-media and the commissioners to snivel to, certainly not us . We only have each other, and this blog. We don't care what John or Jane Doe thinks. If it is obvious that any blogs are not from us, please don't post them in the future. This is a good thing for the dept, please keep it available for all of "US", not the outsiders., Just a thought.

DeKalb Officers said...

Dear Anon April 22, 4:45,

Thank you for your input and reading the blog.

The blog is accessible to the public so they can witness the good our officers do, and witness all the shenanigans and corruption that can occur.

Least you forget Terrell Bolton. If the blog had not be for public viewing, then that sinister corrupt punk could easily still be chief of police.

It was the pressure from the media and public that got him tossed.


DeKalb Officers

Anonymous said...

To the DeKalb Officers Blog .Kind of makes you go ,hmmmm ? I only recall one time, that a sweet person posted that he/she really appreciated us ,regardless. I don't ever recall any "atta boys" or good job blogs from anybody. Maybe that justifies all the posted police bashings and unfounded blatant accusations because we are all "painted with the same broad brush",of the public opinion. I definitely remember T.BO.( that incompetent was hired from the agency that he was fired from, and had a big time law-suit filed against them for firing him. He even sued this dept for the same exact thing)! I don't recall any hue and cry or public outrage for his dismissal. Just the intense news coverage until the matter was resolved. All that entire investigation probably started with a whistle blower( more than likely a county employee)certainly not any concerned citizen . How could a corrupt/incompetent chief be fired by a corrupt/incompetent commissioner, w/o fear of reprisal ? How does a critical public poss add anything of value to this blog and "our own departmental and personal problems ? Our departmental and personal problems need to stay that way, "departmental and personal". It's always been, and will always be " US AGAINST THEM ". It's just the nature of the beast! Maybe ,just like this is a new, modern, high tech profession now, we are fooled into thinking we are dealing with a more, empathetic and supportive public ? But,I still remain a skeptic ? I bet I'm not the only one guestioning this . Just another thought . REGARDLESS. THIS IS STILL A GOOD THING. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK !!!!!!