Sunday, August 9, 2020

 A Dekalb Police Officer suffers serious potentially life threatening injuries responding to a disturbance call. The officer was assaulted with a metal pipe several times and was in a life threatening situation. The officer attempted to use his taser but did not want to escalate to deadly force due to the fear of repercussions from the department, the District Attorneys office and the media. 

Are police officers second guessing themselves and placing themselves in danger due to fear of being charged with a crime.


Anonymous said...

He was justified to shoot the guy.

Anonymous said...

Yes officers are in fear of being charged so they are avoiding using the force needed to affect a proper arrest. An officer is going t be killed because of being fearful from the media and DA office

Rickfucious said...

Rickfucious say, pipe is no match for bazooka. Blast that ass

I'm Ron Burgundy? said...

Boy...that escalated quickly. I mean, that really got out of hand fast!