Friday, August 14, 2020

 Retired Captain Randy Moore passed away yesterday from complications due to a stroke. Captain Moore was one hell of an officer and was loved and respected by all who knew him. The Dekalb family has suffered a loss, and our thoughts and prayers are with the Moore family.


Anonymous said...

Randy was a good guy. A funny story when he was my Sergeant. I was working a bar job and we had to arrest a drunk female. She fought us and there was a use of force. She had a long wig that she was wearing that came off during the fight and I placed it on the trunk of the unit. When Randy pulled up he said WTF did you guys do pull her hair out. I said yes I did, sorry Sarg. He said how the fuck am i gonna explain this one to the Lt.
He was a cool guy. RIP BROTHER IN BLUE.

Anonymous said...

Rest In Peace old friend...