Tuesday, March 18, 2008



Tbe raise for MPO's may be in the 2008 budget, but both the Johnson and Ellis resolutions supersede and modify that budget!

Don't y'all get it?? The Ellis motion was approved and actually went into effect -- until Mr. CEO vetoed it! It didn't limit raises to MPOs only -- read it carefully -- it says "across-the-board".

I can't believe y'all have wasted a whole week on this distinction -- and that you haven't been calling and e-mailing the three dissenting commissioners every day!

The next time the commissioners convene (it doesn't have to be next Tuesday -- it could be much sooner), there will be an opportunity for them to override Mr. CEO's veto -- and get these raises approved!

Dist 3 Larry Johnson 404-371-2425
Dist 5 Lee May 404-371-4745
Dist 7 Connie Stokes 770-593-3999

Do y'all want these increases or not? If you do, pass the word to your family, friends and supporters in the community, and get them to write and call, too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Sweets, the raise for the MPO's will still stay in the budget. MPO's are getting a 4% REGARDLESS of if Johnsons or Ellis plan or if both were vetoed. That's a fact.

The difference then becomes: do ALL sworn officers get a MERIT raise, and no tax increse cost 425K (Ellis' plan)

DKPD & DKFD get 4% Cost of Living and 4% Merit with a millage rate increase adittionally funding the rape crisis, sidewalk, senior and other cuts made when the budget (including the MPO raise) was voted positively.(Johnson's Plan)

And yes, folks you should call your commissioners. But you should call the commissioners who are trying keep the department down...Boyer, Rader, Gannon and Ellis. 3 of the 4 of them are in an election year. YOu should really check into how they have voted in the past.

DKPD-I'd be happy to take this to another forum if you're interested in finding out more about the differences. I've taken too much space here.