Monday, March 17, 2008

P.D. Veteran Comments:

A pay raise would be nice but, is that going to improve moral? Shouldn't the commissioners fix the current pay structure before implementing a raise? Throughout the department there are rookies making as much or more than veterans. The county spent millions on a study several years ago that messed up the entire pay structure. Example... Two officers graduate from the same academy. Ofc. #1 stays in trouble and doesn't get promoted. Ofc. #2 exceeds standards and gets promoted twice. The pay increase was implemented as recommended by the multi-million dollar study. Now Ofc. #1 makes $12,000 more a year than Ofc. #2. Over the years the county has increased the starting salary of new officers. They never increased the salary of the existing officers. With just a little time and a couple raises, the new officer has passed the veteran in pay. So if you are any good at math, you can see that another across the board raise is just going to increase the salary gap between the rookies and the veterans, which in turn is going to kill moral and you have more veterans leaving the department.

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