Several members of DeKalb County's Homeland Security Gang Task Force were on hand. DeKalb Police Chief Terrell Bolton and Commissioner Lee May also attended the luncheon. (JASON GETZ / JGETZ@AJC.COM)
Departmental policy reads:
Frequenting or associating with person(s), organizations, or places with a known criminal or bad reputation/background, unless necessary for Police business, where such associating or frequenting would be detrimental to the image of the department or the county is prohibited.
To this end, personal association with persons who have been convicted of a felony within the last five years or who are under criminal investigation or indictment, or who have an open and notorious reputation in the community for felonious activity is prohibited. Examples may include but not be limited to visiting the home of, taking a trip with, cosponsoring a party or social event with, or forming a business relationship with a person who the officer knows to be convicted of a felony involving moral turpitude, or with a person the officer knows to be engaged in or plans to commit criminal activity.
1st offense 1 day suspension
2nd offense 1 work week suspension
3rd offense 2 work weeks suspension
4th offense Demotion to Dismissal
Look at it this way...T.I. was ordered by the courts for community service. The old saying,"Keep your friends close & your enemies closer".With homeland and Gand units there, I hope someone was there taking pictures of all the little perps that were there for records purposes.At least we knew where all the perps where at one time and took advantage of thier gathering.
T.I.'s appearance at Luckie Food Lounge nightclub disrupted by quarrel the same night of his lunch with Bolton and the youths of south DeKalb.
We wonder if DeKalb's finest was his escort?
Get out of Dekalb county for law enforcement. Cuz its all corrupt. You got Bolton kissing T.i's ass and to make matters worst Thomas Brown is a distant cousin of rapper T.i.How the hell did we get Bolton in the first place?
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