Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hail to the Chief!

Fox 5’s Dale Russell Investigates Bolton’s Misuse of Comp Time, Monday November 24 at 6 and 10.

Tune In!


Anonymous said...

Overheard at the pumps: Bolton may have taken trips to Texas on DeKalb County taxpayers dime. Say it ain't so Tebo!

Anonymous said...

Wait, he will tell you he has a good lawyer. My lawyer will call you on Monday to tell you " Leave Him Alone" what can I say.

Anonymous said...

If you were to look at Dallas and then DeKalb, he did the same to each department. Highest crime rate and lowest morale with officers. Vernon was just another Bill Campbell in office. The money that is wasted with these leaders, I'm glad I don't live in DeKalb.

Anonymous said...

How many drivers does one Chief need? I bet he feels safe with women. I think men scare him.

Anonymous said...

The worse thing about the Chief's misuse of Comp Time is who he leaves in charge while he is gone.

Princess Keisha “Margarita” Williams appears to be the defacto Chief.

If, and I say IF, you can argue that a secretary needs police experience to do his or her job effectively....... how do you feel about a civilian running the police department while the Chief is using up his Comp time?

(Side note....I thought salaried employees did not get Comp Time,)

Does the Director need police experience?

Anonymous said...

Hopefully if the investigation goes as well as I hope. Bolton will have to resign from the department he has driven into the ground. I might get my Christmas wish early. I pray he takes all the idiots he has placed in leadership positions with him out the door.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about this leading to his resignation. Isn't this a story that has been previously reported?

I'm assuming this story just shows he continued doing the same - taking and abusing comp time as a salaried employee - after it was reported one time before.

If he didn't change last time it was reported, why should he change now? Is this story gonna focus on something new - like who was in charge while he was HOME in Texas?

Was Bolton not swiping in? Was someone else swiping in for him? Was he cooking the books to get more time off?

For all we know, this was a valid practice under bad deal that Vernon agreed to as part of Bolton's "contract". If it is part of his "CONTRACT", good for Bolton. He negotiated something that none of us could even dream of.

Anonymous said...

Dunno about the content of the story but something posted did catch my attention.

To the poster who asked about the chief swiping in. You're kidding right? Chiefs don't swipe in, I don't care if its DeKalb, LAPD, or whatever. Please!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I was not serious about the Chief swiping in...that was used in a figurative mannner..... ie, is this story gonna highlight or bring out that he was somehow breaking the rules.

Yes Chiefs don't swipe in....they're normally salaried/exempt employees.

I've just never heard of salaried/exempt employees being given Comp. Time. Isn't Comp. Time given in lieu of Overtime? If one is on Salary or in an Exempt Position, one is not entitled to Overtime.

So what gives?

Is Bolton an hourly employee that should be clocking in and is entitled to Comp. Time and Overtime? Or is he a salaried/exempt employee that is not entitled to Overtime and/or Comp. Time?

I'm surprised the media hasn't filed a Freedom of Information Act Request for a copy of the contract he keeps harping about.

Unknown said...

A very minor point, but you are right, lieutenants and above do not swipe in. But on the other hand they do have to GO TO WORK!!!!! I am by the headquarters building on a regular basis and Terrell Bolton rarely shows up for work. I am sure he has plenty of excuses and several of his collaborators will lie for him but the fact is he just does not come to work.
Now because Bolton is such an idiot and a gangster, I am inclined to think that it is a good thing that he does not come to work. However, the unfortunate truth is that Bolton leaves other idiots in charge when he is gone. I have seen much discussion on the topic of who is in charge of the department when Bolton is gone. Princess Williams? Anderson? Don Frank? The smiling man Harrell? Jim Helms? I am sure they all have a part to play in the evil plans from time to time. But in the end when it comes to the person with the real power, they all defer to the great Rev. Rodney Rancifer. He is the one who is really pulling the strings and whispering in Bolton’s ear.
I suppose in a few weeks none of this will matter much and hopefully we can put this long nightmare behind us. I look forward to our new CEO taking office. By all accounts, he seems to be a decent and intelligent man. He will need all of our support if he is to be successful as he will face some tough challenges in the coming years. He deserves a chance and he certainly has my support!

Anonymous said...

Even if they file for an "Freedom/ Open Records" request, The information they receive will be "changed" and the reporter will get the "changed" information and not what is accurate. After the reporter get this "false" information, they will have to meet with Keisha so they can tell her what they are going do with this information and she will put a positive spin on it. The story with Dale will not be accurate. Its gonna be what Keisha said with a nice twist. Sadly to say, we will need an outside reporter to do this story, one who has no ties with DeKalb. Most reporters here are intimiidated by Miss Keisha Williams.

Anonymous said...

People Dale Russel did this story and he did his home work. Tebo looked like a fool and Ms. Ann you looked like a fool. Keisha your new name is Keisha Pound Puppy Williams