Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bolton's Era Of Hires Start To Surface

DeKalb Officer Booked on Sodomy Charges

Click here for AJC article


Anonymous said...

Sickening. Just what the department needed at a time like this. And the complaint was made in January? And its 3 mths later? And if he is guilty, I seriously doubt 2 charges of sodomy was all he did. Just more abuse of power and badge. (somebody needs to put a bucketload of screaming fire ants on his sodomizer)

We're Better than this said...

Pride, Ethics and a sense of Professionalism.

I(and I'd venture to say most) don't know the specifics of this case. I won't stand here and convict this individual till the evidence sees that light of day.

Suffice it to say though, this is shameful.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Some Officers have lost their sense of personal pride, pride in their department, and the concepts of both professionalism and high standards.

It's been a while since I've seen all rookies come out of the Academy with a "Dekalb Attitude".

Though it is far from the Majority, I fear that some of the veterans have also lost it.

The attitude that we do things better than the rest because we are Dekalb.

We do things better (and we expect better) because we have been entrusted with the badge and all that comes with it.

We do things better because we are professionals who have taken an Oath.

We do things better just because...not because some is watching or someone might find out.

IT comes from inside us.

Too many times, I see and hear about officers doing things just because they HAVE a badge. They do things because they can and because they're Poe Poe.

Some, not all, somehow think that the badge gives them a pass to do whatever they want. The few give the total a black eye and bring shame. A few disgrace the deparment and their fellow officers who wear a badge with pride and professionalism.

Take the Rodney King case for example. The actions of the few, effected us all as a whole. It set us back more than 20 years.

Some, like the Vice detective who plead guilty to theft and violation of his oath, have taken it to extremes. Others just use the badge to excuse the "little stuff" and to gain advantage. Little stuff leads to BIG stuff.

That sense of service that comes with the badge and the oath has been replaced by a sense of ENTITLEMENT.

Outside of our justly earned paycheck, Society owes us nothing. We didn't get into this for money or special treatment.

I got into it because I wanted the excitement and the satisfaction of knowing that I make (and have made) a difference. I got into this for the feeling I get when I lock up drug dealer, a murder suspect or in the case of Uniform a DUI driver, a burglary suspect or a domestic abuser.

Bring back that Pride and that sense of Service and I guarantee that you won't see another headline like this for a long time.

Anonymous said...

What the hell this is what happens when you want to fill spots fast. This place didn't lose all the officers over night. so we won't be able to replace them overnight either. The sooner the Higher ups realize that the better.

Anonymous said...

Thanks rookie...just what the police need. More bad press. This is a job of service, not self gratification.The public needs to know that we are also disgusted with this type of behavior.

Anonymous said...

Bolton made them hire everyone that was not wanted or convicted felon.Then they could not be fired in the academy. He wanted the numbers to show what a great job he doing hiring all these officers. It will take five years to get rid of all the perps and thugs that he ordered to be hired.

Anonymous said...

I guess Larry took lessons from Terrell how to cheat the taxpayers.

He needs to go too, he was the biggest supporter of Bolton.

Ticked Off said...

If guilty, all memory of him should be removed from the Academy. His name on the class plaque and his face in the class picture should be crossed out or blackened.

He had brought disgrace to us all.

Anonymous said...

To We're Better than this said... thanks for your deeply felt post. I am not DKPD but I work extremely closely with you guys on various technical issues and have come to understand that what you do is serious shit and treat you guys accordingly. I hold myself and my mates to a higher a standard because if we don't do this right the first time and every time we will end up in the news and we will not be popular. I think the entire country has a terrible curse of entitlement syndrome from top to bottom. The big CEO's feel they are entitled to obscene salaries and bonuses that dwarf their true value. Politicians expect big perks, Vernon Jones believed he deserved a three man bodyguard, presidential suite and free trip to the Athens Olympics. Look at the DeKalb commissioners or CEO offices, and compare it to the dump I work out of and you will see how far the sense of entitlemnet runs. Terrel Bolton, was the poster child for entitlement; what only nine vehicles assigned to you and all buried in other cost centers, Schaweeet! (and criminal you stupid, arrogant SOB) DeKalb and the federal government was run a lot better 20 years than now. Apparently our leaders in Whashington have come to the conclusion that we can spend and waste huge ammounts of borrowed money because they are entitled to it. This is insanity and believe me the fallout when the taxes go up 50 percent to pay for this will be monumental. As to the rookies, from what I have seen, DeKalb DKPD has accepted a lot of recruits that would have failed the background checks 5 years ago. Going from a gang banger to a good cop in 3 and a half years is a near impossiblity in my opinion. DKPD needs to tighten it criminal background standards if they are going to avoid more scandals like this. As Slammen' Ethel says: "Rock on Chief O'Brien!"

Better DeKalb said...

This is a shame to see, but one bad apple doesn't spoil the bunch.

Anonymous said...

It is awful, but at least the department didn't let Garces slip away like Sowell.

Better DeKalb is right, one bad apple doesn't spoil the whole bunch, but it sure would be nice to see O'Brien take the lead and address what happened with Sowell and Garces and reassure the citizens of DeKalb that this is not going to turn into a series of "cops gone bad" news stories.

Rediculous said...

What a shame. I'm not going to jump to conclusions on his guilt or innocence knowing that IA is trying their hardest to fire officers. But that being said, the academy really is putting horrible recruits out of the academy. There is writing on the wall with most of these recruits in the academy yet we look the other way to push them through. I can think of about 7 now officers out of my class that should have been weeded out. Most aren't here now, but the rest will be gone in the next couple of years after more embarrassing press. I suggest peer evals (because most officers know who they don't want backing them) and it may give a heads up to instructors for problem recruits that weren't on the radar. Then also making recruits actually take the real shooting and evoc test with no exceptions.

Anonymous said...

I knew they weren't doing the high speed portion of EVOC, but are they not doing EVOC at all?

Is SMAC and DMAC no longer a "rite of passage"? That shooting exercise drove me nuts until I got it thru my thick head that I should put a few rounds on each target instead of trying to listen to the instructor.

It took a while, but it finally dawned on me that they wouldn't remember where they told me to shoot....all I needed to do was shoot some left and some right!


Anonymous said...

So you are saying it was the Instructors fault that you could not shoot.So you remedy this by saying don't listen to the Instructor. Sounds like you are one of the recruits who should have been washed out. What a loser.

Anonymous said...

Bite me.

The shots were well placed... I shot and still shoot in the 90's.

The instructors are there to mess with your mind.

Keeping up with two instructors independently calling shots at random is impossible. They are there to distract you and take your focus off your shooting.

Anonymous said...

"Bite Me"?? It would probably be safe to say that you were not the Academic Award winner for your class. Gee thanks for really showing the public what the real issues are.....not!!!

Anonymous said...

Well - I'm mad now!! I think the Academy is used to the rank & file blaming the quality of recruits on the Academy Staff - but, it was never the Academy's place to hire these people. A lot of these hires came thru Tonya Dedrick - some of these people in the past were signed off by the brass (and Dedrick) before they were ever interviewed by the Board. I remember one case where Dedrick kept trying to push thru someone who was not even a USA citizen - the only thing that stopped her was POST. Dedrick was given a mission to recruit as many as she could - and the brass gave her all the latitude to accomplish that goal. If any of those recruits can drive, shoot, not run for the tree line when under fire - or, molest a citizen while wearing the uniform - you need to thank the Academy. When the brass gives the Academy Staff the right to hire and fire - THEN blame the Academy.

Anonymous said...

For the guy yelling bite me your really showing you maturity level. I wonder how you speak to the public if they make you mad.......If you don't know whats going on in training just be quiet.

Anonymous said...

Garces has not been proven guilty. Police take statements and send it to detectives. Detectives present that info to the courts. Police are quick to judge when they are not supposed to. Sodomy is sick and so is pre-judging. Stop pointing fingers and become police. If you are not the investigating detective, then you know nothing. Did any of you work with him? I'm talking about on the streets, not the academy.

Anonymous said...

Before you run to Garces' defense, what knowledge of the investigation do you have? Your post implies you worked with him. Were you with him from 10-41 to 10-42 every day? Or are you just one of the many rookies we have now who thinks they know everything?

Anonymous said...

Even if you are with someone from 10-41 to 10-42 do you really know them. I don't think so. I dont think anyone is running to his defense. I by no means am a rookie...But are you one of those veterans that thinks you know everything? Goes both ways Sir,

Anonymous said...

Blame whoever on our hiring situation but I'm defending Training. They have to deal and train with what is sent to them. Then when thy find out the are not what we are looking for in a recruit it's hard to just fire them. Have you seen the number of Academies they are pushing out and how large the classes are. Oh and have yo see the facility they have to work out of. If you don't know the process just don't comment

Anonymous said...

Oh lord! We have a situation. A veteran angry at the rookie. I'm not a rookie, but dude get over it! Wrong is wrong. All I'm saying is stop jumping to conclusions. No, I don't know the facts. That is why I'm not calling him guilty. If you should know anything about your job, it should be not making quick decisions when you don't need to. If he is guilty, then he deserves his punishment. It really is bad for the veteran to have a general anger toward rookies. Instead, give them some guidance. This won't prevent sodomy, but will improve your back up

Anonymous said...

All that hard work gone to waste. Blood sweat and tears. Six months in the academy. Name will never be the same. Dang man!

Anonymous said...

"Bite Me"???? Is this what he said? Ok, I'm confused. I'm not sure if this was just a random "bite me" or the perp saying "bite me"?

Anonymous said...

Why don't you all shut up and do you're jobs. Anyone below the rank of LT. is a Drone anyway. We are the worker Drones Vet or Rookie. Vets, you're pissed because the rook gets paid more. Rookie get over it you're stupid and we laugh at you thats how it is.