Wednesday, June 17, 2009

5 Killed In Fatal Accidents On I-285 In 4 Days

Since Saturday June 13, 2009 (4 days) 5 people have been killed in traffic accidents on parts of I-285 that run through Center, Tucker and South Precincts. Speed is the contributor to each death.

DeKalb County Police is the only agency in the metro area, and probably the entire state, that does not aggressively enforce speed limits on its major freeways by either radar or laser. Sure, each precinct puts out one officer, but that officer is pulled in all directions, be it freeways, roadways or answering calls.

Gwinnett County has radar/laser officers assigned to I-85 all hours of the day. That is their job, speed and D.U.I enforcement, this is in addition to their D.U.I. Unit. The same applies for Cobb County. The parts of I-285 within the city limits of Doraville and Dunwoody are crawling with officers running radar/laser.

It has been tradition in DeKalb County for our traffic enforcement unit (TAC) to work Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:00PM, excepting special events, usually involving some so called celebrity. The reason for this, in the past anyway, is because the powers at be were afraid "friends and contributors" would be stopped at night and either cited or arrested for D.U.I. The same reasons probably apply today. In addition, Assistant Chief Rancifer believes your average patrol officer is not smart enough to run radar/laser.

Rancifer will probably have someone respond to this editorial by saying we have to be careful and selective about who is certified in radar/laser because of FCC rules, yatha yatha. If you can't trust an officer with a laser, then they surely can't be trusted with a gun and the authority to deprive someone of their freedom.

In light of the recent deaths, will DeKalb Police change their speed enforcement polices? Probably not. We'll run some special for a few days, then it will be business as usual.


Anonymous said...

You can always find something to complain about. I agree fatality accidents are bad, but if you had 6-8 officers running laser during late evening watch hours, you would just complain that the DeKalb is wasting time writing tickets when they should be answering calls. The average drunk driver gets away with driving drunk at least 250 times before getting stopped or arrested. The stats are in the drunk drivers favor. Innocent people will continue to die due to excessive speed and DUI

Anonymous said...

Even if some Dekalb officers wants to get radar and laser, one, the car are not fit with radar (only Star Team and some TAC), two, you have to be train by Dekalb only (you can go to other agency like GPSTC to get the training ).
For an agency that has so much HWY, you would think that the department would have that equipment in the patrol car.
If Assistant Chief Rancifer believes, your average patrol officer is not smart enough to run radar/laser. Well, this can be avoided if the department would allow the instructor at the academy train rather have other instructor not assign to the academy sole be responsible to conduct such a training and equip the officers with the tools to police rather them sending them on special.

Anonymous said...

What difference does enforcement make? If a unit had pulled behind the 2 cars racing and they refused to stop a Sgt. would have told the Officer to go 10-08. Results would probably have turned out the same. REVISE THE CHASE POLICY!!! Traffic enforcement is a joke in DeKalb County!

Anonymous said...

It seems that the Dekalb County Gov does not care at all about the safety of the people of this county and those from outside the county. I can tell you that at night, I can observe our little drug dealing rats running around on the street like they own it and no DCPD in site because they are under staffed like our FIRE Rescue Department. Apparently they don't care. But I warn you people that your county is being overrun by criminals and corrupt officials. This is not a county I want to live in any more. I'm disgusted with this system. I hope the National Guard takes over this county and cleans up shop like they did in New Orleans.And I want the officers on the street to know that they don't care about you. Your just a number to them.Stick together and watch your backs.Dekalb PD needs OLD school leaders to who won't take the BS from the county officials and/or the public who most of them couldn't care less about other people in this county.They only care just for their own interests like wanting to ride in a Escalade and a BMW thinking they're HOT SH and bouncing their heads to music that hates the cops and their families.Wake up folks!

Anonymous said...

This is where an actual "HIT team" would help out...Gwinnett has one and so do many other counties focusing on aggressive drivers,drug runners etc.

Anonymous said...

Why can't the State Patrol help out too?

Anonymous said...

Why don't our leaders think of this stuff?

Anonymous said...

Every other Department in the County certifies ALL of their officers to work both radar and laser.....are they not smart enough also? The answer is BS. It has always been a perk to work TAC because of the hours and off days. I think in light of all the fatalaties and such, this needs to change. I was on the way home from work a Saturday night a few weeks ago, and I saw a number of "crotch rockets" gathering at the ramp from 285 south onto Flat Shoals, no doubt to race on the expressway.....hey better yet, get GSP involved, they will go anywhere at any time.

Anonymous said...

I was out on the 41 yesterday involving the Corvette...what a mess. I agree that we need to be a lot stricter when it comes to enforcing the speed limit on the interstates. I've been trying to get laser certified through DeKalb for 2 years but am always denied. It's too bad DeKalb (ie TAC) is so stingy with who they will allow to be laser certified. Don't worry guys, I'm not after your little bikes...

I'm Ron Burgundy? said...

I think running laser is run. I'm not "laser certified" but I always jump on the opportunity to be the chase car for the laser officer. Maybe I'll just go to Forsyth or Gainesville and get laser certified on my own since DeKalb keeps turning me away.

Milk was a bad choice...

Anonymous said...

Why do Dekalb not implement this policy:

Take Home Vehicles: your assigned vehicle may be used to commute to -and-from work and may be used off-duty (per Departmental regulations)

With all the equipments such as laser and radar.

Why are we behind where this policy is concern

Anonymous said...

So - where the heck is TAC!!!??? If people are so darned upset about how crazy it's gotten on I-285, why isn't TAC out there doing their job? And doing it when it's craziest - between 7pm - 3am? They get these nice take home cars or motors, then they get the great 8-4 banker's hours? And all we're going to hear is how it's Uniform's fault. That's right - beat the old dog. Folks - TAC is TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT!! So get out there and enforce!

My thoughts on the matter... said...

Why not a highway unit responsible for 85, 285 and 20.

In addition to being laser qualified and demonstrating a proficiency for making successful DUI cases, they should be specially trained in drug interdiction.

There should be 3 canines assigned 24 x 7 to the unit.

One good drug bust with a lot of cold cash could more than pay for the unit, its training and all its toys.

Due to our limited resources, they should shoulder some of the load by handling all traffic accidents and dispatches on the interstate. If a precinct gets swamped, there is no reason the Sgt can't call and ask for assistance off the highway.

Finally, the laws should be equally enforced across the board. This includes politicians, friends of politicians, AND Law Enforcment Officers.

LEO's are the worst. They drive fast because they HAVE a badge and "don't get tickets." If you have one or two on the highway doing light speed, everyone else will follow. You have to slow down the off-duty LEO's in their POV's.

No one is entitled to special priviledges. LEO's should be leading by example and be held to a higher standard because they ARE LEO's and they've taken and oath.

The unit should not be made part of "special ops". They should report directly to someone high up in Uniform chain of command.

Anonymous said...

Its sad that it took whoever runs this site a day or so to write a half way decent editorial/investigative piece comparing the out of control drivers on 285 to the lack of enforcement there by our so called "specia ops" section and the local media will continue to ignore it Im sure.

Anonymous said...

Just FYI, you can teach a monkey to run a laser. I went through the class and the 3 weeks of "field training" with it. I never lost a case in traffic court. Most judges will even tell people the laser is basically unbeatable as long as it's working right and the officer is certified to operate it. If Rancifer really doesn't think the average patrol officer is capable of operating a laser / lidar (correct term) he must have absolutely no confidence in us at all. The only thing I could possibly think is the price of the unit and how sensitive it can be to mishandling. I think they run about 3 grand each and if you drop it it's a few hundred to fix it. I do agree that there is a need for traffic enforcement though, especially on the highways. Don't be so rough on TAC, they don't set their hours, they just do what they are told like the rest of us. And no, I am not in TAC.

Anonymous said...

Cry Cry Blah Blah....Blame someone...Cry Cry Cry...Point a finger...Cry Cry Cry...

Anonymous said...

Someone earlier asked the question, "why doesn't the State Patrol help out" regarding traffic enforcement on 285. I actually spoke with a State Trooper a little while back who indicated that it is common knowledge that they prefer to avoid Dekalb when possible. One of the reasons for this (which happened to be that day I spoke to the trooper) is a Trooper was in a 10-80 that entered Dekalb. The Trooper was alone and asked for Dekalb PD for backup. Of course Dekalb was not allowed to assist in the 10-80, which left the Trooper to fend for herself.

Better DeKalb said...

Great suggestions! Has anyone ever heard of Continuous Improvement (CI)? It is a method of improving the workplace environment (which comes from employee improvement suggestions) that Toyota uses successfully to increase profits, and improved best practices.

Due to Toyota's success many companies have now adopted CI and see immediate and great rewards. Several "CI" type suggestions were posted on the blog today.

Especially after seeing the Gwinnett County video posted today, it seems our officers are full of great ideas too. Want to see morale shoot through the roof? Start adopting some of these great ideas!

Anonymous said...

The officers that are laser certified in the preceints are dropping the ball when it comes to the lasers. 3 out 5 that were spot checked did not have the proper paper work completed if the state came in and checked things out, which in turn would have suspended the counties license.This was corrected immediately and the ones that dropped the ball do not use the lasers anymore.You have to remember....when your dealing with officers your usually dealing with someone that have the smarts of an average 8th grader!!! Over 1.3 million cars/trucks a day on 285. Speed.....of course. but until we get more people and others quit complaining....dry up!!!..If you think you can pass the motor school...come on down and i'll give you my bike!

Anonymous said...

The problem is not speed. According to the US Department of Transportation, the major problem is driver inattention. Police officers tend to like radar guns because they just use the equipment to make their cases. However, if you had to DO REAL POLICE work by writing aggressive driving tickets, following too closely, using a cell phone (against the law in my areas), weaving in and out of traffic, and more, officers would have to make a strong case not just rely on talking points given to you by the solicitors office. The talking points work because most citizens are ill informed and advised of laws.

If we are really serious about traffic, then lets have some REAL STANDARDS to operate a motor vehicle. Everyone wants to blame teens but I have seen many adults do things such as eat, argue, read newspapers, not pay attention, etc while operating their motor vehicles.

How about having a REAL driving test and lets get out of trying to generate revenue? What are you trying to do, give Joy Walker more money to lose at Recorders Court? By the way, whatever happened to that investigation? Oh, I forgot, she and her folks have connections so it magically goes away. Just like Derrick Yancey.

Anonymous said...

Call Jodie Fleschier ay Channel 2, she is their investigative reporter. She is a bulldog and will jump on this in a heartbeat...something needs to be done and done now...Chief O'Brien, are you listening???

Anonymous said...

One more reason to get rid of Rancifer. Has that guy done one good thing since he was overly promoted??

Anonymous said...

Some great suggestions, I especially liked Better DeKalbs idea of Toyota's suggestion program and it should not merely be instituted at DKPD but through out the county, and include citizen input. (It will never happen) Traffic enforcement has always been lax in DeKalb and generally throughout the state, the problem is not speed, but as some have noted, distractions and sudden manuvers that frack up nearby drivers. Speed limits are way low to what our vehicles are safely capable of. The 55 mph speed limit on 285 is a joke but extremely popular for enhancing revenue and pissing off law-abiding citizens who were only running with traffic and voting the speed limit with their feet as they are not given the option of voting for it with their hands. During non-rush hour traffic, 80 mph is a safe speed on 285 as long as every one drives smoothly. I remember about 7 years ago some kid drove his stolan suburban around 285 for an hour or so being chased by police the whole way. The kid was a "smooth driver" and while he sideswiped several cars I saw no wrecks. You can safely drive fast if you drive smooth. Whatever happened to that kid anyway?

Anonymous said...

Okay, I've read through some of the post and it amazes me that many of you guys and girls have no idea what the hell you're bitchin about....1st of all the TAC unit does do traffic enforcement in addition to every other GD special detail that comes down the pike...and until you have worked a 40 hr shift with any of those guys then shut you trap. Those guys in there get kicked around and dumped on so much that it truly surprises me that there are any officer's that would want their job....I know I don't....don't need the headache or drama,..also those guys don't have a set schedule you morons...and they never have...bitch all you want but it's obvious you're talking out you asses...Also There are no cars in TAC...just motors and it's highly dangerous to put those motors out on the Interstate doing laser a matter of fact one of the Tac bubba's was injured last week trying to pull out on a speeder on the Interstate...he's very lucky it could've been I'll be the 1st to say that there should be cars in the TAC unit to do enforcement on the Interstates....but that's not gonna happen....

Yea there are 6 CVE Officer's that do enforcement out there and I believe they have 3 Park patrol officers....whewwwie....that sure is going to make a dent....other than that just motors....

Now it also sounds as if alot of you know the cause of these accidents....but I betcha that if you break down the stats on this you would find that they're not all speed related....some of them are but not as many as you would think....amazing ...but that's police for quick to judge and jump to know what else....police work is very unpredictable and so are accidents....

Oh and talking about training officers to do Laser/ Radar is a very good idea....but there's more to it than just training and getting your neat little certification card....someone has to be accountable for all the paperwork associated with those laser's & radar's....they have to be re certified annually and every officer is required to maintain a daily test log everytime they pull that sucker out to use it.... wonder just how many would screw that up and cost the county their license....

I have an idea...before you guys & girls decide to start jumping on the TAC guys why don't you go and take a long look in the mirror...I bet you'll see a hypocrite...oh and also before you start spatting off about crap would help if you knew what the hell you were talking about.

Anonymous said...

DKPD: Great job catching the driver wanted for questioning. You work fast to bring criminals to justice. Thank you

Anonymous said...

Get a noise ordinance on the books and enforce it,

I used to live in the Oakhurst section of Decatur in the early 90s. Back when it wasn't the place to be.
One thing I observed with all the drug buying traffic that occurred in the area is that nobody could come buy their pot and crack quietly.
On a given Friday, cars would drive down the road, vibrating house windows for three blocks, then swing through our neighborhood disgrace apartments to make a buy.
Trying to get the PC numbskulls on Decatur's city comission to pass a noise ordinance to curtail the activity proved fruitless.
But maybe we could lean on our alleged county leadership to pass a noise ordinance for car stereos. Then the DKPD would have the opportunity to pull some cars over, with a good chance drugs/ and or guns would be obtained.
Any other support for the idea?
It would sure improve the quality of life in many neighborhoods. Having to endure having your house shake every 15 minutes isn't much fun.

Anonymous said...

I cannot wait to see what name they come up with for some kind of special project on the interstates.

Remember all the names in the past.

Why not just call it TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT.

The command staff will have to make this a big media event. I love the way they have all the command staff gather around to introduce anything new. Why not put the troops who really do the job in front of the camera?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps there is excessive speeding but 55 on 285 is reidiculous and atiquated.

Anonymous said...

We do have a noise ordinance (with wording specifically addressing noise from a vehicle) and some officers (myself included) write that ticket.

Anonymous said...

Ummmm.. Lo Flyer? No offense, but if you ever saw a wreck where the "smooth" driver was going 80 mph on 285 or 85 and was subsequently hit by another doofus following too closely, or improperly changing a would rethink that 80 mph speed limit. The faster you travel, the more damage and greater injuries are sustained in an accident. I have seen many, trust me, innocent folks going a tad over the speed limit who were killed because of someone else. When in TAC, I never even POed on anyone going less than 80+ on the hwy because it was a waste, everyone is at least 80. But just because everyone is speeding does NOT make it right.

Anonymous said...

You are officially dis-qualified Captain Holmes you are the directors boy. That says alot for Chief O'Briens ability. Chief appoint Fannan and Whittenton they will defintely come up with a action plan. The blog has spoken hahaha.

Anonymous said...

If I recall corrctly, the recent accidents were caused by changing lanes improperly. Speed did not cause the accident.

Here is the "special detail:"

Cool cars patrolling the interstate looking for aggressive or reckless drivers. The U/C officers radio to a marked unit to make the traffic stop. This would generate the needed enforcement.

Anonymous said...

What?? I take I-75 to work and I work morning watch... 75 is a motor speedway.. and I rarely ever see either cobb or Sandy Springs or Dunwoody at night on the hwy. Sure more Officers would appreciate the opportunity and training.. But people are always going to die on the expressway because they drive faster than they think they are capable of.. i will finish by adding some variation of Darwin thinning out the herd..

Anonymous said...

The ultimate traffic charge on the 41s may have been "Improper Lane Change" but excessive speed was a major factor in all three fatal 41s.

Anonymous said...

Who do you think is going to pay for the lasers, batteries and repairs. You just can't have any old officer using one, the have to be capable of the handling the basic upkeep,logs, and be able to testify in court with out sounding like a dufus, very rare these days.

Those that critize TAC obviously have no idea what they are talking about. Those officers work at the whim of command staff. When ever they get a crazy idea for some half assed special they call TAC. No set hours or off days on call every couple of weeks in addition to being called in when ever they are needed (see whims of command staff)

Instead of critizing a unit of hard working officers, critizie those in charge of the unit.

Anonymous said...

I'm all for the officers, but I have to admit that there are some that should only be allowed to be on screening, if that. The average officer can and should run laser. Just the prescence of officer's with lasers on the freeway slows drivers and causes them to be more alert. It would save a lot of lives. We can't stop deaths on the hwy completely, but we sure as heck can drop that number. It would just be another tool in our belt.
On the flip side, there are other tactics we can use to stop dangerous driving...improper lane change, failure to maintain lane, even pacing. If we stop a few in a row on 85 to 285, 285 to 20, or other throughfairs we will give drivers the realization that they are not immuned and there is ample chance that if you do something stupid, you will be stopped.

My hats off to TAC. They work their butts off. I believe that given proper support and funding, they would bring rapture down on the heads of automotive criminals.

Let's support one another, band together...we are all we got in this dismal place. Thanks for the blue line, brothers and sisters.

p.s. To the officer offering a chance on his bike and motor school...I would love the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

I've seen Doraville & Dunwoody out on 285 (and other agencies (Sandy Springs) not in Dekalb County). It does get scary all the way around 285 so it definitely is a problem. Speed enforcement is always a double edged sword, but it goes back to you are never able to make everyone happy all the time.

Anonymous said...

Didn't someone say there are no cars in TAC??

Anonymous said...

That's right there are no cars in TAC....that photo is of Officer Sandifer...she's in the Park Patrol Unit....any more questions?