Thursday, June 18, 2009

60 To Be Laid Off From DeKalb Development Agency, All County Employees To Lose 1 Paid Holiday

Click here for AJC article


Anonymous said...

OK, so does this mean we will just not get paid for it, or we will have to take a banked holiday to get paid for it? I'm a little lost.

Anonymous said...

My understanding is that this will be an unpaid holiday and annual leave cannot be used for the holiday. We can probably expect one unpaid f-day a month. It might not happen, but that is the gest of what I am seeing around the county, looks like it is time to start looking for a second job.
I also hear that a two percent decrease in salaries is on the table.
I discussed the early retirment option with people who know, and we doubt that will happen due to ultimate expense.
The county has increased services to citizens over the last decade at the expense of employee salary. I and probably you make 20 percent less market value than adjacent county employees whilst our CEO and BOC make very nice salaries and have a lot of external income and generous perks.
so instead of dumping extranious and doubtful projects and services the county once again decides to make the DeKalb employees bear the brunt of the recession
the CEO and BOC offices has gained a lot of bloated staff over the last decade. (23 just to swervice the CEO) You can bet they will be the last to canned.
I recommend a serious grand jury to study and make recommendations on county down-sizing now.
There are some truly worthless departments that need to be looked into.
Unfortunately with Gwen it will never happen.
Does any one else have any ideas on how to engage DeKalb government to eliminate the bloat and waste implemented over the last twenty years. I really cannot afford any pay cuts.
The CEO's office staff doubled over the last decade and should be the first to be investigated and down-sized.
Hell will freeze before that happens, but all other departments except for BOC and elected officials can expect a hard time retaing their jobs.
Good luck guys! Work like hell and expect the worse. I am a true pessimist at heart.

I'm Ron Burgundy? said...

Ladies and gentlemen, can I please have your attention. I've just been handed an urgent and horrifying news story. I need all of you, to stop what you're doing and listen. CANNONBALL!

Anonymous said...

How is taking away one paid holiday going to save the county money, since most people can't even get approved to use all of the holidays they get now? Oh, that must not be a problem for people outside of PD!

Anonymous said...

Fine. I will now start using my vacation, comp, holiday and sick days that I have barely touched in a decade and a half. Screw you DeKalb. I'm officially here just for a paycheck now. I've given you too much blood, sweat and tears and neglected my family for way too long. You no longer have my loyalty. The county, politicians and citizens have finally taken my last ounce of "give a damn". Again I say, "SCREW YOU!"

Anonymous said...

What do the "Ellis supporters" have to say now???? Did you REALLY think he gave a damn about YOU in the first place? He thinks very little of people without DEGREES!! I knew all along that he had nothing up his sleeves but to pick away at the employees...but noooooooo, you thought he was the 2nd coming! His stupid memos to employees is a bunch of out, this man has more in store for the DeKalb employees....wait and see! Hope you're happy now!

Anonymous said...

Theres a great attitude, you could get a job on the BOC or CEO position. They said "SCREW YOU" a long time ago. ROCK ON

Anonymous said...

It is a great attitude. I've given 15 years to this county. Fifteen years of my time. Fifteen years of hard work. Fifteen years of missing football games. Fifteen years of ballet classes. Fifteen years of anniversaries. Fifteen years of vacations. Fifteen years of all I have to make this county the best I could. I am 15 years older and realize now that all the blood, sweat and tears I gave this county mean nothing. I am 15 years older and I'm being told I am nothing. For 15 freaking years I put the county above my family. Yes, I am an IDIOT. Now I say SCREW this county. SCREW the people who voted for VJ. SCREW the supporters of TeBo. SCREW all of you who called me everyname in the book because I arrested you. I will now happily sit back and collect your tax dollars as I work towards my retirement. I am tired of being your bitch, DeKalb. It's on and it's all about me and mine now. SCREW YOU!

nootkabear said...

Perhaps the thing that the County should be doing is figuring out where the hell all the missing $$$ is instead of taking out on yall!

Anonymous said...

To anon8, you are appreciated by the citizens for doing your job well, and don't let this crap get you down. My personal experiance is the more engaged you are in your job, the more fun it is. You have a job that exposes you to the very worst of human nature, that tends to give one a bad attitude. It doesn't help that DeKalb political leaders have little use for county employees except to gain votes.
As much as I despise Vern he did have one quality I liked. He would visit departments and talk with the employees. Ellis and the current batch of commissioners refuse to do so. To them the county exists of only their staffs and the Maloof and Ponce buildings. The rest of the county is mere numbers and names and they forget that these names and numbers are the ones actually doing the jobs around here. The Maloof building has near perfect gounds and maintenance yet a block away my building sits in total neglect with serious safety issues that bring only shame and possible lawsuits against the county.
My contemporaries in adjoining counties make 20% more pay than I do for less performance, My employer thinks I am worthless and wants to reduce my pay. I work in a shit-house with many other dedicated employees doing our best.
From what I have seen, Ellis will clean up Police Services and dump on the rest of county employees as usual for the last decade, what we need is for Ellis to clean up the entire county, it would really help if the DA's office would chip in and start some badly needed investigations.
Anon8, stay engaged and keep your focus, we appreciate all you do.

PatsQB said...

Richest city in the state of Georgia. From the time we have taken over from Fulton county there have been zero murders. Pay is great, call volume low, the city pays my medical insurance, take home cars up to 25 miles (if you live further park it at a fire station of PD close to your house at teh 25 miles limit), if you rent in the city limits you are eligible for a $500 housing stipend.

Get your Apps in TODAY!

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget where the money for the PSD came from...PD, not the CEO's budget.

Thanks for all you do DKPD!

Optionless said...

Pats.... come up with credit for time served towards the same pension or better.....and you have something.

I'm not quite at ten years and I'm too old to start over on building retirement. I here for the pension (the old pension). That's all that keeps me from leaving.

Anonymous said...

It is horrible when anyone is laid off, but I have to agree with the cuts here. The county needs to cut spending. That means some people are going to have to lose their jobs. It sucks, but it's necessary.

This department is the most logical place to start cutting. When the economy was doing well and there was a lot of development in metro Atlanta, it made sense to have a large office of employees promoting development in DeKalb County. But now look around. The economy is in the crapper. There are numerous vacant houses and buildings in DeKalb. It doesn't make sense to have a huge staff of people working in "development" when there isn't a demand for development in DeKalb County, or anywhere, right now.

I really hope the people laid off can find a vacant position in the county in another department that would be a good fit for them. But right now, DeKalb doesn't need a huge "Development Department."

Anonymous said...

I bet PatsQB if the truth be known, you would come back to Dekalb in a heart beat. You love to do real police work. Give someone a call and come on back. You know who to call.
Love to have you back.

Anonymous said...

To the person stating screw you, you just need to go. Who made you put your job before your family anyway? You made that decision and should not take it out on our citizens or this Department. If you are really this upset you are a problem and you need to leave. Go work for the County you live in,

PatsQB said...


You aren't totally optionless but I completely understand. Here after 6 months of employment the city donates %12 of your base salary to a 457 retirement account. Then they match you up to %5 more if you elect to contribute. That equals %17, you give %5, the city gives %12. Not bad. Plus how much sick time and vacation time you have built up? You get paid for it. Your pension? You get what you put in back.

In the end do what's best for your and yours, but here's how I looked at it...

I worked for The Wicked Witch of the Fourth Floor for six months and was denied a transfer out. So when I left and the city paid me for my time and pension I looked at it as a $9,000 putting-up-with-a-terrible-person-bonus.

Check it out....

Anonymous said...

PATSQB, The Wicked Witch, bless her heart, never EVER did anything do justify you comparing her to Keisha Williams.

PatsQB said...

Bwaahahahaha !!!!

I'm Ron Burgundy? said...


We know you miss us and real police work...but instead of trying to get all of US to come join YOU, just make it easy and come back to the promised land we call DeKalb. We know it's been awhile since you've got in a foot chase or had to run 10-18 or, God forbid, have someone inform you, "I ain't going to jail," but we would welcome you back with open arms. There are several 2900 badges that could FTO you once you got back.

You are our Prodigal Son 291Brady. Come home son...come home.

Anonymous said...

Why did Ellis hire Whiz with the healthy pay? (Since Dekalb County is in such a disarray.) At the current time, this position was not needed. I guess he is just like the rest of the politicians " returning favors".