Friday, June 26, 2009

Did Gwen Fleming Finally Give In To Pressure From "The Blog"

Why did it take a year to make an arrest? Did she finally decide to prosecute because of pressure from the blog? Only Gwen Fleming can honestly answer that.

On an added note, you would think the District Attorney would be proud to rid the court system of corruption. But apparently not as proud as she is in prosectuting Officer Anthony A. Robinson who plead guilty to one count of Viloation of Oath of Office for sticking money and lottery tickets in his pocket. He is still the leading arrest on the the District Attorney's web page.

We thank Mrs. Fleming for her support.

Read more at Georgia Lawmakers Blog, click here


Anonymous said...

I glad these people have been charged. But they are responsible for maybe a few thousand dollars worth of tickets. There are still millions of dollars out there. Good start Gwen……..but PLEASE don’t stop with these fools.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like all of these people were arrested back in Jan/Feb of 2008 and it takes almost a year and a half for the DA's Office to file an indictment and no new charges or defendants.

Anonymous said...

Take a good look at who's in the District Attorneys Office.We have so many felons walking the streets with several court cases pending. The ones who break into your house and steal your car, are the ones who are always out on the street. The reason why......... usually probation several times, or the early release from prison if they make it that far. The same one are arrested with the knowledge they will pay a small fine and be free to steal again.The dopers know its a revolving door.

Anonymous said...

All this is not new. Ticket fixing was done "before" the ticket got to recorders court.The "good ol boy system". "Need free plumbing, etc.?"
I want bigger answers, like "who killed Officer David Corn?"
Answer that one all you hot shot know it alls.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Gwen and her crew got something indicted in less than a year?? Things are getting better! Think about it, they could have just let it go and not sent it to the Grnad Jury like 90% of the other cases sent to them!

Anonymous said...

Gwen has to do something to justify her budget and staffing requirements. With many governments getting serious about money owed to them, surely we can't just write off nearly 100 million dollars. I bet we hear that some judges were involved also. I get the feeling that we are going to hear some singing very soon.

Anonymous said...

Crime in Dekalb is OUT OF CONTROL.. I like living , not in metro ATLANTA

I work for a power company.