Saturday, July 4, 2009

Assistant Police Chief Rancifer Receives a Busted Lip

Last night, King Rancifer and all the kings’ men (Special Ops) were running radar on I-85 when a peasant Center Precinct officer pulled over a drunk driver. Rancifer and his merry maid, Major Yarbrough decided to help out.

The drunk driver was not willing to go to jail, of course. So, when A/C Rancifer reached into the car, he was greeted with a right hook, getting his lip busted. The merry maid Yarbrough jumped into the fray and got his hair messed up. Both should recover nicely.

Just a couple of quick questions: Why was the Assistant Chief of the entire police department out running radar? Where was Deputy Chief Don Frank, the commander of Special Ops?

Comments Are Closed


Anonymous said...

No not Johnny Bravo's hair was SWAT called out for this unthinkable crime or Major Felony please tell me somebody had a comb to try to bring the do back to life

Anonymous said...

Instead of degrading Rancifer and Yarborough why aren't you asking why did this center precinct officer not have any uniform back-up or uniform supervisors out there with him?? Why wasn't a uniform supervisor in route to do the officer injured j-2 after the center officer was bit by reaching into the vehicle? Or at least to check on his officer.

From the radio traffic I heard last night it was a good thing that they were out there, happen the same time a 63 went out in Tucker.

Anonymous said...

Not a big fan of Rancifer, but maybe the question should be why is he the only A/C or high ranking supervisor out there working with his troops on a busy holiday weekend?

Special Ops hours got changed as his changed too. Not many others would do that let alone leave the office!

Now if only he wasn't so damn arrogant, closed minded, he might be better respected.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. A large, so-called metropolitian police department and an Assistant Chief is out running radar. If this was a small town, then I could understand.

I hope people are not in line to give Rancifer an award for this foolish bravery. And as the blogmaster says, the madness continues.....

Anonymous said...

"Not a big fan of Rancifer, but maybe the question should be why is he the only A/C or high ranking supervisor out there working with his troops on a busy holiday weekend?" His troops? He is the Assistant Chief of Police. When is the last time he humped it with the regular grunts in the streets on a typical raining night? When was the last time he showed up on a homicide scene and canvassed with the tired detectives. Ranicifer doesn't give a damn about anybody but Special Ops. His hours changed? He changed his hours, not Chief (Rock On!) O'Brien. Truth be told, O.B. has no clue Rancifer was even out there?

Anonymous said...

How many supervisors does it take to do an officer injured report? How many were on the scene? Why couldn't a Special Ops supervisor do the paper work? Why didn't he have any back up? Have you checked a watch list lately? WE DON'T HAVE BACKUP!

Tip of the hat.... said...

First off....Hats off to Rancifer for being out on the street with his team on a holiday weekend.

Unless someone shoots a suspect, I don't think you'll see a black, pimped out Crown Vic or "fuel efficient" SUV all weekend.

On to what happened last night.

I'm not 100% clear on what actually happened.

The radio traffic was non-existent on the Center officer's channel. There was something about a 10-80 and the STAR team...then the center officer called his supervisor. No much after that, there was the 63.

Very nebulous.

The only facts that I know are true are the following:

1. There was a DUI arrest.

2. The suspect hit Rancifer in the mouth.

3. The suspect bit an officer...possibly the Center officer.

Facts that I'm not clear on:

1. Was Rancifer the primary officer who first initiate the traffic stop?

2. Was the Center officer an early out who was reporting to two set of supervisors,evening and morning watch, during the change over/transition from Evening to Morning? (A sometimes confusing period of time when it comes to who is supervising and clearing on calls.)

3. How did the Center officer get involved? Was HE primary or was he a backup that ended up doing J2 because officers forget how to do J2 when they pass the rank of MPO?

4. Did the suspect bump Rancifer's vehicle?

Anonymous said...

Why are Bolton's cronies still in place?

Anonymous said...

Center officer tried to stop a suspected drunk driver, subject wouldn't stop. Rancifer and Yarborough saw it and went to help. So uniform is short handed and there is no back up available, then why bitch when these two show up to help, by that thinking it would have been better to have the officer fend for him self and have the A/C sit in his air conditioned office?

Are you seriously that picky on who comes to back you up? What if had been a detective, is that ok? k-9? TSU? No, I don't like you, I'll fight this guy on my own?

Damn I thought we were all on the same team. Some of you people sound as asinine as Rancifer!

Anonymous said...

Who cares !

Anonymous said...

The only thing I wanna know is did the perp go to Grady first? Regardless of who he hit, I hope he felt some "love" from the officers who were involved...

Anonymous said...

I must say...I am not a fan of Yarborough and I have never worked directly with Rancifer. But I think it is awful that you brothers and sisters of the badge would make jokes about ANY officer being hit or in a fight. Regardless of the rank, regardless of what you may think of the person, shame on you..whoever you are..shame on you for making jokes about an officer being punched in the mouth. Shame on you for disrespecting the badge in such a manner. I was always taught..respect the badge. I don't like a lot of the officers I work with. And I am certain that a lot of them don't like me. But one thing all of you can count on..I will always respond when help is needed regardless who the individual is that is calling. That's what we do!!!!!! It's not about sex, race, rank, or beliefs....We all bleed blue!! And if you don't feel that way..GET ANOTHER JOB!!! Shame on you for cracking jokes when a badge was attacked.

Anonymous said...

I have seen A/C Rancifer come out on calls on Morning watch when he was duty commander. It was a s03 at a school. SRO gave it as a possible 42. A/C Rancifer was the 3rd unit on scene and checked the side of the campus. Many people may not like him, but can never say he is not a police officer. Whether you like him or not you must show respect for a supervisor that will get into the fight instead of standing by watching others work.

I'm Ron Burgundy? said...

What? You pooped in the refrigerator? And you ate the whole... wheel of cheese? How'd you do that? Heck, I'm not even mad; that's amazing.

Anonymous said...

Was Rancifer the Duty Commander? You know, the designated senior officer to provide supervision to the department after 10pm. The Duty Commander is assinged one week at a time for everyone that is a Captain or higher. It's the one good idea Bolton came up with.

Anonymous said...

ICP was off....I know for a fact...Some NET teams or The temas that cover 2 prec's...most were off...Special Ops stepped up to the plate...AGAIN...

Several compalin that SOD doesn't do enough..that's thier job to run laser/radar or traffic enforcement...guess what...they were out there and they were in force!!!

Hats off to A/C the position he is in..he could have taken the day off....yet he was out there with the grunts making traffic stops along with the Major/Lt's/Sgts of Special Ops...They were LEADING by example!!!...Hats off to them!!!

Some complain that you have no Special Ops we don't care where we are or what were of us call for back up...and we are there or en-route regaurdless of who it is...but then again thats why so many people are still trying to get into Specail Ops!!!!....

No-one evry really knows what we do...until you get in that unit...there never is a plan B!!!
Even supervisiors that come and go are always consumed by everything that we do...realizing exactly everything that takes place in the unit!!!

In a fight...polyester is matter what color it is...a brother needs god if close(within reason) you need to be heading in that dirction.!!! Rank MATTERS NOT!!!

By the way..Hours have been changed for that entire unit..from 0500 to 2100 hrs and the Star teams fills the gaps from 2000 to 0600 ones who may complain...most of them have set hours and would complain more if thier hours changed. SOD sucks it up and handles because thats what we do....

Love this page but sometimes folks look to compalin about anything and's like when you fall down and get hurt...SO...suck it up and move on!!! Life is not a bed of roses and if thats what your looking for....then get the hell out of this deparment and find a job that suits your life style!!! or some who will listen when your feelings get hurt thats warm..kind & fuzzy!!!

We are in this together...we only have each other in the streets...the old saying is if you can't handle the situation....then don't step into anything that you can't handle or be prepared to handle the unexspected!!!

So for all those in SOD who gave up thier holiday so the others could have it off or took hats off to them!!

Anonymous said...

I heard that none of this went out over the radio....the traffic stop yes, but nothing else...

Anonymous said...

I heard that none of this went out over the radio....the traffic stop yes, but nothing else...

Anonymous said...

Officer never put any traffic out on his precinct channel, A/C and Major saw him drive by, attempting to stop the drunk while they were running radar and jumped in to help.

The SOD guys I know are always ready to help out, no matter what is needed. Their hours/off days aren't set and they are routinely called out. The supervisors in the unit work just as hard as the officers.

Go ahead and talk crap about 'em, they're professionals and have your back any way.

Anonymous said...

Why is this devolving into a war between Uniform and Special Ops? We all wear grey and black, and perps really don't care what specialized unit we're a part of.

I'm glad that the Chief, the Major, and the officer weren't hurt. Additionally, I'm pleased to hear that the command staff still cares enough about line-level officers to help them out on a traffic stop.

However, I do feel the same way as the blogger...why were an Assistant Chief and a Major running laser in the early hours of the morning? Perhaps it's because Special Ops is overworked and understaffed. Perhaps it's because there aren't enough Uniform officers certified to run laser. Perhaps it's because certain high-ranking officers are concerned about their future and are trying very, very hard to look good and keep their jobs. Perhaps it's a combination of all three...