Saturday, July 18, 2009

County failed to provide resources for Recorders Court

It seems Judge Walker has be asking for help since 2002 and all those in power turned a deaf ear, including Vernon, Former Chief Moody, TeBo and even C.E.O. Ellis.

A simple question: Why can't the warrants be entered on G.C.I.C. with a 50 mile radius pickup? Seems like every other agency in the state does it.

Yes, the madness continues.

Click here for CrossRoadsNews article.


Anonymous said...

Walker, you're full of crap and you know it! The warrants weren't put on NCIC/GCIC because you didn't want to appear as a big bad mean person while you were running for Superior Court!

You didn't need the Marshalls, the Sheriff's Departmant, or off duty police to serve your warrants! You put them on NCIC like every other court in this country! You put an extradition caveat in the warrant: 50 miles or less from the county line! It's not that hard! Everyone else in the country seems to have figured out how to do it! Why can't you??

It's really quite simple! Someone gets a speeding ticket. They don't show up for court. You put them on NCIC for a Failure to Appear warrant. A few months later, Cherokee County pulls them over for running a stop sign! A quick check of NCIC reveals the outstanding warrant! They get arrested, their car gets impounded! Then they get transported to the DeKalb County Jail where they either pay their fine, or post bail equal to or greater than their fine! What's so hard about that?? You don't need the approval of S.O., the Marshall's, or off duty P.D. to get that done!! If you can't figure that out, you don't belong in a Judge's robe!

Anonymous said...

keep walker, she is good. She had her hand tied. She has some great ideas that can bring in revenues and get these perps off the street.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I have been out of the loop for a while but PLEASE tell me this isn't Judge Imogene Walker your talking about.....

Anonymous #3 said...

I won't call #2 an idiot, but I will say that #2 is obviously talking about something he or she knows nothing about.

#1, you're dead on. A failure to appear warrant is all that is needed. If they screwed up once, they'll more than likely do it again.

Anonymous said...

I have noted that RC never has any money to correct major technical issues, and that is an administrative issue between the BOC and Judge Walker. Judge Walker may be a fine judge and administrator but she has no experiance in county politics or how to play hard ball with the BOC and CEO. As a large revenue producer for the county, the judge did not realize she has considerable power inherent with the revenue she brings in. If the judge had allowed RC revenue to drop due to the faulty computer software instead of hiring dozens of temps to overcome the slow software due to sheer numbers of employees inputing data, the commissioners would of approved funding to fix the faulty software and improve revenue to the department. RC elected to spend money on temps instead of paying for expensive tech support from the vendor, in my opinion it would of taken the vendor 10 working days with two tech support people at 1 grand a day each, the total cost would of probably run 30-40 grand versus the 100's of thousands of spent on temps over several years. The problem was that the judge would of had to explain why she approved the faulty software to go online knowing all the technical issues with the faulty software. An experianced administrator would have faced the music, owned up to poor project management, and got the money to fix the problem.
TO Anon1, you are right on target with the GCIC/NCIC warrent tags. This is kindegarten stuff that even rookies know. God helps those who help themselves!
Keep 'em flying guys!

Anonymous said...

The Jones administration would have been happy to look the other way on necessary software enhancements for Walker and write some of those popular $49,999 "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine" contracts that were so popular. No BOC approval needed. Considering the missing millions, we might have come out ahead on that deal.

Anonymous said...

The software for the Probation Court is just as bad as the Recorders Court software. We're losing a lot of county revenue because of it, revenue that could and should be spent on public safety. It's the next big story.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Special Ops offer to serve some of the outstanding warrants recently, but the idea was shot down by Judge Walker??

Anonymous said...

To probation court, I haven't heard any news on your software issue, from what I understand IT is clueless that you have a problem, I suggest escalating the issue to your supervisors and have them place a helpdesk call to IT on the issue.
On the 49.999 IT contracts, The IT acting director, who was not even a permanent county employee but a consultant, put through those infamous consultant fees with Stogner's and Vern's full knowledge and approval. The BOC was clueless but when 10 plus requisitions came through in one day, even the BOC took notice of this nasty surprise. An investigation into Stogner’s relationship with the consulting firm would probably turn up a lot that would be very embarrassing to Stogner but Vern would probably slip out using “plausible deniability”.
Ellis and the BOC is pissed at DeKalb IT and threatened a criminal investigation, easily done with a grand jury, but none has been forthcoming. One has to wonder at the motivation behind the CEO and BOC approving a consultant as acting director of DeKalb IT. Obviously he was chosen to be the “new sheriff in town” to fix IT’s issues then ride out of town after fixing the issue and canning half the department. Instead he brought in Stogners high-priced consulting friends, shot through the IT budget in half a year, and wasn’t discovered until another year after the huge batch of 49,999 requisitions was finally noticed by the BOC.
Status of the consulting acting director is unknown, Stogner is working with some NGO group affiliated with either the DeKalb chamber of commerce or BBB or some similar group on who knows what? Vern has been out of the news for a month a half. Vern knows something that we don’t.

Anonymous said...

Oddly all those $49,999 contracts were given the KPMG stamp of approval with "no wrong-doing found" on the part of the Jones Administration. All I can wonder is how the heck do you get an accounting firm like KPMG to skew the reports for you? Wait...are those shreaders I hear in the background?

Anonymous said...

When I was growing up poor my Mom always had a saying that applies to Recorder's Court: Make due with what you have.

After reading the article and seeing Judge Walker was always asking for more I'd like to say: Make due with what you have Judge Walker.

Anonymous said...

Here's a solution but it will require work. Final notices need to be sent to everyone that has a debt with the Recorder's Court. The accused will have a chance to pay it with no questions asked, come ask for a payment plan with interest and will not have to face arrest. Folks, we are forgetting something called Statue of Limitation. Many of these tickets probably will be tossed away as the county has blown its chance to do anything with them. You probably have some people who want to deal with their outstanding ticket but are fearful of arrest if they attempt to do something. Georgia needs to make traffic citations a civil matter rather than a criminal matter like other states are starting to do. When its a civil matter, then you can put liens on an indivial's paycheck and property. However, when you are in an arrest for trivial matters (we can't get you to go after real criminals like Derrick Yancey and others) state like Georgia and a metro area like Atlanta, then this will never work. Well, back to our regularly scheduled discussion of screwing the citizens we are here to serve and protect on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Did someone say "pay a fine" ??? Apparently NOT necessary in Dekalb Co - just sign your name don't ya know???

Anonymous said...

My neighbor was told to pay a fine he had paid two years prior of over $700.00 (in cash). He stated to the people in Recorders Court that the fine was already paid. He was warned that if he did not show a receipt that they were going to issue a warrant for his arrest. He knew people at the state who could provide him a copy of the receipt.

He stated over a year ago that the Recorders Court was running a scam and was unable to get anyone to address the criminal activity. How do we hold the people in high office accountable for looking the other way and/or playing stubid?

Judge Walker needs to be fired! The person in charge must take responsibility for such activity and lack of accounting for the money.