Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Is This The Beginning of "Here We Go Again?"

Word has it Public Safety Director Miller has a driver now and the driver has been issued a Ford Crown Vic. Confirmation pending on who the driver is.

UPDATE: The Director's driver is Sgt. Vicki Logan


Not Made..... said...

"It is not I"....I say as I run my debit card thru the pump's card reader.

Anonymous said...

What difference does it makes if they have a car or not. Why does a police officer having a car matter so much? That should be an incentive like Gwinnett, Dunwoody, and Sandy Spring to name a few.

Anonymous said...

And we wonder why we have budget problems? Can no one in DeKalb drive themselves?

Anonymous said...

All of a sudden these guy's can't drive themselves? Elitest bureaucrats.

Anonymous said...

I want a take home car, just think I'm a aide and will never respond after hours. This is just like Bolton and his perks.

Anonymous said...

This is just another rewards program, why do these officers need a TAKE HOME CAR ? Well tax payer dollars at work for the chosen few.

Anonymous said...

Who is the one that was chosen to drive?

Anonymous said...

I need gas money to come to work. I wish the county would furnish me a car.

Anonymous said...

We thought detectives were abusing the cars, they deserved it more than and a person assigned to the command staff. They are never called out after hours and some live outside the 35 mile distance. When will we ever learn that what is right is right.

Anonymous said...

These are buddies of the current Director of Public Safety, should we guess who is next in line. Lets have a list of names and see if we are correct.

Anonymous said...

This falls under don't believe everything you read. If this hasn't been confirmed why are you posting it?

Anonymous said...

Hell yes it is more of the same. The man already has a county car and this will be an additional one or two added to that. One or two police personnel taken off the streets to drive him around. Plush office space for them to sit around in and do nothing. This man has a gun and knows his way around DeKalb County. He already has a Police Lt aide, can't he drive him around. There is no reason for this other than because he can. Can't wait to see who gets this job and what the prior history is. CEO Ellis it is time to step in and put a stop to this nonsense. Looks like you have done nothing more than create your own TE-BO. Thanks a pants load.

Got Driver? said...

Can someone explain to the much perplexed citizens who follow the blog WHY our high ranking public safety officials need drivers? Is it a perk? Does it allow them to do their job better? Does it allow them to talk on the phone and drive? A blue tooth can accomplish the same thing and costs a heck of a lot less. Come on DeKalb! Get smart!

Anonymous said...

Lets slow down and give this Director a chance. Vickie Logan is NOT going to be his driver. Quit naming officers prior to getting all the the facts. Logan is a very good Sgt.I'm happy for any officer who gets a break after putting time in. She's been here over ten years and has earned whatever she gets (Although it's not the position you stated).Its time to get back to being a police. Whether you agree with his appointment or not, Mr. Miller is here. He, Chief O'Brien, and each one of us have a lot of work to do in order to get this department back on track. We MUST stop the in-fighting and backstabbing created under Graham and Tebo. It divided this department. Lets be honest for ONCE on this site. This is not about take home cars, I have one and it's not all that. Admit it, you just really don't like the fact William Miller is in that position...bottom line. I'm 10-12 for your negative feedback on this one if you publish it, unlike so many others who disagree with you and you don't publish. "Go ahead, make my day"

Anonymous said...

Rhetorical question - Just how many Sgt's are we short in the field? And how many precincts are running with OIC's on a regular basis?

Anonymous said...

If you are putting this man in the class with Tebo you have no clue. I frequently see him leaving the office at 10-11 pm at HQ alone. It's funny all the Assistant and Deputy Chiefs aides have take home black crown vics including Dist.Net team Sgts. What emergency are they responding to. We can't figure out what we want. I am glad the command staff is attacking this administration. Maybe they will know who supports them. Rock on Chief O'Brien.

Anonymous said...

Think about the number of e-mails and phone calls the Director has to response to in a day..Think about the number of meetings he goes to a day....How do you prepare for all these meetings at once. Yes, while in his car... He deserves to has someone else help him. Stop all the hating, he isn't asking for three and four drivers, no just one. He is making changes and you can see it, why ride him like that. His aide has other duties and responsiblities while holding down his office. Doesn't that make sence

Anonymous said...

Why do we have people about to go to specialize units when they are still on probation. There u go again. Good ole boys system
.county policy says u must be off probation to apply. So get off of Logan,you all are about to hook up your little. Friends.

Anonymous said...

All the hate, I agree. We as officers will never stop back stabbing each other. You can't make everyone happy, so who cares. That is why most if not all of the persons who posted comments on this blog will never be anything other than a uniform officer or supervisor. 90% do not even stay in the county and have no say so when it comes to voting. Sgt Logan has been an asset to every unit she has been in and is a veteran of over 10 years. She does not have a take home car and is not a driver! Once again, CONFIRM INFO before you start the rumor mill!!!!!!!! Anyone who knows anything about running a department knows your phone serves more than the purpose of talking, EMAIL people and much more. Geeezzzzz!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Got the command staff's attention didn't we. I won't bet you are not commenting on blog . I wont loose my shirt on that one. Chief OB they will pick you blind. Lead this department like the ones have shown you in past.They are commenting and using this blog to direct you guys. They call it "throw a rock and hide your hands". We won't call names, but they have aides with take home cars that live out of county and wives own lucrative businesses. Do your home work Chief and stop this wasteful management from above.It's Time to shine for the regular guy.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember TEBO speaking about "people in politics" being killed in this county in Compstat? Mr. Ellis, Dir. Miller, Chief OB get you a driver and make sure they practice and stay close to you. Tebo,Vernon and all their cronies are not in jail yet and are desperate. The real people in the ranks back you on what you do, we believe you are sincere in your actions. You have shown us just by firing that idiot Tebo
CEO,Director, Chief We got your back to the end. Trust me. People who have not done anything in their career frequent blog sites on duty to past idle time when they could be serving. Lets use this site for a positive instead of bashing session.

Perk or Necessity? said...

It doesn't say anything bad about Wiz or Sgt. Logan. Just questions something that should be questioned during these tough times where our county is low on money. Why does Wiz need a driver. No one has answered that. Is there an answer or is it merely a perk. If it is a perk it NEEDS to be questioned. We have a budget shortfall!

Glad to hear Wiz is burning the midnight oil. We need a lot of help, and it sounds like he's working hard.

But I'd respect the high ranking officials (elected and appointed) in our county is I saw them forego perks.

We can reconsider perks when the good times roll again.

Anonymous said...

Anon stop teasing us.Name the Aides with the Super Perks and their bosses. They didn't hesitate to throw Director Miller and Sgt. Logan under the Magic Bus. They stood around and grinned and kissed Tebo's A-- for two years as he robbed us blind. Why don't we investigate some of them. Tebo said in his statement yesterday he asked them everything and they gave him wrong answers apparently Just because Anderson and the crew turned State's evidence doesnt mean they get ammunity.What do all the blk crown vics in Special Ops do, When is the last time TRT has been called out. Blk crown vics everywhere.I forgot the king is the commander. Lets talk about it.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know why this individual is moving up the latter so quickly? I know it's not from their work ethics, not a ball of fire on the streets. Tell me it ain't so.....?

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:27pm wrote,"He deserves to has someone else help him" Well moron do you realize how stupid your attempted justification sounds, and with that logic ole TE-Bo really needed all them drivers too because he didnt even know his way around, hahahahahahahaha, this place is full of frigging morons. I dont know how some of you get past the blog word verification, it has to be quite a task.

Anonymous said...

I think WZ Miller is a great guy and I support him. HOWEVER I think this move falls into the category of; what in the hell were you thinking????

Sgt. Logan no more needs to have a nice new black crown vic to drive home than a recruit in the academy. What is the purpose? And yes the same goes for all the other aides around the department. Uniform officers are driving old pieces of junk with over 100,000 miles while a do nothing aide gets a new take-home car. It is a fundamental issue of fairness and yes it does sound like more of the same.

And the car issue aside for a moment, I do not understand the selection of Sgt. Logan in the first place. We were told that we were going back to fairness when it came to special positions. What about resumes? What about years of experience counting for something? What about an interview process? What about fair competition for positions within the department?

Anonymous said...

Probably chose Sgt. Logan because they know most of you would put all the confidential meeting details on blog. If you're commenting on this blog they could not use you anyway.So why advertise. That includes me. Some top executive details just don't need to be open air. Go figure. Just think if before someone is really fired or has a HIPPA issue, the driver has blogged it. Could be devastating. Trust factor Rambo. Its like now CID Lts are bragging about Chief Obrien promoting 12-13 Lts to Captain, That had to come from corner office if its true. They advising that the CID Major has told them that its a go. Secure your self Chief OB with people you trust.Rock On Billy.

Anonymous said...

I bet Logan took the job so she can write up Miller the first chance she gets...

Anonymous said...

Let Sgt. Logan have the driving job. If she wants it..I came here to be a cop not a taxi driver. I wouldn't take it if they ask me...Different strokes for different folks....

Slamin Ethel said...

Im sick and tired of being sick and tired! But yes the Director is entitled to a damn take home car you morons.
So what your driving cars with 100k on em be glad your not standing in the unemployment line looking for goverment assistance, be damn glad that you have a JOB. Rock on Chief O'Brien!

Anonymous said...

Sgt Logan you earned it and you deserve whatever you get. By the way, if you have some extra room in that unit, load up some of these haters and drop them off in another county. Leave her alone folks. Like one writer put it, they need someone who's NOT gonna run and tell everything. I know alot of officers who have your back on this one. Nothing unethical about this. "Let your haters, be your motivators". Put your seatbelt on, put the petal to the metal,and drive Vickie DRIVE!!!! "Next stop, Lieutenant". Rock on O'Brien and oh yeah, dont forget..Its Miller Time!

Anonymous said...

Ass kissing only counts if you know who is doing it. Officer Slamin Ethel, I respect you and your "Rock on Chief O'Brien!"

No one is answering why High Ranking officials need a driver. Is it a safety issue? A Perk? A necessity?

Anonymous said...

Chief O’Brien probably does know who keeps writing, “Rock on Chief O’Brien!” and I am getting tired of reading that immature junk myself. Are you 14 years old? And that line about, “You should just be glad you have a job” sounds like something Bolton or Vernon would say.

According to one poster Vickie Logan should get everything she can get and she deserves it no matter what. Again this sounds like the previous administration with different actors. Just take everything you can take and to hell with everybody else! I am sure some people who are close to Vickie Logan feel this way but I have heard MANY officers speaking of this topic and it is mostly negative. I actually hear that Sgt. Logan is smart and has some good qualities but this is hardly the point.

I continue to support Chief O’Brien and Director Miller as do most other officers, but I sure hope they do not take our support for granted and begin taking extreme liberties with their authority.

Anonymous said...

To: The Last Anonymous Post. Dont twist words which are printed in black and white. I said "Sgt Logan has earned it and deserves whatever she gets". I NEVER said "No matter what". Its obvious you don't even know she has been here over ten years, was a hell of a road officer at South Precinct, served in CID, made Sgt. Served over six months as acting Lieutenant. You state, you HEARD she is actually a good officer. I KNOW shes a good one. The bottom line is there is NOTHING unethical about her driving the Director around. Do your homework. And since you dont like it...Rock on O'Brien, and it's Miller Time.

Anonymous said...


Jealousy or envy for the perk?

Sgt. Logan , she is sharp, but a car for the position. Will it ever end?

Anonymous said...

I don't live in De Kalb ,so what do I care what taxpayers pay for transportation for employees to come to work.

Anonymous said...

Driver? What a sweet position that must be! You only work about 2 hours a day, but get paid for a full day!! The rest of the time, you just sit around, waiting for something to do! And what about your annual evaluation! "Officer Driver always obeys all traffic laws. (S)he stays within the designated lane for travel and always uses the appropriate traffic signal."

Just a Regular Joe said...

Don't even get me started on evals.... do you think a driver's eval of all 5's would be kicked back by Decatur like "regular" police officer evals.

How many times have we seen evals kicked back because the numbers were too high, or have a supervisor tell you that they'd like to give you better number, but Decatur or the Lt. would kick it back.

Anonymous said...

Just askin' - hope I get an answer. But...what was this blog like before VJ decimated the county???

DeKalb Officers said...

Non Existent

Anonymous said...

Eye candy! Eye candy! Eye Candy! Come on guys, we all know what the real deal is. Its been this way forever around here. Name a female officer, who is moderately attractive, who has been here at least 5 years and hasnt been to a specialized unit/position. I cant think of any right off hand! Im being generous with the 5 years.

dedicateddkpd said...

My goodness some of you need to take a step back and look at yourselves. This childish posting has got to stop. I thought I worked with professionals but apparently I was wrong. As members of the public read this idiotic drivel every negative stereotype about police officers is suddenly coming true. Please stop this petty bickering and back biting, do you honestly think this is doing any good?

Anonymous said...

Someone said she'earned it!' How in the hell do you 'earn' the right to be a driver? What are the qualifications? 10 years of safe driving? I personally like Vickie as a person, but thats besides the point. She's been a sgt for only 2 years. She got a chance to work Internal Affairs, but if memory serves me correctly, she was put out of I.A.. So, how exactly did she 'earn' the driver's position? I feel that the position should go to a sgt or mpo nearing the end of their career, as a reward for 20-25 years of dedicated service.

Anonymous said...

I think Chief O’Brien and Director Miller are FAR superior to the incompetent buffoons we have had in the recent past. I think CEO Ellis is a huge upgrade over the criminal Vernon Jones. I do not, however, think that any of these men are perfect. We all have our flaws and it is good to have people who try to keep us in line. It appears to me that SOME of you guys refuse to find any fault in your chosen superstar. If you are friends with Chief O’Brien he can do no wrong. If you are friends with Director Miller he is perfect in your eyes. Complete, unyielding, blind loyalty always leads to bad things.

I agree with a recent poster who said these positions should go to more veteran Sergeants. Is there anything wrong with Sgt. Logan? No, certainly not that I can see. Can the Director choose anyone he wants? Yes he can. But just because he can does not mean he should. This thing just gives a bad perception and too many officers are not happy with it. I still support Director Miller and I believe he is the right man for the job. I just disagree on this one issue.

I also do not understand the increasing number of posts that suggest everybody should just be positive all the time no matter what. So if we see something we think is wrong we should just keep our damn opinions to ourselves and be glad we have a job? I think some of you do not understand the purpose of a blog. The Blogmaster ask a question or otherwise puts forth a topic. Everyone then has a chance to agree, disagree or state their opinion on the topic as they see it. There is supposed to be disagreement on some things! That is the point. I may strongly disagree with you on a topic and I may even call you an idiot. But I will not suggest that you should stop offering your opinion on this blog. It serves a purpose, even if I disagree with you. And for those of you who just don’t think there should be a blog, why in the hell are you reading it?

Anonymous said...

Chill out guys! O'brien and Miller are granted aides and generally they also perform as drivers. I have not met Miller and company, but I have met both the chief and his aide, and the conversation has been interesting. If no one has noticed, the chief drives himself.
I have no idea whether Miller drives his county vehicle, that is the aides job.
As you work up through the ranks, we all find our "go to guys and gals", the people who know how to get things done quickly with a minimum of fuss.
The director has chosen his aide and driver, let's see how things pan out before delivering judgment.