This blog page was established so DeKalb County Police Officers including their family and friends may have a place to hold discussions, post news and vent without fear of retribution.
I guess everyone remembers we are a team. These promotions are just some of of the best we have to help lead us to our next phase. We will come back to be the best.
You hear stories of when DeKalb Police was one of the best departments in the nation.
Who knows , it might be remember the Chief Hand - Chief Burgess- Chief O'Brien years.
That will make you proud of being a member of DeKalb Police Department.
I think the Director is doing a fine job, but he needs to focus on the real problems in the Public Safety Department. The police department is in good hands.
Sowell can stay where she is pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee god help us! I cant even understand her on the radio with that accent. This is just another reason I need to take the promotional test. With that being said I know, I know it's my own damn fault that I will be working for these meat heads. And please new Leiutenant Howard, I like you but you need to calm down a little dont be so high strung you are a good person.
Why has O'Brien not been named permanent Chief? What the hell are they waiting on now? Must be waiting on Holmes to get a little more experience, what a joke.
I heard that they have not appointed "Brien chief because Pearson is coming back. Oh my what will we do? I was told he just finished his degree at some school. Go figure.
If you don't pass the test, you don't get promoted ignorant. Those people worked hard for what they got. You commented on the K9 unit sergeants. Get in the clique and get a dog. Sowell may stay , Brink did when he made it. What does he bring to the table. Dont complain about not enough sergenats on the street, They can use the K9 in uniform division I would think. keep your eye on next assignments to specialized units. You have to be in clique fellows. We wont be suprised.
Sowell is a Sergeant??? Good lord, you have got to be kidding me. I promise you that dog she has is considerably smarter than she is and tells half the lies that she does. Her accent is the least of that nut job's problems. We must come up with a new way to promote officers.
O’Brien has been the permanent chief for some time now. You are a joke for not knowing that. Instead of talking about Holmes, why don’t you have a clue what you are talking about first?
Maybe the all knowing "Desk Of DeKalb Officers" could clarify the O'Brien situation and provide documentation to back it up if he has been named.
From DeKalb Officers: There has been no official or formal announcement permanently naming Bill O'Brien as Chief of Police. A/C Chief O'Brien has said he would except the position if offered.
Why the delay, stumps us just as it does everyone else. Burrell Ellis has on more than one occasion publicly said he has all the confidence in O'Brien.
The delay is confusing. Because it has been so long. the obvious conclusion is there is power plays and deals going on behind close doors.
Burrell does like O'Brien and he does have the confidence of Ellis. But we are starting to believe O'Brien is a pawn in someone's game.
But on the flip side of the coin. The department is rocking along just fine right now and Burrell has his hands full with the left overs of Vernon.
Things are going just fine in my opinion with O'Brien. Why does it bother you so much if his title is "Chief" or "Acting Chief?" Is it really that big of a deal? Things are going well, sit back and enjoy it.
I swear, some people won't be happy unless the county hires some snake oil salesman who wants to turn the place upside down and reinvent the wheel. Worked out great with Bolton, didn't it??
Frank is a Lt. because that's as low as they could demote him because of the merit system. Remember, he "earned" that merit protected rank shortly after his NCIC/GCIC violations.
O’Brien no longer has “Acting” beside his name when he signs documentation. He is the Chief guys, but I think some of you want the CEO to drop by your house and tell you personally or you will refuse to believe it. He has fired people, made promotions, made demotions and restructured the entire police department. What else do you want?
And by the way, it is actually good for many of you guys that WZ Miller is the Director. When good decisions are made and things are wonderful, you can give credit to Chief O’Brien. When anything goes bad you can always blame the Director. Works out good for you like that.
For the poster who thinks Frank can’t be demoted or fired. Don’t you remember that most of the things that Tebo was fired for Frank was involved in? He’s the one that hide those cars in his garage for Tebo (just one example). So if was enough to fire Tebo why isn’t enough to fire him?
Wow what a celebration today for Jim Helms. The CEO even declared it Jim Helms day in DeKalb County. I hope he can get a free cup of coffee at the waffle house with that letter. Mr. CEO dont you think that was a little hypocritical since you just busted him to Major to force him to retire. Helms was a fool for hanging around after 30 years to end up letting this happen to him. The rest of you fools with over 30 years please take note. What the hell though keep hanging around and maybe you will get a special letter from the CEO and have your very special day too but only after he screws you over. What a damn joke.
Wow, you really haven't figured this out yet? Wiz wont be satisfied with just making his road dog assistant chief, he's looking to make him CHief of Police at DeKalb and bump out Obrien. But, oops, that pesky OBrien has everyone's support, so that slows Wiz & Holmes down. If Wiz went to bat for OBrien to be permanently named CHief, it would get done. Right now, he can run the police department, tell the CEO OBrien is in charge, let OBrien make one or two changes, and do whatever he wants. Wiz thinks he is really the Chief of police, and there isnt anybody to stop him. And he wont be giving up any TV air time anytime soon, he's got to build a fan base. Watch out CEO, if you don;t know by now, Wiz will be running against you for CEO of DeKalb, and pointing to his public safety knowledge to do so. I'm not hating, I'm admiring the game
To the last post regarding Wiz, Director Miller to you, not supporting Chief O'Brien: I'm just happy to see that the CEO does not respond to these dumber than dumb posts. Director Miller has and does support Chief O'Brien 100%. CEO has the right to act on his on accord. Maybe CEO Ellis is giving Chief O'Brien an opportunity to prove himself. With Chief O'Brien's level of expericence its not a bad idea. We all know and support Chief O'Brien and so does the Director Miller. And yes call me Director's roll dog if you like and I too love and support Chief O'Brien. He is our Chief!
Please know that we have a very smart and intelligent CEO. He's not going to fall for this divide on conquer tactics many are you are attempting. TEBO days are over get use to it.
Ok people, it's not that hard to read between the lines and to see what is going on. I'm gonna be frank but the following is the truth. Director Miller is running the Police Department, not Chief O'Brien. Chief O'Brien basically has to run all of the important decisions by Director Miller before it can happen such as the promotion list that just came out.
We all know that Chief Holmes is best buddies with Director Miller and that is the only and I mean only reason why Holmes is an Assistant Chief.
The reason why O'Brien has not been named acting Chief is because, like previous posters have said, Director Miller is waiting for the right time to bump O'Brien out and name his buddy Holmes the Chief of Police.
I know this will be controversial but let's face it. Director Miller is not going to allow a white male to run a Police Department in a majority black county. Director Miller's problem is that the majority of the Police Department absolutely loves and stands behind Chief O'Brien. Director Miller doesn't want to appear racist in anyway so he has to sprinkle a few white people in the administration but he definitely doesn't want a white Chief especially when he has his boy Holmes in reserve just waiting.
Respond to this post as you feel necessary but you know as well as I do that there is a race issue in DeKalb County. Promotions are not always given to the most competent person. Promotions are very often given to "friends" and these "friends" do not represent the Police Department in a good way. It's obvious that I am an O'Brien supporter and he definitely deserves to be Chief of Police but just wait and see, Holmes will be Chief of Police either by the end of the year or most likely the beginning of 2010.
Chief Burgess was at 34 for the partay today...maybe he's gonna make a move to get back on top!
This place was at its best when there was a chief who cared about the place running the show. Burgess lived here and actually gave a crap about the department and the county...the guy gave 45 years of his life to DeKalb county, which is more than ANY OF US can or ever will. Most officers I know have very fond memories of policing during the Hand/Burgess years.
New leadership is all well and good, but it needs to be the right kind of leadership. I can tell that O'Brien genuinely cares; hopefully he will be allowed to do what he needs to do to set things right. I sincerely hope that O'Brien's tenure will lead to good things for this place.
Lets talk about O'Briens Qualifications. Ran IA and Ran IA . In the Good Ol Boy Clique and Do re remember him ever being suspended for anything ? Yes some people do.
Hey Miller times "roll dog" as you called yourself please keep your personal love affair with him to yourself. We know all is well in his inner circle but the rest of the department is not. All thats changed is the name, it was TE-BO and now its Miller Time, just more of the same BS. Lets all not forget the CEO plan all along was to make Miller time the Chief. He had to create the BS director position to put Miller in charge and waste taxpayer money in the process. Make no mistake about it he and his band of idiots are large and in charge.
Wats going on in crime scene unit. A certain female is bragging to everyone how she can't be touch on disciplinary issues because she has connections up on hill. Are we letting civilians run the dept now. I think its the same anti-establishment female who is anti-governmnent. Someone speak to this and tell us none of our commanders have fell into her web. The East precinct Major was in unit with her and now she claims she has others in web. Wats going on Dekalb. I am old crime scene unit person.
Whats the deal with the attack on Director Miller. A few months he was like a savior because you thought he could get rid of TEBO. Now he is lower than low. When I worked at PD years ago, all I know is he was one of the hardest working and dedicated soldiers around. He would give you the shirt off of his back. I have known him over 15 years and I tell you that its wrong of you. Worked his way up ,put himself in positive position to make change and for this.He has stood for his people throughout thick situations and now you think he deserves this. I am happy to be away from you guys over there, because until you can get it back to the 70s,80s and early 90s you want quit. Leave Wiz and make the big bucks, this is not worth your time. I know you want though because you care buddy.
Everyone get ready. The news is about to be released on the entire dept, that will shock everyone. Its not what the previous poster stated on the Chiefs assignments, but keep reading and the truth will be told.Rock on O'Brien
From what I see and hear O'Brien has the support of 90 percent of DKPD. As others have stated, Ellis installed Miller as Ellis's picked man of DKPD, O'Brien was also chosen to lead, but Miller is the top dog, especially politically. O'Brien has the advantage of near-total support by DKPD rank and file. The political disadvantage of O'Brien in DeKalb is his race. (Which is a scandal in itself) I was truly shocked when he was given the position of acting chief. All being said it comes down to this, directors direct policy, Chiefs gets the job done. I have a lot of faith in Chief O'Brien and DKPD to do the job if they are given the resources.
I like Director Miller AND Chief O’Brien. And I actually know both of them unlike some of you guys who are only judging the entire situation based on one thing. WZ Miller is black and some of you don’t like him for that reason alone. That may sting a little and it may be a little harsh but it is the damn truth!
Some of you uneducated gentlemen are saying that Director Miller is just putting a bunch of black guys in places of leadership even though they do not deserve it (Dale Holmes). Just look at the comments above if you don’t think that is being said. Now I know some of you do not want to get facts involved in this topic but I insist.
In a county that is predominately black and in a police department that is predominately black, just take a look at the racial makeup of ALL Captains and above in the DeKalb Police Department. This group is considered the Command Staff of the department and whites outnumber blacks by a margin of almost 3 to1 !!!!!! That is right. It is not even close to being equal !!! After all of the redneck rhetoric we are left with the numerical facts. And the fact is it is 3 TO 1 in favor of whites for the DKPD Command Staff. The sad truth is that there are SOME officers in this department who really do not think there should be ANY blacks in the command staff!
I don't know WZ Miller personally and I never heard a bad thing about until I started reading things in the blog. I ask, what has he done as director so far other than approve of Chief O'Brien's decisions? We still have to sign prisoners out of the jail to take them to court, no change in PD's working relationship with DKSO. PD's working relationship with Fire seems to be running smoothly, as it was before he came in. I think its just another insane paycheck, costing the citizens of DeKalb. He actually had my full support until he made Lt. Logan his driver, what a waste of space. She was bragging about making LT before she even took the test, just like she did before she made Sgt a little over a year earlier. She must be good at something we don't know about.
Give us a break dude .Who cares what Holmes qualifications are other than you? I believe O'Brien as stated earlier should be able to handle his own.At least I hopr he can, if he is to be Chief.
Give us a break dude .Who cares what Holmes qualifications are other than you? I believe O'Brien as stated earlier should be able to handle his own.At least I hopr he can, if he is to be Chief.
I was in CID the other day and saw the worst display of un professionalism since Burgess kicking over trash cans. The Major Felony Lt. was really demeaning the troops. Why did this Lt. remain in CID after he was promoted from Sgt. anyway. Doesn't everyone have to go back to street. I hear Bombs are losing both Sgt. and Lt. recently promoted. hasn't the Lt. violated enough perps rights. Step in Chief.
Why has Lt. Clere been given the Spec.Ops job? I here he is assisting with the interviews of the Sgts. for Spec.Ops. Why did they even advertise if they already had given him the job. This is a joke.Where is TEBO? Same stuff different day. to think I have 15 more years here.
Sometimes it is a waste to send someone back to the streets simply because they got a promotion. Why waste years of training and experience?
As far as the "unprofessional conduct," I wasn't there, so I can't judge. But I have seen some pretty stupid behavior around the department that would justify such a response from a supervisor. If you get your wittle feewings hurt very easily, you're in the wrong job.
Wiz would have made an interesting choice as Chief of Police, but he's not. Public Safety Director is tasked with oversight and general leadership (not management) of all of the public safety related departments/agencies. Think Cobb police are run by the public safety director and not their chief? No chance. Wiz has NO experience in fire & rescue or homeland security. None. Don’t think he is ex military either. He got the CEO matching t-shirts so they could look sharp while dealing with the flood, but the work was done by everyone else. Just like Frank did. He doesnt follow the most basic guidelines, he probably doesnt even know they exist. ie, no sworn personnel who work for/paid by the police department should answer to him, they have to be under the direction & control of the Chief of Police per CALEA standards. O'Brien doesnt have authority over the homeland guys and most are sworn PD. It's not a personal attack on Wiz, but he's playing big man on campus (a driver, an aide, and a admin?), hooking up his friends, and being disrespectful to O'Brien cause he can. What’s O’Brien going to do about it? Yes, the CEO is intelligent, and you better believe his office reads this blog, but he is smart enough to know he doesn’t understand public safety which is why Wiz was hired. Someone has to step in and establish boundaries for Wiz when it comes to the two departments (police and Fire & Rescue) that already have department heads. O’Brien cant go to the CEO and point out these things, and Wiz just nods his head and smiles and says we are going to do something about that to the CEO, so Ellis thinks everything is cool. We all know that a police department needs to have one person in charge, doesn’t work any other way. Wiz should just be happy that mumblemouth is where he is now and let that be that. Asst. Chief aint bad. O’Brien will make you look good Wiz, why not think about how strong this department could be if you let him run this here for awhile. If he messes up, then you have grounds to replace him with MM. If he knocks it out like we all think he would, you get the credit. And then you can campaign on being someone who works with white people and that will help you win those Dunwoody voters. I dont know much, but if I were Fire Chief Foster I'd be looking for a new gig soon, cause Wiz wants to replace you too, and you don’t have the same support O’Brien has from us.
The people who make all of these post are definitely color struck and you should not be policing anywhere. There should only be one color and that is "BLUE". Alot of disgruntled people make these posts who have been here for years and are still MPO'S or those who have been demoted for whatever reasons. Some have been terminated "MD" who I personally believe is the ring leader behind this entire website you are a coward.Let's give these people a chance to prove themselves before you judge.
On Dec 04 Anonymous commented on congratulations to capt She has made herself the Grinch of 2024 by getting Popp to not have an SSD Christmas Party. She...(more)
Hopefully this will be the last of Bolton and Vernons promotions.
I guess everyone remembers we are a team. These promotions are just some of of the best we have to help lead us to our next phase. We will come back to be the best.
You hear stories of when DeKalb Police was one of the best departments in the nation.
Who knows , it might be remember the Chief Hand - Chief Burgess- Chief O'Brien years.
That will make you proud of being a member of DeKalb Police Department.
I'm hoping Chief O'Brien can bring us back to where we should be in the history of DeKalb Police.
We do not need any more political input from the CEO.
I wish Director Williams would let him do his job and not be the spokesman for the police.
The question that everyone wonders is who runs the police department, Chief O'Brien or Director Miller?
I think the Director is doing a fine job, but he needs to focus on the real problems in the Public Safety Department. The police department is in good hands.
Sowell's giving up her dog and leaving K9.
Sowell can stay where she is pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee god help us! I cant even understand her on the radio with that accent.
This is just another reason I need to take the promotional test. With that being said I know, I know it's my own damn fault that I will be working for these meat heads.
And please new Leiutenant Howard, I like you but you need to calm down a little dont be so high strung you are a good person.
Why has O'Brien not been named permanent Chief? What the hell are they waiting on now? Must be waiting on Holmes to get a little more experience, what a joke.
I heard that they have not appointed "Brien chief because Pearson is coming back. Oh my what will we do? I was told he just finished his degree at some school. Go figure.
If you don't pass the test, you don't get promoted ignorant. Those people worked hard for what they got. You commented on the K9 unit sergeants. Get in the clique and get a dog. Sowell may stay , Brink did when he made it. What does he bring to the table. Dont complain about not enough sergenats on the street, They can use the K9 in uniform division I would think. keep your eye on next assignments to specialized units. You have to be in clique fellows. We wont be suprised.
O'Brien will definiely bring the past back.
Anon, Get the name right. Who is Director Williams.? Do you miss Keisha dummy.
Sowell is a Sergeant??? Good lord, you have got to be kidding me. I promise you that dog she has is considerably smarter than she is and tells half the lies that she does. Her accent is the least of that nut job's problems. We must come up with a new way to promote officers.
O’Brien has been the permanent chief for some time now. You are a joke for not knowing that. Instead of talking about Holmes, why don’t you have a clue what you are talking about first?
It's long been rumored that females taking the Sgt test are given answers and graded on a curve. Is this the smoking gun?
Maybe the all knowing "Desk Of DeKalb Officers" could clarify the O'Brien situation and provide documentation to back it up if he has been named.
From DeKalb Officers: There has been no official or formal announcement permanently naming Bill O'Brien as Chief of Police. A/C Chief O'Brien has said he would except the position if offered.
Why the delay, stumps us just as it does everyone else. Burrell Ellis has on more than one occasion publicly said he has all the confidence in O'Brien.
The delay is confusing. Because it has been so long. the obvious conclusion is there is power plays and deals going on behind close doors.
Burrell does like O'Brien and he does have the confidence of Ellis. But we are starting to believe O'Brien is a pawn in someone's game.
But on the flip side of the coin. The department is rocking along just fine right now and Burrell has his hands full with the left overs of Vernon.
Maybe it's all about priorities.
Things are going just fine in my opinion with O'Brien. Why does it bother you so much if his title is "Chief" or "Acting Chief?" Is it really that big of a deal? Things are going well, sit back and enjoy it.
I swear, some people won't be happy unless the county hires some snake oil salesman who wants to turn the place upside down and reinvent the wheel. Worked out great with Bolton, didn't it??
Frank is still a Lieutenant and Anderson is still a Major and ya’ll are complaining about Sowell???????????????
Frank is a Lt. because that's as low as they could demote him because of the merit system. Remember, he "earned" that merit protected rank shortly after his NCIC/GCIC violations.
O’Brien no longer has “Acting” beside his name when he signs documentation. He is the Chief guys, but I think some of you want the CEO to drop by your house and tell you personally or you will refuse to believe it. He has fired people, made promotions, made demotions and restructured the entire police department. What else do you want?
And by the way, it is actually good for many of you guys that WZ Miller is the Director. When good decisions are made and things are wonderful, you can give credit to Chief O’Brien. When anything goes bad you can always blame the Director. Works out good for you like that.
Has anyone checked that dog's cholesterol? I don't think they're supposed to eat an order of extra large fries from Checker's on a regular basis!
For the poster who thinks Frank can’t be demoted or fired. Don’t you remember that most of the things that Tebo was fired for Frank was involved in? He’s the one that hide those cars in his garage for Tebo (just one example). So if was enough to fire Tebo why isn’t enough to fire him?
Wow what a celebration today for Jim Helms. The CEO even declared it Jim Helms day in DeKalb County. I hope he can get a free cup of coffee at the waffle house with that letter. Mr. CEO dont you think that was a little hypocritical since you just busted him to Major to force him to retire. Helms was a fool for hanging around after 30 years to end up letting this happen to him. The rest of you fools with over 30 years please take note. What the hell though keep hanging around and maybe you will get a special letter from the CEO and have your very special day too but only after he screws you over. What a damn joke.
Wow, you really haven't figured this out yet? Wiz wont be satisfied with just making his road dog assistant chief, he's looking to make him CHief of Police at DeKalb and bump out Obrien. But, oops, that pesky OBrien has everyone's support, so that slows Wiz & Holmes down. If Wiz went to bat for OBrien to be permanently named CHief, it would get done. Right now, he can run the police department, tell the CEO OBrien is in charge, let OBrien make one or two changes, and do whatever he wants. Wiz thinks he is really the Chief of police, and there isnt anybody to stop him. And he wont be giving up any TV air time anytime soon, he's got to build a fan base. Watch out CEO, if you don;t know by now, Wiz will be running against you for CEO of DeKalb, and pointing to his public safety knowledge to do so. I'm not hating, I'm admiring the game
To the last post regarding Wiz, Director Miller to you, not supporting Chief O'Brien: I'm just happy to see that the CEO does not respond to these dumber than dumb posts. Director Miller has and does support Chief O'Brien 100%. CEO has the right to act on his on accord. Maybe CEO Ellis is giving Chief O'Brien an opportunity to prove himself. With Chief O'Brien's level of expericence its not a bad idea. We all know and support Chief O'Brien and so does the Director Miller. And yes call me Director's roll dog if you like and I too love and support Chief O'Brien. He is our Chief!
Please know that we have a very smart and intelligent CEO. He's not going to fall for this divide on conquer tactics many are you are attempting. TEBO days are over get use to it.
Ok people, it's not that hard to read between the lines and to see what is going on. I'm gonna be frank but the following is the truth. Director Miller is running the Police Department, not Chief O'Brien. Chief O'Brien basically has to run all of the important decisions by Director Miller before it can happen such as the promotion list that just came out.
We all know that Chief Holmes is best buddies with Director Miller and that is the only and I mean only reason why Holmes is an Assistant Chief.
The reason why O'Brien has not been named acting Chief is because, like previous posters have said, Director Miller is waiting for the right time to bump O'Brien out and name his buddy Holmes the Chief of Police.
I know this will be controversial but let's face it. Director Miller is not going to allow a white male to run a Police Department in a majority black county. Director Miller's problem is that the majority of the Police Department absolutely loves and stands behind Chief O'Brien. Director Miller doesn't want to appear racist in anyway so he has to sprinkle a few white people in the administration but he definitely doesn't want a white Chief especially when he has his boy Holmes in reserve just waiting.
Respond to this post as you feel necessary but you know as well as I do that there is a race issue in DeKalb County. Promotions are not always given to the most competent person. Promotions are very often given to "friends" and these "friends" do not represent the Police Department in a good way. It's obvious that I am an O'Brien supporter and he definitely deserves to be Chief of Police but just wait and see, Holmes will be Chief of Police either by the end of the year or most likely the beginning of 2010.
Chief Burgess was at 34 for the partay today...maybe he's gonna make a move to get back on top!
This place was at its best when there was a chief who cared about the place running the show. Burgess lived here and actually gave a crap about the department and the county...the guy gave 45 years of his life to DeKalb county, which is more than ANY OF US can or ever will. Most officers I know have very fond memories of policing during the Hand/Burgess years.
New leadership is all well and good, but it needs to be the right kind of leadership. I can tell that O'Brien genuinely cares; hopefully he will be allowed to do what he needs to do to set things right. I sincerely hope that O'Brien's tenure will lead to good things for this place.
Lets talk about O'Briens Qualifications. Ran IA and Ran IA . In the Good Ol Boy Clique and Do re remember him ever being suspended for anything ? Yes some people do.
Holmes as Chief? No one can understand a word he says! We would be the laughing stock of departments after his first press conference!
Hey Miller times "roll dog" as you called yourself please keep your personal love affair with him to yourself. We know all is well in his inner circle but the rest of the department is not. All thats changed is the name, it was TE-BO and now its Miller Time, just more of the same BS. Lets all not forget the CEO plan all along was to make Miller time the Chief. He had to create the BS director position to put Miller in charge and waste taxpayer money in the process. Make no mistake about it he and his band of idiots are large and in charge.
Wats going on in crime scene unit. A certain female is bragging to everyone how she can't be touch on disciplinary issues because she has connections up on hill. Are we letting civilians run the dept now. I think its the same anti-establishment female who is anti-governmnent. Someone speak to this and tell us none of our commanders have fell into her web. The East precinct Major was in unit with her and now she claims she has others in web. Wats going on Dekalb. I am old crime scene unit person.
Whats the deal with the attack on Director Miller. A few months he was like a savior because you thought he could get rid of TEBO. Now he is lower than low. When I worked at PD years ago, all I know is he was one of the hardest working and dedicated soldiers around. He would give you the shirt off of his back. I have known him over 15 years and I tell you that its wrong of you. Worked his way up ,put himself in positive position to make change and for this.He has stood for his people throughout thick situations and now you think he deserves this. I am happy to be away from you guys over there, because until you can get it back to the 70s,80s and early 90s you want quit. Leave Wiz and make the big bucks, this is not worth your time. I know you want though because you care buddy.
Everyone get ready. The news is about to be released on the entire dept, that will shock everyone. Its not what the previous poster stated on the Chiefs assignments, but keep reading and the truth will be told.Rock on O'Brien
From what I see and hear O'Brien has the support of 90 percent of DKPD. As others have stated, Ellis installed Miller as Ellis's picked man of DKPD, O'Brien was also chosen to lead, but Miller is the top dog, especially politically. O'Brien has the advantage of near-total support by DKPD rank and file. The political disadvantage of O'Brien in DeKalb is his race. (Which is a scandal in itself) I was truly shocked when he was given the position of acting chief.
All being said it comes down to this, directors direct policy, Chiefs gets the job done. I have a lot of faith in Chief O'Brien and DKPD to do the job if they are given the resources.
I like Director Miller AND Chief O’Brien. And I actually know both of them unlike some of you guys who are only judging the entire situation based on one thing. WZ Miller is black and some of you don’t like him for that reason alone. That may sting a little and it may be a little harsh but it is the damn truth!
Some of you uneducated gentlemen are saying that Director Miller is just putting a bunch of black guys in places of leadership even though they do not deserve it (Dale Holmes). Just look at the comments above if you don’t think that is being said. Now I know some of you do not want to get facts involved in this topic but I insist.
In a county that is predominately black and in a police department that is predominately black, just take a look at the racial makeup of ALL Captains and above in the DeKalb Police Department. This group is considered the Command Staff of the department and whites outnumber blacks by a margin of almost 3 to1 !!!!!! That is right. It is not even close to being equal !!! After all of the redneck rhetoric we are left with the numerical facts. And the fact is it is 3 TO 1 in favor of whites for the DKPD Command Staff. The sad truth is that there are SOME officers in this department who really do not think there should be ANY blacks in the command staff!
Tell us some of Holmes qualifications?
I don't know WZ Miller personally and I never heard a bad thing about until I started reading things in the blog. I ask, what has he done as director so far other than approve of Chief O'Brien's decisions? We still have to sign prisoners out of the jail to take them to court, no change in PD's working relationship with DKSO. PD's working relationship with Fire seems to be running smoothly, as it was before he came in. I think its just another insane paycheck, costing the citizens of DeKalb. He actually had my full support until he made Lt. Logan his driver, what a waste of space. She was bragging about making LT before she even took the test, just like she did before she made Sgt a little over a year earlier. She must be good at something we don't know about.
Give us a break dude .Who cares what Holmes qualifications are other than you? I believe O'Brien as stated earlier should be able to handle his own.At least I hopr he can, if he is to be Chief.
Give us a break dude .Who cares what Holmes qualifications are other than you? I believe O'Brien as stated earlier should be able to handle his own.At least I hopr he can, if he is to be Chief.
I was in CID the other day and saw the worst display of un professionalism since Burgess kicking over trash cans. The Major Felony Lt. was really demeaning the troops. Why did this Lt. remain in CID after he was promoted from Sgt. anyway. Doesn't everyone have to go back to street. I hear Bombs are losing both Sgt. and Lt. recently promoted. hasn't the Lt. violated enough perps rights. Step in Chief.
Why has Lt. Clere been given the Spec.Ops job? I here he is assisting with the interviews of the Sgts. for Spec.Ops. Why did they even advertise if they already had given him the job. This is a joke.Where is TEBO? Same stuff different day. to think I have 15 more years here.
Sometimes it is a waste to send someone back to the streets simply because they got a promotion. Why waste years of training and experience?
As far as the "unprofessional conduct," I wasn't there, so I can't judge. But I have seen some pretty stupid behavior around the department that would justify such a response from a supervisor. If you get your wittle feewings hurt very easily, you're in the wrong job.
Why not leave Don Berry in Special Ops he has more experience than any others. We know why because he is not Special. Go figure.
Wiz would have made an interesting choice as Chief of Police, but he's not. Public Safety Director is tasked with oversight and general leadership (not management) of all of the public safety related departments/agencies. Think Cobb police are run by the public safety director and not their chief? No chance. Wiz has NO experience in fire & rescue or homeland security. None. Don’t think he is ex military either. He got the CEO matching t-shirts so they could look sharp while dealing with the flood, but the work was done by everyone else. Just like Frank did. He doesnt follow the most basic guidelines, he probably doesnt even know they exist. ie, no sworn personnel who work for/paid by the police department should answer to him, they have to be under the direction & control of the Chief of Police per CALEA standards. O'Brien doesnt have authority over the homeland guys and most are sworn PD. It's not a personal attack on Wiz, but he's playing big man on campus (a driver, an aide, and a admin?), hooking up his friends, and being disrespectful to O'Brien cause he can. What’s O’Brien going to do about it?
Yes, the CEO is intelligent, and you better believe his office reads this blog, but he is smart enough to know he doesn’t understand public safety which is why Wiz was hired. Someone has to step in and establish boundaries for Wiz when it comes to the two departments (police and Fire & Rescue) that already have department heads. O’Brien cant go to the CEO and point out these things, and Wiz just nods his head and smiles and says we are going to do something about that to the CEO, so Ellis thinks everything is cool. We all know that a police department needs to have one person in charge, doesn’t work any other way. Wiz should just be happy that mumblemouth is where he is now and let that be that. Asst. Chief aint bad. O’Brien will make you look good Wiz, why not think about how strong this department could be if you let him run this here for awhile. If he messes up, then you have grounds to replace him with MM. If he knocks it out like we all think he would, you get the credit. And then you can campaign on being someone who works with white people and that will help you win those Dunwoody voters. I dont know much, but if I were Fire Chief Foster I'd be looking for a new gig soon, cause Wiz wants to replace you too, and you don’t have the same support O’Brien has from us.
I think Oh Me OH My hit the nail on the head. Thanks for an intelligent post.
The people who make all of these post are definitely color struck and you should not be policing anywhere. There should only be one color and that is "BLUE". Alot of disgruntled people make these posts who have been here for years and are still MPO'S or those who have been demoted for whatever reasons. Some have been terminated "MD" who I personally believe is the ring leader behind this entire website you are a coward.Let's give these people a chance to prove themselves before you judge.
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