Wednesday, December 16, 2009

December 2009 Penison Board Meeting 12-10-09

We held our Pension Board meeting on 12-10-2009.

We asked that the Pension Board's two requests from the November pension meeting be implemented. 1. The Board made a request to have the pension code changed so that an employee that becomes disabled but was not injured on the job must be vested in the pension plan before they can receive a disability pension. Also, to change the code to reflect that an employee who is evaluated by a physician and can still work for the county in some capacity be given the opportunity to continue to work. 2. The Board requested a change in the pension code for reimbursement for educational training expenses for Board members.

Request for one employee applying for disability pension was tabled.

The addition of a do-it-yourself Pension Estimator to the county web site was discussed and will be implemented soon.

The Pension Board discussed the possibility of an early retirement incentive being offered to employees. This would help the commissioners balance the 2010 budget. An early retirement window would also reduce the chance that the county would need to lay off personnel. The Pension Board recommended two options. The options will be considered by the Board of Commissioners at the December 15th meeting. Please attend meeting if interested. I will post any new info when available.

Please post the attachment for employees that don’t have email.

James Butler
Pension Board Member

Please note a correction to my statement regarding the BOC considering the early retirement options tomorrow, December, 15th. The correct statement is the BOC will consider the options at their two meetings in January.

Also information on the two options will be available after the BOC makes a decision.

James Butler
Pension Board Member

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A letter from a Lakewood, WA police officer. I think it'd be worth reprinting here.