Monday, October 1, 2012

Open Enrollemnt Begins. Hold On To Your Wallet

Please note that Open Enrollment has been changed County-wide to October 15, 2012 thru November 15, 2012.  All DKPD employees will receive specifics via PowerDMS and email on Monday, October 1, 2012.

Benefit Fair Dates:

·      October 22 & 23, 2012
·      November 5 & 8, 2012

Time & Location:

118C Fire Svcs. Bldg………..9 am – 4 PM

Shelia R. Grayson, MBA/HR, PHR
Payroll Personnel Supervisor
DeKalb County Police Department


Anonymous said...

I am so tired the favoritism in this department, you can work your ass off and get awards for your work and it does not matter. I guess I should just start kissing ass and gossiping with all the command staff so I can get into cid. Major White put his aid in the intelligence unit and the guy has never taken the cid test or the cid classes. To top it off I hear he has never really done anything but be a slug and kiss ass his whole career why do officers like this get anything they want when the rest of us bust our ass out here every day. At least make the guy take the cid test

Getting a Chubby said...

Ohh yea baby, bend over here it comes once again. Butdont be sad go forth and write some tickets little boys and girls.

Anonymous said...

So now if u smoke tobacco ur charged additionally a 50.00 a month on top of the insurance. I know some where along the line this is crazy how many employees smoke in DeKalb county that's alot not to mention some how the county is trying to offset what they pay for insurance. Wonder how u going to enforce that. I say I don't smoke are u going to be forced to take a test. Theres no law says it illegal to use tobacco. I can make a bet the insurance company is not charging it and it's the county that implemented this fee.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the details of this plan to punish smokers by charging them an extra $50 per month for insurance? What if I don't smoke but my spouse does? And if they decide to quit, how long before the $50 goes away?

Anonymous said...

I didnt know their was an opening in the non-Intelligent Unit. They need to move that p.o.s. Sgt they have who is neck deep in the Chiefs arse. Oh wait he's retiring so he wont be there for long.

Anonymous said...

I received my notice last week, and advise everyone to look into there options.
OT, and this might change your career options. HR has changed its requirements for advancement up to grade 33 from a college degree to equivalent experience. Link is:
This would of made a huge difference for me, I hope you guys and gals will accept the challenge and move up in your career paths as allowed. I respect education, I also believe most county positions do not require a college degree but require knowledge and good judgement. HR just gave you a break from Vernon's employment policies. Take advantage of the situation and move up. Thanks to Director Ransom and the HR department!
Best of luck mates!

Anonymous said...

The good ole boy system at work. This really takes the cake. I've sat by and watched good officers & supervisors get passed over for positions because someone else happen to be pals with the right ones. This crap has got to change. I thought there was a competitive selection process for CID positions. Well obviously not. What about those of us who have worked hard on our cases and taken the steps to try and move to a unit such as intelligence only to get knocked down because we didn't get someone's coffee or car washed. This should seriously be looked at not to mention that the person selected just happened to be the Major’s aide. You’re telling me this was the best you could get. This guy has never done anything his whole career so now he gets put into the intelligence unit. What a serious punch in the gut to those who have busted their butts in CID or anywhere else only to see favoritism being given out. Now I hear he has never been on a CID list or even taken the CID test. Can anyone seriously confirm this. What investigative skills does he have and has he ever even had a case with the DA’s office. All I’ve ever heard of him doing was to run around and gather dirt on people to get him where he wanted to be. Well I guess this really shouldn’t be too big of a surprise from what I've heard Major White was never a detective in CID either. He never investigated a case or testified to one himself. The only reason he got where he is was because of Chief O’Brien taking care of his pal. This just proves the fact that we need serious leadership change. The first should be in CID.

Anonymous said...

so let me get this right, I dont have to take the cid test or be on the cid list to put in for cid now. or should i just put on my request that I am friends with Major White and Chief Yarbrough and will cry if I dont get put in cid. I know its hard to believe that Major White and Chief Yarbrough have friends.

Anonymous said...

Would you consider posting the insurance costs for active workers on the website?

Anonymous said...

Face it.....It is nothing more than a county screw job regarding the insurance. I wonder if the BOC & the CEO have county insurance or if there is another special plan for them? Let the peons get the lousy insurance and those chosen people get the good stuff. Either way, the peons are getting the shaft

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:52, I researched the issue of benefits available to political or executive staff with several who know about these things, the answer I got back was an emphatic NO. Everyone gets the same crappy insurance as everyone else. Personally I like Kaiser. Down side is my doctor changes every couple of years and some procedures and pharmaceuticals are not approved. On the positive they are well equipped and trained, and I can get an MRI within a day for only 25 bucks. I was expecting my medical insurance costs to double when I retired. I got a very pleasant surprise when they did not go up one cent under Kaiser.
This a "health management" plan as well as medical insurance for emergency treatment. Its not for everyone or their families, it works for me though.
Best of luck guys and gals!

Anonymous said...

No word on next years insurance rates yet? They keep us in the dark longer and longer every year. I suppose that will buy them some extra time to prepare for another exodus of Officers. Anyone know how many sworn police are actually left here?

-Anon 1118

Anonymous said...

I'm hearing rumors that your cost will depend on your survey and interview with the benefits professional..... sliding scale....

Question : WTF does my household income have to do with my health.....that was one of the Cigna questions.

BOHICA.... to quote Emilio Estevez on "Two and a Half Men"...." you want the spit".

Anonymous said...

You know I'm quite sure that most of the people complaining on this blog voted for OBAMA...
In case you havent realized everything that is being required is part of the 2000 something pages of the Healthcare Act that Obama pushed thru Congress which no one read before signing the darn thing. Its not just Dekalb County its everywhere people...and there is so much more to come that is going to really piss everyone off.

You know what, Elections have consequences so reap what you all voted for and enjoy..

Anonymous said...

Just filled out the Kaiser survey and it asked what you weigh, what you eat, how much you exercise, your nutritional habits, do you use tobacco, how much you drink and how you feel you handle stress. It needs your blood pressure and cholesterol readings if you know them too.

Anonymous said...

I hear we are going to get a salary reduction and catch it in the pants on increasing our pension contributions. I am barely getting by right now. That happens and I guess I will be seeking employment elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

I love how people who cant make it to CID and have no idea what they are talking about bash everything to do with any type of specialized unit. The Major of CID earned every rank he has received and will talk to any employee like a person. He without a doubt earned respect, and doesn't demand it. So the guy got in a fight 30 years ago, wow. Get over it.

Stop crying cause your a 3000 badge number and think that you deserve things and dont have to earn it. Stop whining and do you job with professionalism and dont cry about the shit you cant change. Get to work on time speak proper english and do well during the interview.

Roger Rabbit said...

I hear whispers of new leadership coming our way. It's about time. Is it possible that Chief Williams could be the new Chief for DKPD. Could be the best thing to happen to this dept. Its time for Dekalb to be more progressive and bring in a female Chief to run things around here. Then make other changes that are needed like Major Reynolds the CID Chief and Capt Banks the Major over CID. Then send the others packing. As it was stated before what goes up can come down. Here today demoted tomorrow ;)

Anonymous said...

Best of luck as Ken would say....probably too late for this supervisor..... resumes are in the "mail "....I'm looking. If it's gonna happen, it better hapoen fast and include an across the board pay raise to make up for YEARS of no raises "highlighted" by increased pension and benefit costs....benefits that decreased annually.

Anonymous said...

Williams?... the one whose name is always being revised?

Anonymous said...

Open Enrollment - Health insurance premiums will be increasing, for my family, by $826.80 in 2013.....(non-smokers)

Every year I work for Dekalb, I take home less.

Up just over 13.705% by my calculations.

So much for Obamacare reducing the cost of healthcare.

Anonymous said...

I have Kaiser family. My rate, as a non-smoker, is only going up $3/paycheck. ($214-25 = $189 and I currently pay $186)

Anonymous said...

You know its be said over and over and over again....with the implementation of ObamaCare that the cost of healthcare would increase for majority who pay taxes....there is an election on Nov 6th that can start a change to over turn the largest tax increase to the American taxpayer....think of your ability to choose people...why would you choose someone simply because of how he looks.

Anonymous said...

I have last year's rates and this year's rates right in front of me. The highest increase in rates is for a family on Cigna Open Access In Network: $36 per pay period increase. You make two payments per month, 24 per year. If you take 36x2, then subtract $50, your monthly increase, at worst, is $23. Multiply that by 12, your rate for the year only went up $275, not $826. It's an increase, but it's not as bad as you're saying. When have health insurance costs ever gone down, here or anywhere?

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:45 if I didn’t know any better I would say you sound like that female Lieutenant at East Precinct. And Anon 1:35 my granddad always told me you can’t argue with a fool, so I took his advice.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:35..... "then subtract $50" ..... where are you getting the "subtract $50"? Maybe I missed something in all my distrust of Risk Management.

Are you thinking that $50 is a discount given to non-smokers?.... if so, that $50 is a penalty assessed to smoker....not the other way around.

Anonymous said...

Healthcare costs have never gone down..... but Obamacare was supposed to lower the average bill to families!.... he promised Change and gave me Hope...

Anonymous said...

So for those that are blaming the insurance increase on Obama, do you really think Romney will do any better??? People better wake the hell up. Romney doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself. He just wants the title. He doesn't even know what he stands for. We mean nothing to him. It amazes me that people that are public servants vote Republican anyway!! Ha! Learn the facts people, do your own research before making a selection because you don't like the way that Obama looks.

Anonymous said...

The rate sheet sent out has a big box on the top that notes that the listed rates include the $50/month charge for smokers. So you have to subtract that in order to get the rate if you are a non-smoker, or just take $25 off the bi-weekly rate.

Anonymous said...

The cost sheet sent out by HR lists the price of each plan for smokers with the $59 per month smoker penalty included. If you're not a smoker, then you subtract $50 from your monthly cost, or $25 from the biweekly quote.

Anonymous said...

How is the county going to enforce this? Simple. You have to sign an affadavit swearing you don't smoke to avoid the penalty.

Anonymous said...

To 0807 am it has nothing to do with the way Obama looks. You think public servants have to be free loaders that want the government to run every aspect of our lives? You might want to study what stands for and not just repeat what he tells you. I would vote for the dog catcher at this point. Wow you really think four more years he will have us rocking and rolling. We are the laughing stock of the world right now.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1008....who said anything about what Obama looks like. He is a socialist. He believes in taking from hard working Americans and giving to the less fortunate. Who the hell is he to say the wealthy, which are classified making over 250k by him, that they need to pay more. No, I'm not in that percent, but I do believe you should keep what you make. These moochers out here want nothing but handouts and refuse to do anything for themselves. I don't care what Romney may or may not stand for, but I do know Obama is taking this country off a cliff. But I guess its Bush's fault!!!

Anonymous said...

I stand corrected... didn't miss the HUGE box with the notation about the $50. My bad...thanks...