Saturday, March 14, 2009

nootkabear comments.....

Ya know...

I think the main reason I enjoy reading this blog, the officers here give us citizens hope. Hope that things will change for all of us.

Ya'll have our upmost respect! You do a hard as hell job, have problems like everybody else, have to deal with a-holes you work for. And from I read, you hate the corruption within the system as much as the rest of us.

As someone who has been battling the corruption within the system for several years now, when I read the comment about the DA, I suddenly realized that we are not the only ones that realize just how deep it goes.

The two that were arrested is only a tip of the iceberg. I often wonder just how it got this bad in DeKalb County.

When I was growing up, this was the County in GA to live in. I am unsure of when the change happened, maybe because of the age I was when it did, maybe because I like so many other citizens was oblivious to the reality of it.

When the DAs office, the Courts, the Clerks become corrupt, what is left?

We thank God that we have courageous, caring officers that want a better DeKalb!

Thanks yall! You do a hell-uv-a-job and I wouldn't want your responsibilities for anything in the world. Thanks for being there! We love ya.


Anonymous said...

The changes started as soon as DeKalb started hiring thugs. When the minimum requirement to be a cop in DeKalb was being able to drive a car, and wear a uniform. Changes started when people were appointed positions not because of their qualifications but who they knew and whos butt they kissed. I would say right about 2000-2001 was when the changes started.

Anonymous said...

But wait...isn't 2000 when Vernon started to build his evil empire? It is all starting to make so much sense!

nootkabear said...

I believe you must be right about the time. We realized the change in mid-2002.

And you are absolutely right about Vernon and his evil empire in 2000-2001 era. That would have given about the right amount of time for Vernon's empire getting up to full steam, and leading up to the incidents that woke us up to the reality in mid-2002.

I only wish for all our sakes that someone would have or could have done something about him. DeKalb County has got a long way to go to get over the damage done.

I must say one more thing though, if Nahmias really believes that he took care of the corruption by arresting two people, he needs a wake-up call.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe citizens and officers for that matter understand how the system works or they have another adgenda in mind when you start making comments with no facts to back up statements that the D.A. office or Clerk of Court's Office is all of a sudden corrupt. The D.A. I know for a fact does not consider V.J. a friend and have never had a problem investigating him given good evidents to do so. No one hae time to chase a needle in hay stack ask any auto theif detective with a big case load. Why all of a sudden these strange comments about the D.A. office and now the Clerk of Court where are we going with this??

Anonymous said...

90-120 Million Dollars unaccounted for is a needle in a hay stack?

You must be the one that took it!

Anonymous said...

To the black female DeKalb Co. police officer in car no. 243C driving westbound on Lawrenceville Highway at 4:50 pm on Sunday: Driving with one hand on your cell phone and the other hand holding a drink, while speeding, is not safe or being a good role model.

And she's not the first county officer I saw this weekend blabbing on a cell phone while driving a DKPD police car.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous, where is the last DeKalb Grand jury to survey and inspect county functions? Like 10 years ago? I am still looking for 'em and if you believe the DeKalb DA is clean in Vernon's admin then I suggest you look into non-investigation of Vern's numerous legal anomalies. Did not DeKalb homeland security perform counter-survey against the DA's office like in 2002 or 2003 at the instigation of good 'ole Vern? It's time to air out the dirty laundry, and the DA's office is not helping one bit....

Anonymous said...

WSB TV had an investigation piece about Superior Court Clerk Linda Carter, but it's not on their website anymore. it was pretty tough stuff regarding her reckless spending.

Anonymous said...

Let's go to two man units. That will blow the perps away and make the citizens feel safer. We can double up at least 6 cars each. Lets0think outside thebox

Anonymous said...

Can we go to two man units and change our uniforms. Let go to all black or dark blue.go O'brien go.

Anonymous said...

Two man units and new uniforms.


Anonymous said...

To Nootkabear...if you realized the change in Dekalb in 2002, then why did the citizens vote for Vernon again in 2004? Dekalb had the opportunity to get him out of office and they did the exact opposite...they voted him back in. And they might want to check the ties between Vern & Judge Walker.

nootkabear said...

"Anonymous said...To Nootkabear...if you realized the change in Dekalb in 2002, then why did the citizens vote for Vernon again in 2004?"

What makes you think we voted for Vern, or for Judge Walker for that matter?

I personally don't know one person that voted for either of them. Come to think of it, I don't know of anyone who has ever voted for:
Vernon Jones
Jeryl Rosh
Cynthia Becker
Mark Anthony Scott
Linda Hunter
In fact, I don't of anyone who has voted to keep any of the State Court Judges,or Magistrate Court Judges either. In fact, I am wondering just who the hell does vote for the same Judges that have plagued our system since 2002. I know that when Judge Rosh replaced Marion Guess, we tried to see that she was not elected, didn't matter.

Part of the problem with these people getting elected is, I think, that alot of citizens are oblivious to what is going on within the Court system. Then no one runs against these Judges that have a different agenda, leaving that Judge automatically re-elected.

But trust me, I don't know one person that voted for Vernon!

Anonymous said...

I have been wondering the same thing, about corruption. I live in Dekalb County, and work elsewhere. So, I am not surprised by the corruption at the D.A.'s office or the courts level. I recently tried to go to the D.A. in two counties about a law enforcement related allegation of felony by law enforcement administrators. When both D.A.'s even declined to investigate the charges, there is cause for concern, and it is not surprising that something like a Neale St. shooting happens. These D.A.'s need to start investigating these agencies and their administrators, chiefs and sheriffs when felony allegations are brought to their attention. Instead, they wait til a 90 + year old woman is killed, and wonder how and why. They always blame it on the rogue officer, who did things under the radar of administrators, so no one looks in their back yard. Yet, when Chief Pennington comes on t.v. and says in his class A uniform that his command staff, and those in that department are getting retrained, and that he was unaware of a 9-2 quota, there is something that stinks here. It took only a little time for the 2002 memo to surface where it spelled out the arrests and no knock warrents that were required for that unit. What do you say now Richard, except adios because of your offer of Top job at the DEA. Another federal agency bites the dust at the helm of a corrupt city chief.