Sunday, March 29, 2009

Vernon's Gangster Seminar


Anonymous said...

Looks like they eat good in Albany.

Better DeKalb said...

Cannot voice the anger that this video inspired. A thug teaching cops about thugs. Nice.

Any ideas what he is up to, because it certainly isn't there to help the good folks of Albany.

It is 100% politically motivated for sure, and he looked so happy to be in front of TV cameras again.

Hey Vernon, come back to DeKalb. We'd like to get some comments on TV Camera again. Show your face in the county you used to run, and ran into the ground. When you think about it, if he's SO CONCERNED over gang violence, doesn't it make sense to "help" the County you call HOME rather than driving all the way down to south Georgia?

Anonymous said...

Vernon teaching Albany about gangs? LOL!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Albany: I feel MUCH safer without Vernon helping DeKalb.

Public Safety has been dramtically improved with the tandem exit of Vernon Jones and Terrell Bolton.

Hope the people in are wise and can see through Vernon's slick B.S., because they have a vulture circling.

Anonymous said...

So...what's so wrong here? He's not doing anything illegal or wrong. Guess you guys have so much hatred inside that you capitalize on each and every opportunity to bash someone. What a negative bunch you are! I have lost so much respect for all you haters.

Anonymous said...

I can do nothing but echo the sentiments already expressed. Nothing but politically motivated - I guess he figured no one from Albany reads this blog. I see his idiotic mug on television and it makes me want to throw a brick through it. Watch out, Albany - he's a bad penny and will keep turning up, and judging from the command staff there (" be good"), he won't have a problem getting elected if that's the norm.

Anonymous said...

So he's not doing anything illegal in this 45 second news clip, so we can't criticize him for all of the illegal, unethical, and immoral stuff he did for the last 8 years?? Sorry. I didn't realize speaking on matters you know absolutely nothing about qualifies you for blanket immunity! Carry on, Vernon! And thanks for taking the time to post here!

Mike Volpe said...

Lies, Damn Lies & Vernon Jones

How many lies can you count in this video?

Anonymous said...

At least now we will know where to find him once warrants for his arrest are issued.

Anonymous said...

What Jones ment to say was "all the money in the world won't help the gang problem, unless you put it in my pocket"..Heeeeee then I can tell the lie anyway you want me too.....Where does this guy get his pair...?

Anonymous said...

Damn Mike, I didn't need that! Then I started writing down the phrases that struck me. "Rock-solid work ethic", Yea right. That was why Vernon couldn't ever be found in his office, and when DeKalb's chief attorney committed suicide whilst Vernon was away from his office, (As usual)could not be located for several days, and found mingling with Olympic(TM)fans and executives at the Athens Olympics at the expense of the DeKalb Board of Commerce. The fact that no one could find him for several days should have raised a few eyebrows, but perhaps DeKalb was getting accustemed to good ole Vern's wayward ways. "DeKalb pension board", that really scared the hell out of me, the thought of good ole' Vern's hand around my pension. I have heard rumors of an executive benefit package, but that is only a unconfirmed rumor. "Provides leadership", yeah leadership by intimidation and canning any employee voicing disapproval of Vern's BS-whims. "Created the first Homeland Security department in the nation". Well that is not an accomplishment as judged by what I have heard and seen. The fiasco involving Homeland Security performing counter-survey against the DA's office that good 'ole Vern thought was investigating him. The time that Vern and his security detail got into a standoff with the Sheriff detail assigned to track Vern as a possible "flight-risk" after some incident involving Vern's male room-mate. I want go into good ole Vern's rape charge after a threesome gone bad. Vern did himself no favors getting involved in these incidents, but he was the "Teflon CEO" that nothing stuck too, and ably protected by his political cronies. Under Vernon, DeKalb was taken down to the sewer. We now have to work our out of it. Good luck guys!

Anonymous said...

"DeKalb pension board", that really scared the hell out of me, the thought of good ole' Vern's hand around my pension. I have heard rumors of an executive benefit package, but that is only a unconfirmed rumor".What does this mean? Can you elaborate a little on these comments?

Anonymous said...

Nope, no documents, just rumors from a friend in HR. Vern was on the Pension board for a year or so, start asking around about the executive benefits, I have no details besides hearsay.

Anonymous said...

Did Vernon have any pow wows with Bolton regarding pensions? I always thought that Bolton's request for 700 new officers was less for public safety and more for having larger numbers in the
(pension investment) pool.
Kind of like how the mob looted the teamster pension fund to build Las Vegas back when Hoffa was around.

I'm Ron Burgundy? said...

Jones advocated funding for public safety? BS. I'm sure he did a 15 min lecture on how adding more sidewalks in Albany will reduce the amount of gangs. It makes sense...if you have sidewalks then the perps won't have a need to hang out and be up to no good...because sidewalks promote walking...and community...and fellowship...and an overall increase in self worth and well being. Albany can have him...