Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ellis Issues Take Home Vehicle Executive Order

Executive Order - Take Home Vehicles 2009.05.01


Anonymous said...

Gwinnett here we come

Anonymous said...

There is hope, I never understood why all those with take home cars were never on call. Free car -gas -insurance- that is wasteful spending. I know those who have the cars are upset about losing this perk. I hear some will have to go out and buy a car now to drive to work. Wake up the real world is back.

Anonymous said...

I see more marked Dekalb police units and CID units in Rockdale and Newton county than the county sheriff cars.

Mitch1352 said...

It's about time. PLease explain why TAC has take-home cars, since you never hear of them being called out on anything...or a Crime Analysis officer (you may need an emergency map-full-o'-dots to tell where the crime is?)...or whatever. I know that some, especially those with rank or take home cars, say that it's a perk or something that goes with "exaltation" i.e.: promotion to the anointed levels of command. But when line officers or detectives stand around for an hour after their shift begins waiting on a unit or the County is so broke that you can't get your merit raise, then the status symbol of a car is not justified. Would we all like a take home car? Sure, but when the Department is so cash-strapped, everyone should sacrifice, especially those who purport to "lead" us.
Just the view from my saddle.

Anonymous said...

Well it looks like ICP free ride is over.

Slamin Ethel said...

Now are so you dumd as to think Gwinnett is any better.
They have problems as well, and the grass is no greener, stick it out you pansy.
What do you only work for companies that will pay for your gas and car, you know what gohead and leave I dont want to work with you, lazy ass!.
The only officers that need cars are the ones that are on call or major felony.
Rock on Chief O'Brien.

PatsQB said...


The grass IS greener, trust me. Your advice is "stick it out you pansy"? That's a real gem.

Pats QB: "Hey your ship is sinking! Wanna get in my lifeboat?

Slamin Ethel: "Nah I'm not a pansy I'm gonna stick it out"

If you can find a better spot and get the better job why blame someone for going. I left DeKalb BECAUSE I couldn't get transferred BACK to the road. I would have been happy to give up my take home car, blackberry, and office on the 4th floor.

Worst decision I ever made was leaving Center/Uniform/Evening Watch. Man I could of been on the HIT team.

Anonymous said...

Wake up people! What they are doing here is not gonna help anyone (except for those of you that have take-home car envy). Do you honestly think that the police department will ever get these cars back after they leave our fleet? Do you honestly think that we can get our merit increases back because of the seizure of these cars?? The reason they gave for not giving us a merit increase is so they could fund the extra paycheck this year. Guess what....that extra paycheck happens every seven years. With a little proper planning and budgeting we could have saved some money, still got our extra paycheck, AND gotten our merit increases. Ya'll are delusional! This is gonna be one less feather in our hats to get recruits.
Oh and one other thing Mitch, don't run your mouth about things you have no idea about. You freaking 2900 badge numbers think you know everything about everything. If you're not a newbie then you sure need to educate yourself on our department before you suffer from "Diarrhea of the Mouth" again.

Anonymous said...

Uhhhhh??? Anonymous who is blasting "Mitch1352" and saying he has a 2900 badge number.....Im might be going out on a limb here but I think his badge is 1352.....Moron.

Anonymous said...

Hey PatsQB , I bet if you call a certain Lieutenant and told him you wanted to come back, he would make it happen. We need you and would welcome you back to our ranks. I remember you and you were good at the job.

Anonymous said...

PatsQB come on back to the best watch in the department with the best supervisors. They respect you and listen to you and support you all the way.

Anonymous said...

Take Home Vehicles are the perk of years ago, reality is today , and if you do not need the car because , who calls you out at 0400 hours? Well I guess that answers that question.

Anonymous said...

Gwinnett -If you think somewhere else is better why are you still here?

Anonymous said...

Center Evening Watch is the place to be.

Anonymous said...

PatsQB, What can I say, things are great on the evening watch , we are a team.

Anonymous said...

HIT team is where it's specialized unit in the department and no take-homes!

Anonymous said...

I'm sick of hearing about this 'HIT TEAM.' This department has too many specialized teams and units NOT answering 911 calls. We have Net Teams, ICP Teams, HIT Teams, etc... etc...

Each precinct needs ONE team of officers who aren't answering 911 calls, but are proactively attacking crime. Get Strike Force out from under Rancifer, so they can go back doing what they were originally intended to do!

Anonymous said...

It just amazes me how everyone is so concerned with saving the county money. This county has been able to lose, overpay, and just plain mismanage over 100 MILLION dollars the last few years.

Over the last 9 years I've been one of the many lucky ones who have been screwed by the Price Waterhouse pay plan. It's been nice making less than my subordinates over those years. So sorry if I'll fight to keep what little scraps I can.

I've never seen such a bunch of whiners and babies in my life. You could bust you azz and put in for CID. You could strive to constantly improve and maybe one day be a Capt or above. This place is what you make of it. You'll get no where complaining about what others have and wishing it would get taken away from them just because you don't have it.

Anonymous said...

I only have one question for all of you people that are so full of joy about people loosing their cars. What is going to be the incentive for people to go into these positions if the cars are gone? Some of these positions that have cars are given more responsibility with their jobs than the average street officers, if its doing case follow-ups, which can include finding witnesses, obtaining warrants, doing prelims, going to grand jury etc.
Now I do know that patrol officers do this routinely also however its not necessarily an every day event with these officers as it is with say detectives. And for those of you that don't know, the clothing allowance, which has got to be based on the 1950's cost of living, is just over $300.00 per year. As I'm sure most of you are aware, not much can be bought for only $300.00 a year.
Now I realize that things are tough all over, but that just has me return to the original question, what will be the incentive to go to a position with more responsibility , which remind you usually must be done.
Ok I will give you usually the hours and off days are better in these positions, but on the other hand sometimes these positions can have you driving to work farther than you were when you were on the road at a precinct. So now what? Now you are actually spending more money to just get to work and have more responsibility. For no raise and no car? What is going to be the motivation to get into these positions? I'm sure some people will say they will make the sacrifice to the citizens of the county or to better themselves. But you will really be getting the best officers for the job?
And then think of it like this. Say Major Felony never looses their cars. I'm sure there are some detectives that would never leave just for the fact that it would cost them money to leave because of having the car. Ok, now you have no one trying to improve and develop themselves with-in the department because they know if they leave this job there is no where they can go to get the same benefits.
Look, I'm not putting down road officers. I am purely a road officer at heart, but I'm also a realist. If there is no incentive to do these jobs who are you going to have to do it? If the incentive is a 5% raise while in these jobs then hey, I'm all good with that. But can you really tell me, those that have been in some of the jobs, that $300.00 a year is worth it?
This department gives you nothing for experience, education so why would anyone have a problem when someone that has worked hard gets something for their work.
This is not kindergarden people you shouldn't take away everyones recess because one or two people don't deserve to go out and play.

So like I said before, what will get someone to go to these jobs if there is no reason to do so? Because the reason was already there. Do you honestly think that they will give something up when they take the cars away? Doubt it.

Anonymous said...

I would like to provide some followup to my criticism of Mitch. Sure enough some other stupid rookie became Mitch's lackey. Badge number 1352 is not Mitch. I know this supervisor and he would definitely not post stupid comments about units that work hard for this department. If you are that gullable then my name is Bob0976. My badge number is 976 so everyone should listen to me.
Based on the other comments I see in here, I'm not the only one that thinks this car seizure is a bad idea. Some of y'all need to open your eyes before the real world smacks you in the forehead.

Ben Dover said...

To the anonymous poster who keeps using the phrase “car seizure”: Stop showing your ignorance! No matter what side you fall on, the county is not “seizing cars”. Good God man! They belong to the citizens of the county, not the ones driving them.
Go back to diddling, you are embarrassing yourself.

Anonymous said...

I must admit I'm getting pretty tired of hearing about the Center Precinct "Hit Team." Will you guys stop pulling your own meat please...its getting old. Bragging about your team all the time is getting old.

Anonymous said...

So let me get your logic straight Bend think the county is just going to let the cars sit around in the parking lot since they are not being taken home? You're the ignorant one! In some lots there is not enough room for marked units and officer's POVs! $500 says that the fleet is reduced to allow for a few "pool cars" in each unit. People will have to take turns using them and tough luck if they're all out. I GUARANTEE you will not keep the keys to any one car and they will not be assigned. Go back to writing tickets like a good AUTOMATON and leave the important decisions people to those riding you all the way to the bank and reelection. Congrats Dekalb saved a couple of hundred thousand in gas and will pay with lower morale, less qualified police officers (either through recruiting or attrition), slower response times (10-4 radio I'll be enroute, but I have to check out a car first), and not to mention the expense of having continued stability at any point over the past six years. What's your own uniforms?? That'll save some money too!

Devil's Advocate

Anonymous said...

To anonymous....just so your clear HIT team answers all their calls and the HIT team consists of numerous Officers at different precincts.Any other slanders? Thank you drive thru.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Apparently, basic spelling and grammar are not a prerequisite to be on the "Hit Team." It is "you're" not "your." It's really sad that they let people who can't pass 5th grade English graduate from the academy.

Second, everyone is sick of hearing about how great you think you are. If you're really "super cop," people in the department will hear about it without you constantly trying to remind us of it. I don't see Major Felony guys coming on here bragging about all of the 58 perps they have busted.

Have you ever had a really tall person come up to you and say, "Hey man, I'm really tall! I just had to let you know, I'm really tall!" If you're really God's gift to policing, you shouldn't need to go out of your way to try to convince people of that.

Anonymous said...

I recently retired from the United State Marine Corps last December and I live in Dekalb County. I got to know one of your fine Officers at my daughters school who convinced me Dekalb would be a great place to work, since I already had a application with Gwinnett I went ahead and filled out the application. Then someone told me to check out this blog before I submitted it. I'm glad I did. How can you just rip your fellow officers like this. I think some of you are a bunch of cowards. I'll stick with Gwinnett. Whdekomet one and ts decemRPS cORP CNINITED sATATES.SM

Anonymous said...

To all of the car envy whiners whats going to happen when CEO Ellis decides some of the people you complain about with take home cars get to keep them....guess you will cry about that to.

Anonymous said...

To the person that said "You could bust your azz and put in for CID."

Gettin to CID based on "busting your azz" went out the window about 6 years ago.

Yes, there have been people transfered to CID that do actually deserve it, but they are few. Kudos to them. To the ones that lowered themselves..literally...I got nothing for you. You have no respect for yourselves, you have no respect for the badge, and you have no respect from your peers. But're a detective now so why should that other stuff matter. You are a joke.

Stephanie Tate said...

If certain DeKalb Police Officers are proud to be on their certain team and proud of the work they do then let them guys are all Police Officers and work together. Don't bash your fellow co-workers over spelling errors, etc... trust me from a citizen looking in on this blog quite often it looks extremely bad when you are being so mean to each other so often. Besides I think half of these bloggers are just being cute and trying to get a that so hard for you to do anonymous posters?

Anonymous said...

Well said Ms. Tate. And glad to see "outsiders" - "looking in" (citizens). And what better place to vent, relieve some stress, jib and jab and humor as well, besides this blog. EXPRESS YOURSELF! GO BLOG!

Anonymous said...

Well said Stephanie I see more Police bashing Police than anything else on this blog now and the sad thing is its probably all line level Officers,the Officers that work together and trust that the other Officers would save their lives if they had to. Who cares if an Officer likes their team and who cares if they are proud to be on it? Smile its not that hard to do.

Anonymous said...

To the people that get on here and say all they see is "police bashing police-" This is an anonymous blog. Just because someone is on here does not mean they are cops, and who's to say its not the same two or three people posting...Use your brain. This is a blog. Take it for what its worth and dont assume officers are bashing eachother just because you read a bunch of anonymous posts. Heck, most of the time, I'd be willing to be the negative posts on here are just to get a rise out of people, and boy does it work...

Anonymous said...

How is it that a MPO in Property Room can drive the van home and go on vacation for 2 weeks with county van parked at her house. This is a violation of County Policy.