Saturday, July 18, 2009

Employee Contribution To The Pension Plan To Be Increased

How much of an increase and when is still being discussed.

Click here for the July 2009 Pension Board meeting update or drill down in the right side column and click under "Pension/Retirement Information.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but if they want us to keep paying more and more into the pension, they need to pull their heads out of their collective asses. No annual (performance based) raise, we lost a holiday, and no sick leave check. I'm tired of having to pay more while things are being taken away.

Anonymous said...

Thanks you Mr. Butler and Dekalb Officers for keeping us advised about our pension.

Anonymous said...

what a bunch of shit, every year we increase our pention contributions, I think I made more money 5 years ago when I was in the academy, everything has went up except for pay. When do we start getting sick leave checks again, or is it gone for good?

Anonymous said...

Anon1, pension funds don't care about politics or employee issues, this is pension funding dependant upon the value of the assets of the pension fund. With the fund dropping 30-40 percent in the last years the employees and employer must increase funding to increase our devalued assets. DeKalb employees will have to bite the bullet for five years or so until the market rebounds, then we will be on "easy street" as we saw during the '90's.

FUNEWGY said...

"Bite the bullet for 5 years or so".....has the contribution, like taxes, ever gone down?

Anonymous said...

Loflyer is right. We should be contributing a lot more now when the market prices for funds are all down. When the funds rebound, we'll be loaded.

Anonymous said...

If you have only been here 5 years, you shouldn't be bitching about anything.