Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Burrell Ellis To Hold Unprecedented 12 Budget Hearings Throughout The County

Pick your date, attend, inquire and give your input.

Click here for dates


Anonymous said...

Pretty sure if I give my input, I'll be transferred or fired soon after. We are going to have at least 2 reduced pay periods this coming year, no sick check, no merit raise, paying more for pension, and some (if not all eventually) are going to a 5 day week. Are they trying to kill morale completely? I was so hopefull when the new admin. took over, but looks like the new has worn off and it's back to the same old. I am not looking forward to this year. I have a bad feeling that a certain Asst. Chief will be Chief soon and it's all downhill from there. Folks, let's stick together these next months, we are going to probably be losing some assets to the department with the early retirement (though getting rid of some trash in the process)and the crime rate is sure to go back up. Last year most of the violent ones were down, but this year has jumped off pretty quickly.

Anonymous said...

Why are uniformed officers being forced to attend these meetings on duty?

Can't they be better served working the streets and keeping the citizens safe?

How long before Burrell has his "protection service" like Vernon?

Does the idiocy ever end?

Anonymous said...

To the anonymous person that left the message about Burrell Ellis's security. It is obvious that you and the majority of people that post comments on this site don't have a clue. He already has a security detail and they drive him around in Suburbans, Chargers and Expeditions. He is using DeKalb Sheriff's deputies. The main one being Mobley. So don't think that he has forgone a detail because he has not. He takes most of his cues from the high Sheriff. You all better wake up and realize that the open door policy and all the other promises were just an attempt to placate all of you. And it has worked.